Chapter 16

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Previously... "Wha.. did vou forget ve conversation Vati and vour vather made?" Her slight German twang mixed with her southern drawl. That's her.

Oh I remember... my darling fiancée.

Pietro's POV:

All normal thoughts slipped my mind. Words and replies to her questions just left my mouth as if on queue. I had her back. I had the love of my life, il mio Donna, il mio Tesoro.(my woman, my darling)

"Why'd you send men after me?" She stuttered.

I answered subconsciously then continued my end of the deal. Touching her. Feeling her.

Then it hit me. Why was she in power of all people? Wilhem could have returned, but I know he didn't from my monthly visits to him and his family. I held her legs around my waist, "Why are you still in power?!"

She didn't answer as the sound of a metal object hitting the ground echoed. Someone seemed to be calling her, but I wouldn't let someone, ANYONE, interrupt my time with Victoria.

"Let me go, P! Lizzy's calling me!" She made it sound urgent, but I wouldn't have it. I released my hold on her and stormed over to the device then stepped on it, hard.

"Pietro! Listen to me! If she called me, then there's a reason! They never call me unless—" She sounded frantic. "Not now!" She said something in German, but I heard her. I understood. But who and why?

She made a dash for the door, but I blocked her. Seeking information. She went for the door again. The aura felt tensed and fearful. She was tensed and fearful. After a bit of persuasion, and difficulty accepting on my part, I dragged her out front to where her car would be. And where her friends should be.

Once out there, I noticed something. No one was around. I had some of my best men follow me.

I focused back on the present and scanned the area. Her car, Hubs, who she had me drive in all those years ago, sat idling on the road. Two feminine looking figures say in the front seats, but it didn't feel right.

Victoria stepped out from behind me and walked over to the car, exchanged some words with the driver, then hopping in. But nothing was normal. She gave me a hint.

Her slightly tented windows gave off a clear view of the inside under the white street lights. Victoria had side-stepped. She never side steps. Wilhem told me how she hated to walk "like a crab" as she'd say, she said the same thing herself over one of our phone calls. So when she side stepped and then leaned forward from the middle seat, I knew that those two feminine figures weren't her friends. If anything, the unusual pile that lay between the window and Victoria might be.

I flicked out my gun and made a straight shot for their heads. The power of it shot through the glass and hopefully through both peoples heads. I darted to the opposite side door and yanked Victoria out of the car. It reeked.

She was frozen. I held her to my chest tightly, forgetting the original vengeance that filled my thoughts from earlier. Only one thing circulated in my system. My love for her. It overpowered the revenge. It made me put aside my plans and take care of her. Comfort her.

I muttered sweet words of nothingness. Attempting to calm her. Then when she began to relax I ordered Gio and Marco to call Walter and stalked to the back alley with her in my arms. I never let her go.

Things happened so fast.

She got cold, I gave her my jacket. Her men came, she sent them away. She wanted to come with me, so I called for the car I came in and drove home.

But we didn't fully arrive before my darling Victoria muttered the words I didn't want to hear.

"Tu-tut mir Leid! T-tut mir Leid!" Her puffing cheeks, red-swollen eyes, pink plump lips, and small frame in my large jacket gave her a heartbroken teen look. She looked crushed. I couldn't have it. I'm not the cliche douche who can't deal with female emotions, no. I'm the cliche douche who f**king hates to see the woman he loves hurting.

The car came to a forced stop right in the middle of the damned road. I didn't care. I hopped out and marched to her side. She looked pathetic, helpless, no where near how someone would imagine the Chef of the Schwarz mob. "Don't be f*cking sorry! Ever!"

I didn't register anything after that. We got to my place and went to my office after being stopped by Donella. I had to put Donella in her place numerous times. Gio got in a slight dispute with Victoria and I snapped.

Victoria held her own, but he needed to know what the f*ck messing with her will do to you. "Gio don't give me any of that bs! Victoria is MY guest for the night! I am YOUR Don! And above-all-f*cking-else, DO NOT EVER F**KING DISRESPECT HER!" My body shook with rage. Rarely have you been this pissed, and this only took Gio to make a sh**ty remark.

"Schön, look at me! Tzchen, please! I just wanna go to bed," Victoria cradled my face in her petite hands.(Handsome, sweetheart)

So we went to bed. Words were exchanged, orders. But I carried Victoria up to my private floor and to the guest room across from mine. Even though there are others on the floor, this was the largest and filled with her clothing size for years.

She was awestruck. Curiosity gave her another burst of energy as her short frame waddled about in a fatigued manner. I watched closely just in case. I wanted to see her reaction, but she had a rough night and doesn't handle death well.

She gave in.

I don't know how she f**king slipped or tripped or something, but I was there holding her in what felt like under a second. I couldn't let her hit this floor. Nor could I let her faint under my watch.

I lifted her up under her knees and behind her shoulders, and walked to my bedroom across the way. The fireplace flickered on, and I laid her on my bed after removing her shoes. I was scared, for a grown man, I was scared that it might be more than just a stressful night.

"Marco! Chiama il medico!" My voice echoed down the halls and through the speakers that were placed throughout the house in case something happened.(get the doctor)

"Tesoro! Gesù Cristo donna non addormentarsi! Non stai bene! Merda! E ' fantastico, cazzo! Ti prego, Victoria, non dormire, cazzo!" She couldn't leave me! If she was ill as she appeared, then her sleeping in this state unattended would worsen her case.(Darling! Jesus Christ woman do not fall asleep! You're not well! Sh*t! That's f**king awesome! Please, Victoria, don't f*cking sleep)

"PIETRO!" Victoria cried out from where you had placed her, her blue eyes fluttering open, creases formed on her forehead.

A few seconds later Marco and Donella barged through my doors.

"Don is she okay?!" Marco spoke up first.

"I DON'T F*CKING KNOW IF SHE'LL BE OKAY! Now get the damn doctor and so help me, throw Donella in a cell!" Victoria's eyes closed again, but the creases remained. As if she were trying to open her eyes but a weight lay on them.

"Wh-what's wrong Pietro?! Is the b*tch dead?! Cause she should die?!" Donella shrieking got on my nerves. That b*tch has tried numerous times to get with me but I could never. She is still alive and here because her father was my father's best friend.

Donella wrung her disgustingly long manicured fingers around my right bicep, with a forced pouty face. You shoved her off not giving a damn bout her being a woman at the moment, flipped her off and pointed towards the door.

"Was passiert ist?" Even hoarse and strained her voice soothes me. Victoria cracked her eyes and she stared at the ceiling, trying to focus her vision. (What happened)

I hovered over her, looking into her eyes, seeing the fear and confusion. "Thank God you're awake! You f**king scared me! You fainted but thankfully I caught you and brought you to my room," she zeroed her gaze on my face. Baby blue confusion. Navy fear. Gray sorrow. They all swirled in the pool of her irises.

This was long... Pietro feels deep to me. I only like him more ;) I'll get to the enjoyed scene soon. Don't worry Tzchen!

Peace~ Gen

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