Chapter 11

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Previously in 'Hatred to Love':
"Thank God you're awake! You f**king scared me! You fainted but thankfully I caught you and brought you to my room," Pietro filled my limited vision. His face void of emotion, but his eyes storming with emotion.

Eyes the color of chestnut and yet darkened by a chocolate colored passion.

His room.

6 years ago. Too long since then. Every action and emotion from that night hitting me.

Pietro stepped away from me and scowled at the blurry people in the room, "Leave you idiots!"

"Pi-Pietro... breathe-TZCHEN!" I sat up so fast my head spun and the last word that was meant to be soothing came out as a sharp intake.(Sweetheart) Even with the world spinning around me, I attempted to grab Pietro's hand to calm him. And failed.

Once the words left my mouth and Pietro realized I had sat up, he took the 10feet in three harsh strides and pushed me down by my shoulders.

"Out!" He growled out, eyes still planted on me.

All the other people in the room left and closed the door shut behind them.

We were alone. Alone with Pietro. Me and him.

His eyes were that swirling storm again. Terrifying and calming. Raging and peaceful.

I cowered away though. I looked at the now fascinating fire, completely avoiding his gaze.

"Look at me, Tesoro."

I kept my eyes elsewhere.

"Look at me!" Well disobedience once clearly ticked him off, but I am my own Mob Boss! I can defy this big bad sexy Italian Don all I want!

I stared at the ceiling.

"Look at me God dammit!" Ohhh shoot!

I defied again.. LISTEN TO HIM VICTORIA!!

"Look at me or so f**king help me God!" Pietro's command came out calm and civil, but I know him and those words were anything BUT civil and calm.

Reluctantly, I rolled my eyes before slowly lowering my gaze to him.

And he was beyond pissed.

"Did you just roll your God-forsaken eyes at me, Tesoro?" He eased off the bed to stand beside me. His lips curled into a predatorial smirk.

Uh-oh.... Think Vicky, think! He's probably just as dominant as he was 6 years ago. Oh crap! Not helpful thoughts! So not helpful!

"Do I have to remind you who's boss? Il mio piccolo sottomesso," his eyebrows quirked with his question.(My little submissive)

I was his. Reason I never had sex after that one night. I'm still a virgin if you think about my only time being 6years ago.

"No-non signore!" So arousing. One night. I've orgasmed to the thought of him, dirty I know. He was my Dom and I his Sub. For six years.

Pietro took notice of my remembrance. He noticed my arousal. He smirk even grew at my reaction to his next word. "Strip."

I just lost my best friends and found out they people who killed those dear to me are after me. And he wants me to strip?! Oh hell nah! I stared at him wide eyed and slack jawed.

"I said strip, il mio Tesoro. Or do I have to repeat myself?"

I ain't strippin' for no one! I know I'm acting stubborn right now even though I've thought of him in bed A LOT. But not tonight buster!

He took note of my reluctance and in a blink he had ripped my dress down the front causing a needy whimper to escape my lips. I still lay on the bed, but now my dress lie open down the front making it pull at my sides and a light breeze to hit my now exposed skin.

Pietro's eyes changed from a swirling storm of fury to a stirred storm of lust. Desire darkening them. Attraction swirling in them. Arousal hardening his lil friend.

My sacred parts that I hid from prying eyes were now on display. I mentally scolded myself for choosing black lace underwear and for wearing a dress that didn't require a bra.

"Cosi bella," Pietro started to unbutton his shirt at a painfully slow rate. Snail on sidewalk slow. Anger-inducingly slow and yet arousing too. "Ho perso questa vista."(So beautiful. I've missed this view)

I didn't feel ashamed. Nor uncomfortable. Anything but.

His chest came into view through the growing gape of his shirt. Then, they were all undone. As was I. There was a light trickle of black hair covering his chest, but that didn't block the perfection from showing, if anything it increased it.

His pecks were firm and dusted with black curls. His wide-pack abs continued to tense and relax and were split by a thin line of dark hair. And yet all along his chest was ink. Some I remember and some seem new. Words and symbols clothed his gorgeous torso.

I was so drawn to his chest I hadn't noticed he'd completely removed his shirt, leaving him in his pants and shoes. Wait.. the Italians really are ready 24/7?! They don't even remove their shoes!

"Ugh! Vhy six years! That's too dang long!" I groaned at the sight of this Italian sex lord before me, internally drooling at the image.

"Like what you see?" He leaned down to look me in the eye.

I could only nod.

Pietro then rounded to the edge of the bed and started to crawl on his hands and knees till he hovered above me. AND THAT SIGHT-oh honey! His muscles rippled and flexed with each movement and his eyes glistened hazel in the fire light.

He looked like a lion ready to pounce at its prey. And in all honesty, he was.

My lustful eyes roamed his body until he hovered over me. Holding himself up with his arms and nudging my legs apart so his could settle between.

"Glad I found you il mio Tesoro," and he leaned down, connecting our lips passionately.(My darling)

I responded back instantaneously. Wanting more. Wanting him.

Pushing myself up slightly, Pietro then slid my dress off my shoulders and onto the bed, leaving tiny nibbles in their wake.

"I missed you."

A/N Hey y'all!

Update! I'll work on Ch 12 soon, but I'm lazy and procrastinate and need inspiration.

Sooooo shall I continue this vibrant scene in next chapter?

Thoughts on Pietro?

Cast for characters!

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