Chapter 2

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The sun had officially set, but my work wasn't done. I had sat in my office for twenty minutes running question after question through my brain when Oma walked in.

"Dinner is ready, pumpkin!" Oma, Vati's mom, chirped with a thick German accent. Though she's lived in America since she was my age, she still holds her accent and the German traditions.

"Thanks, Oma. I'll be right there," I rose from my brown leather chair and followed the short elderly woman in front of me.

"You need to sleep dear. Es gibt Taschen unter deinen Augen," Oma gracefully walked into the snow-white dining room that held a table with seating for 30+. (There are bags under your eyes)

Emmett chuckled in his seat next to Roland until I smacked him on the back of his head. My parents had always supported kinship with our workers. Therefore, our dining hall had an occupancy of almost 50, allowing all the staff and our family to eat at it. And making us all a big 'happy' family.

"Just cause you sit at the table does not give you the right to laugh at me, Emmett!" I glared at him from my seat at the head of the table before childishly sticking my tongue out at him, resulting in the entire table chortling. Including me and Oma.

Rosie and her crew had just begun serving dinner, Sauerbraten, when Hugo came running in.

"Was ist es?" I glared at him for disturbing my meal.(What is it)

"He-he was sent by Giuliani!" Hugo finished his sentence after taking a few deep breaths.

I rose from my chair and walked towards Hugo at the entrance of the room, "Enjoy the meal y'all! Goodnight, Oma! And tell Walter I'm going out!" I grabbed my phone from my sweatpants pocket and texted my favorite female fighters.

I had defused my dirty blonde curls and was slipping on my signature heels when my bedroom door flew open.

"Aye girl!" Lizzy strolled into my room with Tilly right behind her.

"You wanted to see us, boss?" Tilly walked past Lizzy and into the doorway of my closet.

"We are," I sighed heavily as I tightened the strap of the heel. "Going to Gigis Club."

"Wa-wha wait, ain't that Giuliani's place?" Lizzy questioned while adjusting her mid-thigh, blue, skin-tight dress in the white floor length mirror.

"Ja und? You got a problem with that?" I stood from the cushioned bench I had in my closet.(yes and)

"Nothing, nothing!" Lizzy threw her hands up in mock surrender.

"Alright, you ready Vick?" Tilly asked from where she sat on my bed.

I retrieved my 3inch Ruger from my safe and slide it between my breasts, "Now I am. Lets go!"

"Whoa! Theres a lot of folks 'ere!" Lizzy chirped from the back row of my 69 Challenger.

"Yeah and? Have you seen Giuliani, Lizzy? He's heiB as f***!" (hot)

"Oh my gosh, Tilly!" I giggled, "Just get out of the car for once without making a scene!" Why Vati ever allowed these two to join, I have no clue. How they found out, I dont know. All I know is these two have been my besties for the past eight years.

As I stepped out of Hubs, that's what I named my car, a scrawny dark-skinned boy walked up to me and asked for my keys. I gave him them and then he drove Hubs off to the valet parking.

"Eek! Come on Vick!" Tilly shrieked from the other side of the street, at the entrance to the club.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I jogged across to where they stood in front of this buff, pale guy. He wore a black t-shirt that hugged him tightly and his arms were crossed. But as soon as I approached he stepped aside allowing our passage, leaving the girls immediately at the front of the roped waiting line to groan in annoyance.

"We should have you go clubbing with us more often!" Lizzy nudged me with her elbow.

"Nein! Ain't happening!" I looked around as we walked towards the back by the bar. Once we reached it I saw who I was looking for. Pietro Giuliani.

Pietro sat in a corner booth where he could see everything. His left arm around a fake blonde in a skimpy dress and on his right sat an even uglier brunette in a similarly revealing dress. The brunette seemed to be whispering something in his ear whilst he sipped on his whiskey.

"Lizzy! Tilly!" I turned to see them still at the bar, "Imma go dance." And with that I began to cautiously mingle my way through the multi-bodied crowd. When I finally reached a spot where Pietro could see me clearly, I began to move.

A guy right behind me, took my waist in his hands. As I bobbed up and down against him, Treat you right by Nalestar filled the club. I lifted my gaze and noticed Pietro had his eyes locked on me. What to do...

"Hey, babe! Wanna get a room?" The guy behind me yelled into my ear making it ring a couple of times.

I shook my head, "NO!" I turned back and held my gaze with Pietro's.

"You be lyin, sweetheart!" The guy behind me wrapped his arms tighter around my hips and placed his head in the crook of my neck.

I froze. My arms had come to rest at my sides and my eyes flew open in shock. Almost instantaneously, the guy behind me fell to the ground and released me.

"Wha-what'd you do that for?" My eyes gazed up and around at freaking Pietro Elia Giuliani.

"You said no, and he didn't listen. Simple," Pietro looked down at me from his towering height. "Care to dance, tesoro?" He put out his hand for me to take it and I did.(darling)

As I began to move my hips along his, I decided to throw something out there. With a giggle, I said, "That's actually the third time I've been called that today! The first two times these guys tried to kidnap me!"

And just like that, Pietro went ice cold and his grip on my hips inabled me from moving.

"What did you just say, tesoro?" He growled into my ear, his breath smelling of whiskey and cigars.(darling)


"Liar, what'd you say!"

"I-I said two other guys said that to me today.. wh-why?" I attempted to feign innocence, but he saw past it. By the way his forearms snacked around me and dragged me to a back room, told me he knew who I was and knew that I knew.

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