Chapter 26

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Victoria's POV:

He really did plan out that kidnapping? He knew? He planned to marry me just to torture me? He held my parents responsible for his? Why? Why me and why after six years?

'Oh don't ask yourself that! You know, Vicky! You know why he did it!'

Hush up conscience!

'Oh but, Vicky, I'm your best friend!'

And my conscience would be right. She was my bestie. Always understanding, always there, always agreeing. I was once told by Wilhem that "you never had an imaginary friend, Vicky, you always talked to yourself, and still do", and he is and was right.

"Just know, that I don't plan on losing you anytime soon. Marco! Gio! Walter! Hugo! Get y'all's butts in here!" I raised my voice at the end so it projected through the soundproof room and under the door. A few seconds later and the four men walked in, staring between me and Pietro.

"We are to be married," Pietro didn't beat around the bush, his tone monotonous.

"Victoria, bist du dir sicher?" Walter's brow rose as he cautiously eyed Pietro's arm that was draped across my shoulders.(are you sure)

Gio bounced up and down from where he stood behind Marco and Walter, "Prendi un po ' di Don! Posso essere il padrino di Lil Pietro?" (Get some Don! Can I be lil Pietro's godfather)

Marco turned swiftly and swatted the backside of Gio's head, "Will you shut up for once in your damned life?" Then, facing Pietro and I, he dipped slightly as a joyous grin stretched across his face, "This shall be a wonderful union."

Hugo cocked his head curiously at the two dumme Idioten, "Gio, some of us speak Italian. Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Vicky, ich erwarte eine Einladung."(stupid idiots. Congratulations, Vicky, I expect an invitation)

"Of course, Hugo! You're the brother I wished I had," I smiled mischievously.

"Hey! Your biological brother is right here!"

The group of five men and me twisted and twirled to face Wilhem and Herald who both we propped against the doorframe, Wilhem with a sheepish grin and Herald with a humorous smirk.

"Doesn't mean Hugo isn't the brother I wanted," I remarked, crossing my arms againsg my chest and my jaw jutted. "But either way, I'm grateful to have both of y'all in my life."

"I'd un-pout that lip if I were you, Amore mio. It makes me want to suck it, bite it, and have it wrapped around my cock," Pietro's warm, minty breathe fanned my neck and ear, making goosebumps ran along my skin, my toes curling, and my core heating up.(my love)

A throat was cleared somewhere in the room, by who I do not know.

"Well let's all get back to work. We will leave you two alone," after Walter spoke up, everyone made their way out, leaving me and Pietro to our own enjoyment.

"So... even after what I di-" Pietro turned to me, guilt twisting his handsome features.

I slapped him.

"Will you ever learn that yes is yes? Gosh! For a man who is handsome, strong, rich, tall, and Don of a freaking mafia! You sure have confidence issues!" Using the same hand I slapped him with, I caressed the side of his face that was still tented red from the slap. Placing the the fingers of my empty hand in his hair, I pulled him down to my height. "Küss mich."(kiss me)

It was a demand that seemed to register in Pietro's thick skull. A request. One he didn't think on, just acted upon.

His sturdy lips crashed against my delicate ones. His were masculine, dominant, and cold. They were him. In comparison, mine were docile, manipulatable, and child-like.

And then it registered. Again.

He hated me at some point? Hated the thought of me even? He didn't let one magical night of pure passion and meaningful conversations to alter his judgment. He believed that my family was in the wrong and harmed his.

Pietro nibbled on my bottom lip, but I pulled away. Sucking in a deep breath, I inhaled his musky, minty, manly scent.

"Pietro?" My eyes remained shut, unopened after that kiss. The timbre of my voice was measly in comparison to the forte of his mumbled reply.

"Hm?" It was a sound that rumbled through his chest, sending out vibrations of deep masculinity.

"D-did you... hate me?"

"Hate you!" Pietro flinched as if he was just scolded by hot water, hit by a snowball, or a glass broke in front of him. He flinched away like he was disturbed and distressed by my words, or even my presence. "How could I ever- Non ti ho mai odiato. Bene... ci sono stati momenti in questi sei anni la mia rabbia mi ha consumato e mi sono risentito di te. Volevo avvolgere la mia mano intorno al collo snello e spremere. Quindi, si', penso di averti odiato ad un certo punto." (I never hated you. Well... there have been times in these six years my anger has consumed me and I resented you. I wanted to wrap my hand around the slender neck and squeeze. So, yeah, I think I hated you at some point.)

I took a step back, away from him. I loved him, yes, but that did not me that he loved me the same. I was willing to test the waters, but when the storm came, I wanted to be safe.

"Victoria, please! Look at me, Amore mio!" Taking two quick steps, Pietro circled an arm around my waist and tipped my chin up by his thumb. "Mio Tesoro, I learned that I was blinded by my parents death that I blamed yours. I was so blinded I didn't realize you were experiencing the same loss! Amore mio, just know that I love you now. Ti ho amato ieri, ancora di più oggi,e la maggior parte domani!"(My love, my darling, I loved you yesterday, even more today, and the most tomorrow)

A tear slipped down my cheek, then my chin, and onto Pietro's thumb. His face went from regretful to his usual chill smirk.

"Why are you crying?"

"The man I loved has just told me he loves me back."

I have been so lost. My thoughts are everywhere, my brain isn't present in moments anymore, and I can't find time to work.

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter of Pietro and Victoria's life. My way with words may not be ideal, but I try.

Comment and vote! Tell me opinions!

"Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." - 1 Corinthians‬ ‭13:7‬ ‭

^This is the verse I've imagined Victoria referring to whenever Pietro is being his overly caring self.

Peace~ Gen

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