Chapter 4

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"The one and only," I held Pietro's hands to my lips and kissed them.

His eyes flickered to and fro my lips to my sparkling blue eyes. "I found you, Tesoro!" He dipped his head, smashing his lips onto mine. (Darling)

Soft velvety lips mingled with mine. Determined and harsh. Possessive and dominating. His kiss showed his power.

Electricity shot through my veins, his tongue grazed over the break between my lips. Denying access. His teeth gripped my bottom lip, nibbling and sucking. Still I denied access.

"Wha.." I heaved in a deep breathe. "Why so shocked? Did vou forget de conversation Vati and vour father had?"

He seemed deep in thought. "Well no one from your mob attends the Galas. Also, my fa'ther discussed a marriage to unite our mobs, not that you would take control of the Schwarz' mob." He flushed me against him once more, his breathe tickling my ear. "Shall we finish what we began? From now and six years ago? Sí or no?"

"Six-six years ago? Th-the night-" Words left me. Whatever sentence was forming slipped from my tongue. The only thing I could process was him.

His masculine smell. His firm grip. His rough hands. His heat. His deep voice. His lips on my ear.

"Tesoro? Why did you come here!" His voice dripping with hatred and annoyance. His forearms preventing movement.

"I-I... I was curious why you-you sent me-men after m-me. Ahh!" Any further statements left me as my bare feet left the ground. Resulting in every part of me to press against every part of Pietro.

"We're still doing the deal," he growled into my neck, peppering the exposed skin with kisses. "Now, why did you ever resist? Hm?"

"Be-because I'm not one to be ki-kidnapped... Pietro!!!!"

A cold, wet tongue flicked across my neck. Dominating hands forced me to a wall. All the while, a towering man bent down to my height.

"Now, now, Tesoro. Non c'è bisogno di urlare," his knuckles fanned my rosy cheeks. (No need to yell)

"Wha-what do you want to know.." I gasped for air, heat rushing to my face.

"Why are you still in power?" He gripped my thighs, tangling them around his waist.

Something slipped from my pocket, a soft plunk resonated from the floor as a metal object vibrated.

"It's the end of the world.."

"Let me go, P! Lizzy's calling me!"

Forcefully, he dropped me completely. Walking over to the metal object a crunch echoed as he smashed it.

"Pietro! Listen to me! If she called me, then there's a reason! They never call me unless som—" Fear flooded over my thoughts. "Not now! Jetzt! Sie wollen das jetzt lösen!" (Now! They want to resolve this now)

I push away from the wall, storming towards the door.

"Who, wants to resolve what!" Pietro stood firmly between me and the door. Blocking my exit. Blocking me from assisting Lizzy and Tilly.

"Pietro, ti prego! Lass mich durch!"(Please; Let me through) What if they're dead? What if they've come now? Why now?

"Tesoro! Come with me! E non resistere!" He grasped my petite hand in his large one, and dragged me out of the back room. "Where would they be?"(And don't resist)

"My car. They'd be in Hubs," I lowered my head to hide the blush that seemed to grow.

"Alright," Pietro held onto my hand. Earning me glares and flipping of fingers from several girls and guys in the crowded room. "Marco! Gio! Vieni con me! E guardare per chiunque fuori di sorta!"(Come with me! And watch for anyone out of sorts)

Hand in hand, more like face to back with hands keeping you locked to the wall in front of you, Pietro pulled me out to the front of the building where my car sat idling. All I saw through the tented glass were two figures, both appearing female.

"L-lizzy? Tilly!" I snuck from behind Pietro and dashed to Hubs. As soon as I got around to the drivers side, I regretted it. No one was out front except for Pietro's men, me, and whoever was in my car. No valet workers. No pedestrians. No annoying girls in line. No unnecessary personnel.

The drivers side window slowly cranked down, revealing a bald headed man. "Get in the car as if nothing is out of sorts," he sneered in a disgusting whisper.

Glancing up at the door where Pietro still stood, radiating fumes, I side-stepped to the backseat driver side door and slid in.

And I couldn't breathe. I felt bile rise in my throat from the horrendous stench. An odor only one thing produces.

Decaying bodies.

Looking to my right I see them. Lizzy and Tilly slumped low on the seat, one on top of the other. Dead. Blood oozing from their chests.

"Warum tötest du Sie? Ich bin derjenige, den du willst!" My voice noticeably cracking. I eased myself forward, ever so slightly. (Why'd your kill them? I'm the one you want)

Glass shattered. Blood splattered. And a bullet buzzed through the air.

"Victoria!" Pietro yanked my frozen form from where I sat. Pulling me to his chest in a bone crushing hug. "Ripulisci tutto! E portate con me gli altri uomini!" (Get this cleaned up! And bring the rest of the men out back with me)

Voices swirled above my head. Lights twinkled in and out in blobs. People swept past me, but I couldn't feel a thing. I couldn't process a thing. All I knew was 1) Lizzy and Tilly are dead 2)someone wants me dead AND 3) I am currently draped in Pietro's arm's like a frightened child.

"Tesoro. Tesoro. Shhh, Tesoro I have you," a spiky but soft almost silky thing rubbed comfortingly up and down my cheek.

Cracking my eyes, a nicely chiseled olive-skinned face appeared before me. Chestnut eyes looking down at me with an almost worried look before a wall went up, leaving them cold and lifeless. Perfect rosy lips toughly drawn in a tight straight line, forming tiny chapped crevasses along the Cupid's bow. Chocolate brown waves cascade around the face, blocking anything else from coming into my sight. A firmly clenched jaw completed the god-like appearance.

Comment and vote, mio tesoros!

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