Chapter 12

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A/N Yes, this is before the chapter not after, buuuut A LOT of tea is spilt. A variety tea bag. So please. Comment, vote, and recommend! And enjoy this tea!

"I missed you, tzchen," I whimpered as his silky lips traveled along my neck and down my breasts.(sweetheart)

"Six years was too long, but we needed it. I needed it," his voice came across as a husky mumble against my heated skin.

"You and I both know it wasn't either of their faults," I tugged his lips up to mine but didn't let them connect. "We weren't even there so we can't say anything."

"You're right," Pietro sat up in a single swift motion and turned to face away from me. "We weren't there because we were busy f**king in this very room! We left the damn Gala early! Our parents even shoved us out! And I didn't get to say goodbye! All because I was f**king the future Chef of the Schwarz mob!"

I couldn't see the fire in his eyes. All could do was hear it, and bare it. He had it rough.

The firelight flickered to his direction, casting a ray of yellow hue onto his rigid form. I did not recall several of his tattoos as they were all new or from within these six years, but one caught my eye that I knew held a meaning.

"Yo-you got their names and death tattooed to your back?" My voice quivered with the soon-to-be-fallen tears that clogged my throat and filled my eyes, blurring my vision but I made out. In dark cursive names 'Falicia' and 'Luciano' lay imprinted on his upper back with a red heart between their names and a thin precise print-lettered '11.30.13'.

He slowly shifted to face me fully, his countenance stiffened in anger and hate. And yet in his swirling orbs, I noticed a glimmer of sadness and regret. "Yes, I had my parents f**king names and death engraved on my damn back! And in their sh*tty ashes too!"

"Pietro breath," I took a deep breathe myself and tried to remain calm.

But, he didn't breath. He fumed. He shook. He let his anger reign.

And it scared me. I fell for this man, and I fell hard, but he is scary as hell when he wants to be. And yet his intimidating self arouses you. Shut up conscience!

"Pietro, you're scaring me. Ple-" My plea for him to calm down was cut short as he clamped his gruff masculine hand around my throat. "Pi-Pietro.." His name came out in a struggled wheeze. Twice in one night.

"YOU'RE PARENTS ARE AT FAULT!" His nostrils flared as he changed his tone to one dripping in loath and disgust. "If they hadn't talked mine into arranging our marriage then they wouldn't be dead. And for that I regret not fulfilling their request and making your life a living hell. For not f**king you till your sick and breaking that ugly heart of yours into a million sh*tty little pieces."

I didn't struggle. I didn't shuffle. I knew his strength and I knew he could kill me if I moved. I saw his pain and I felt it. I gave in and submitted my life into his hands.

The sense of air leaving my lungs and oxygen not flowing properly took over my body. I welcomed the pain even. I recalled all my friends and family I had loss. How if I die they wouldn't get their way.

Black dots began to cloud my vision once more, but I took the chance to look at Pietro in all his furious glory.

A single tear escaped my tear ducts. One lone tear.

And that broke him. I don't know how, but he broke. He dropped his hands and fell off the bed. Rigid. Shaking. Unmoving.

"P-Pietro?" My voice was hoarse from the pressure put on my throat, but I didn't care. He wasn't drunk, he was hurt. He was still the man that was a phone call away for six torturous years. Six years of strenuous hell.

"I'm so f**king sorry. Sono proprio una testa di cazzo! Vattene, per favore! Ti ho fatto del male! Ti ho fatto del male dopo averti detto che non l'avrei fatto! Ho lasciato che la mia rabbia mi controllasse. Marco ti porterà a casa. Non sei al sicuro qui," Pietro pushed himself up off the floor. His face cold and stoic. No emotion. Not even his eyes, they just became a cold chocolate.(I'm such a d**khead! Leave, please! I hurt you! I hurt you after I told you I wouldn't! I let my anger control me. Marco will take you home. You're not safe here.)

I wasn't leaving. Not now. Not after six years of only hearing his voice every so often. Not after six years of waiting. I wasn't suicidal in wanting him. I was determined to heal with another broken creature.

"No." One word. I said the one word that could change a persons life for better or for worse. Walter would say 'Das ist eine dumme Idee! Er hätte dich fast umgebracht!'(That's a stupid idea! He nearly just killed you) But I don't care.

We lost our parents together, and we'll get through it together.

"No? I nearly killed you! I can't love and I can't care! You of all people know that!" Pietro glared at me with icy eyes. He swiftly leaned over me on the bed, his feet still on the ground.

"I don't care! Ironic, but at this point you need to know what I know!" I sat back into the silky pillows and stared directly into his eyes, looking deep into the cracks for his storming emotions. I took a breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth. "The people after me now, they were the ones who killed our parents. Our parents fought back-to-back till the end. Mine died saving yours! Vati was smart enough to order one of his men to wear a hidden camera. And he got it all. So don't. Don't even!" I spit out the words, trying to make him understand. I saw the video. I watched it before my eyes. They are the monsters.

I couldn't understand how some people held grudges for so long. I was always quick to forgive. I always gave way to my hearts true desire. I'm a feeler not a thinker.

Pietro seemed to process my words. His eyebrows creasing into a frown and his lips formed a tight line. "Victoria.." He stopped to gather his words together. "Please, just go home or sleep. It's been a long night. You're probably just coming up with something so I don't hate myself so hard, but we both know it's not true." He looked so torn. His eyes became a storm between his own demons. His own emotions.

"What do you want? I know, you probably don't believe me, Tzchen. But I have proof," I focused my gaze on the window that showed the starry sky.(Sweetheart)

So peaceful. So endless. The exact opposite of my life. The outside world. There was a 24year old somewhere in the world who was holding her child to her chest and kissing her husband. A 24year old who was out partying without a care for their future. A 24year old who never imagined the dark twisted world that I lived in. I could never be normal. I could never stare up at the stars in peace and have a family I love without fear for them. Never.

"I want you," Pietro kicked off his shoes and slipped off his pants then collapsed on the bed beside me and pulled me into his arms.

Against his hard chest I slept at peace for once. No nightmares. No shivers in the cold. Just the combined heat of two beings.

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