Chapter 13

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"Love you sweetie! Go enjoy the night with Pietro!" Mama leaned down the two inches that separated our heights even with 3inch heels I didn't reach her 5'7" glory. "And my my he is one fine boy! Your Vati and I have things to discuss with his parents anyway."

And her beautiful southern figure waltzed away with Vati. Into the bright white light.

Pietro grasped my hand and led me away, but I never followed. I was pulled away and thrown into a the cab of a leather-seated car.

"We're coming for you," a gruff and cold voice echoed. "We're coming for you..."

"NO!"I shot up out of the dream. No not a dream a nightmare! A weight restricted me as I sat up, but was instantly removed at my outburst.

Looking down and around I realized I was secure in Pietro's room. But the sight that brightened my terrified mood from the dark unconscious thoughts of night and disturbing events of yesterday, came with the man who lay next to me.

Pietro had apparently held me to him with his arms, but when I made my outburst... He must have gone with reflex and drawn a gun from who knows where. Before I could register exactly what he planned to do with it, he had pushed me behind him.

"There's no one here, Victoria! So why'd you f**king scream?" Pietro's voice came out coarse and strained due to his recent awakening, but it was VERY SEXUALLY ATTRACTIVE! Female boner! He still held the black Glock 17 firmly in his hand but turned his head to face me.

"Haha! Oh your face! Oh-ho your face!" I rolled onto the pillows, feeling the soft fabric on my bare- IM HALF NAKED?! I slept in just my underwear?! Not even a bra?! Oh crap! Heat crept up my neck and blanketed my cheeks. I was redder then the red room last night.

Pietro just casually set the gun down before fully facing me.

And he chuckled. That deep husky chuckle that was so arousing it was unearthly!

"You're a cherry, Tesoro!"(Darling)

"Oh shut up!" I playfully slapped his chest.

"You're nearly naked, Tesoro, I wouldn't move to much," His hands slithered around my back and pulled me to him. Skin to skin. Chest to chest. Hard to soft. "What was that about? Why'd you scream?"

Should I tell him? What would I tell-

"Don't think to much! For once tell me the truth as it is!" His rough fingers cupped my smooth chin in a tight hold. Firm yet gentle. Forceful yet reassuring. Reassuring... he was there for me.

"I-it was a alptraum," The scenes from my alptraum filled my thoughts. Haunted them. The flood gates opened preventing my further description, so I buried my tear stained face in his bare tattooed chest.(nightmare)

His hand wrapped itself in my hair, holding me closer. His body heat mingled with mine, comforting me.

"Tesoro, I need you to breathe! Calmati il mio tesoro!" Pietro began to caress my hair, pat it down, pet it. He muttered sweet words. Calming words. (Calm down my darling)

His sweet meaningless words soothes me as they seeped out of his mouth in that drool-inducing sensual voice of his.

Lift my head so I could look into his chestnut irises, I confessed. "It started off with what my mother said before we left the gala then she waltzed into a bright white light. After that you started to pull me but instead of following I landed on the back leather seats of a car and this man kept saying 'We're coming for you' continuously."

My body began to shake uncontrollably. Just like that night. I had nightmares then too. Just not about being hunted but about my parents.

And Pietro strengthened his grip on me and began to rock back and forth like he did 6years ago.

"Victoria, look at me."

I continued to bury my face in his chest, the thought of moving making me nauseous.

"Il mio tesoro, look at me," he repeated once more. His tone just as smooth and sweet. The side only you know. (My darling)

I tried. My head lifted ever so slightly, but then as soon as I moved it, I felt the need to hurl.

"Victoria Ada Schwarz! Bambina! Please! I need to know you're okay!" He pleaded. His voice almost oozing with worry and fear of the unknown.(Baby girl)

I persevered and lifted my gaze to his. "I don't wanna leave your arms."

That's all I said. I probably sounded hell-a needy and clingy. BUT. He's my console at times like these.

"Fine- I have an idea!" Pietro's delectable lips drew into a devious grin. Oh no. "It's a great stress reliever! And you'll love it!" His voice deep and husky and oh so arousing.

A/N Haha cliff hanger! I think y'all be thinking like me and hope for some juicy stuff. Psych!
Comment! Vote! Recommend!
Who do you feel should make an appearance?
Ex-lover? Haha we all know neither had that... or did they?
How about a person desperate for one of the duos affection?
Where should I go from here? Death? Peace of mind? Love? Games? Filler?

How y'all feel bout this new side of Pietro? Not all hard men are always hard! A lone wolf can just be a hurt and loving pup deep down :)

Love my rockin earthers! Peace out!

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