Chapter 6

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Pietro sharply exhaled, sending heated air out above me, a major contrast to the brisk chill in the air around me. Goosebumps began to speckle my skin, unbeknownst to me.

"Oh.. merda! Tesoro, stai congelando!" He slowly lowered me so that I sat against the wall with my knees to my chest and then he started slipping off his jacket. The sound of tires screeching to a halt and several anguished voices echoed throughout the paved alleyway.(sh*t! Darling, you're freezing)

But was I listening to who it was or what was happening? Ha, no!

I was much more intrigued by the rippling muscles and pulsing veins that were displayed in front of me than of those incomprehensible noises. Everything appeared in slow motion as Pietro slid the suit jacket off his shoulders making his pecs and shoulder muscles bulge a bit. Then,his biceps came into clear view as the fabric slid to his elbow, they seemed to almost strain the sleeves of his button up, continuously flexing. The sleeves came to a cuffed stop just below his elbow, followed by the smooth olive skin of his toned forearm with veins coursing from beneath the shirt to his long fingers. Once he finally had the jacket off, his silver watch glistened briefly.

"Here ya go, tesoro," he pulled my shivering frame towards him once again and guided my arms through the sleeves of the jacket.

WHICH DID NOT FIT!!! I never realized how different our body's were until I had this comparison.

The sleeves went almost six inches past my finger tips, the edge of it pulled at my ankles, and the shoulder mold landed at my mid-bicep, don't get me started on the width of the sleeves.

"Victoria! Du hast uns krank gemacht! Und Lizzy wurde nicht auf Ihren Anruf Antworten! Und.. warum haben giulianis Manner mich angerufen?" The frustrated cry of Walter waltzed up to Victoria's eardrums and slammed the door, making it ring a bit. (You had us worried! And Lizzy wasn't answering my calls! And.. why did Giuliani's men call me)

Just as he said that I had caused him and Oma worry, the flood gates opened, but they only silently worsened as he finished his anguished exclamation.

Pietro still sat honched on his heels looking steadily to and fro Walter and I. With a cautious glance my way, he scooped me up once more so I clung to his torso like a baby. He then turned towards a fuming Walter with a face that said 'don't-give-me-no-sh*t-today'.

"Whalter! What a pleasant surprise! To be misinformed by all people that the boss," He glanced down at the frightened woman who clung to him like he was giving her life. Like he was her protector, her guardian angel. Like he was my savior.

Little did I know that the way I clung so tightly to him changed a whole lot.

"Did not prefer this mistress, but that instead she was like his child! I shall get to the point though, don't worry. So apparently someone seeks to resolve a dilemma, and they attempted to kidnap Victoria. They failed, obviously. However, those bastards did kill both of the girls that came with her before they were killed themselves," Pietro continued his recap with a crisp accented twang to each word.

I titled my head so that my cheek now rested in the crook of Pietro's neck and stared at the now rigid body of Walter. "Walter, I shall be going with Pietro this evening. Also bitte, geh zuruck ins Haus und Sag allen, dass es mir gut geht. Wenn Sie mir noch ein Glas schokoladeneis auf dem Weg dorthin besorgen."(So please, go back to the house and tell everyone I'm alright. If anything get me another tub of chocolate ice cream on your way there)

Walter's eyes became the size of saucers, "Vi-Victoria, please tell me I miss h-heard you! You-you can't possibly believe I'll approve of you going home wi-with dieser verdammte Schwanz von einem bastard!"(this f**king pr*ck of a)

"Walter, das Letzt mal hab ich dich bezahlt! With that said," I shifted my head so I could lock eyes with the man who held me so dearly. "I will be going with Pietro this evening. If you permit me to?"(last I checked I pay you)

Pietro simply nodded.

"Fine. See you tomorrow, Victoria!" Walter motioned for the men that came with hi to get back into the cars before driving away.

Pietro's whole body vibrated in a hearty chuckle that was awfully arousing.

And yes, I'm horny! But, I also haven't recently had decent sex, if any. The last time, or first and only, was the night with Pietro six years ago. Good and bad memories.

"Theo!" Pietro's heavily accented voice filled the eerily silent alley.

"Si, Don?" The dark-skinned boy who drove my car off for valet came to a wheezing halt in front of Pietro.

"Prendi il mio Pagani!"(Get my Pagani)

Not even 3minutes later did a slick dark blue Pagani Huayra Roadster come to an idling stop a few feet from where we stood. They weren't horrible minutes, no! Just three long minutes of silence, brisk breezes, and the radiating heat produced from being in Pietro's arms.

Almost nauseatingly fast, he rounded to the passenger side of the car, dropped me in, buckled me up, and then rounded to the drivers side and sped out of there.

Pietro didn't utter a word, but instead drove with the windows down and low Italian music on the radio.

The chilling air that hit my water stained face brought with it, a boatload of recollection. Recollection of my fears, of my pain, of my loss, and of my guilt.

"Tu-tut mir Leid! Tut mi-mir so L-leid!" I wailed into the night air, tears streamed down my cheeks and a heavy lump started to clog my throat. A sob escaped my lips, loud and sorrowful, not caring of the world that will hear it.(I-I'm sorry! I-I'm so sorry)

I nearly hit the dashboard as the car came to a instantaneous stop. A seat belt could be heard inching back into its case, as could a door being flung open and feet harshly beating the ground before they halted beside my door. And then my door opened, revealing a fuming Pietro.

"Don't be f**king sorry! Ever!"

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