Chapter 20

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Victoria's Point of View!

Pietro seemed to deem skinny jeans and a shirt tucked in better than the same shirt let loose over leggings. How in the world he came to that conclusion I do not know, but I'm just grateful that he finally allowed me to leave. We walked out into the hall, only to walk fully across and into Pietro's room. I didn't have time to blink before I saw the previously shirtless hunk stand in front of me buttoning the final buttons of another black shirt.

"Let's get this over with," Pietro turned and made rapid steps towards the stairwell that led to his office.

"Let's," I mumbled with a pout as I jogged to catch up with Pietro. "Hey, I'm short. Or did you forget?"

"I never forgot," He opened the door then scooped me up and continued down the stairs and throw the door of his office.

Once the door swung to the side, my eyes scanned the room, taking in the surroundings. At one corner, Walter was pacing. Seated in the two chairs, Gio and Marco sat with whiskey on the rocks. And leaning up against the wall by the fireplace, Hugo gazed at the ceiling with a grim look drawn across his face.

"Finally!" Walter stopped pacing and rushed over to me. Pietro set me down and Walter began looking me over, checking for injuries.

"Walter, I'm fine. Was bringt Sie hierher?" I asked, cupping his shoulders so he would stop fidgeting.(What brings you here?)

Now everyone had their eyes trained on us, even Marco and Gio stared. Walter flickered his gaze around the room, hesitantly. "H-he.. The Portland office was bombed, no one died but some people are in the hospital. And your brother is coming, he thinks both himself and you are safer together."

"What?!" I stumbled back. Wilhem left. He chose to make a family outside of the mafia and mob world. To be 'normal'. He moved to Portland and started working as head of that office location. I let him, but I was 18 and stuck without parents. Stuck to control a world that thought a man should be in power.
"No! I specifically recall setting up the be-best security at that office! Even mine doesn't have the greatest security! For heaven's sake, Walter! What the heck happened! Why the heck is Wilhem coming now!"

Pietro pushed Walter aside and held me. "Listen to my heart," and I did. Placing my ear to his chest, I closed my eyes and listened to the rhythm of his heart. "Gio, get someone to bring me some coffee! Now, Walter, explain!"

Silence echoed through the room as soon as Gio closed the door on his way out. Walter has a wordless conversation with Hugo, and Marco slowly sipped his drink. Pietro went to the couch and pulled me beside him and tucked me under his arm.

Walter faced me and then sat down in the seat Gio previously occupied. "It appeared that an American member dressed as a maintenance man and set off a suicide bomb in your brother's office. It happened late one night, and the bomber had thought your brother was in the bathroom when he had actually been down at the cafe. The secretary and a few of the other top floor workers have some cuts, but nothing major," he sighed and glanced down. "Wilhem called me after saying he couldn't reach you. He said him an his family are flying over today."

"Great. My best female fighters and best friends got killed, then one of my office buildings got bombed, and now my brother is coming. It's not even 10?! I haven't even had a proper cup of coffee!" My voice boomed in the morning air. No one questioned me. I was a 24year old who had the weight of a large company and mob on her shoulders.

Gio chose that moment to walk in whistling, the tray of coffees lightly shaking. He handed Pietro the largest mug, and gave the other men a regular sized one.

Pietro placed the rim of the mug to my lips, tilting it so I could drink some. Not liking being babied, I sat up straighter, leaned deeper into Pietro's warmth, and snatched the mug out of Pietro's hands. "Mine."

"Of course," he pecked the curls on my head. "Now, Walter, return to the Schwarz manor and prepare for Wilhem's arrival. While you are doing that, send more men to investigate further on the Portland bombing. Victoria and I will meet Wilhem at my private airport, and no it's not because I don't trust airport security, I just believe that we will save time having them arrive on my private property. That being said, I will see the two of you gentlemen later. Ciao," Pietro motioned towards the door.

"Pietro. Victoria," Hugo tilted his head down in recognition before leaving.

Walter leaned over and kissed my forehead, "Do not let anything happen to her, Pietro. Love you Schatzi."(treasure)

I watched as my godfather and advisor walked out of the room.

"What now, Don?" Gio piped up.

"Now we get ready to see Wilhem," Pietro places the now empty coffee mug on the side table and stood on his feet. "Victoria and I shall need some private time to discuss. Marco, Gio, leave."

Both men scurried out without second thought.

"We'll welcome your brother with open arms."

"And I get to see my nephews, but do you really think them coming is best? I mean the Americans have people everywhere!"

"Don't worry, I have you and them under my watch. No one gets what's mine and what's dear to what's mine," Pietro pulled me flush to his chest and slammed his lips to mine. "Do I get you now?"

"Fine." He bit my lip. "Si signore."

He bent slightly and grasped my thighs, I jumped and wrapped my legs around his hips. Without pulling away, he carried me up and into the last room on his floor. His sex room. "This should be fun." Oh great...

Tehe cliffhanger! What next? Update? Nah y'all gotta be patient! Love you tho!

Peace~ Gen

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