Chapter 9

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Previously on Hatred to Love: "Don, please explain," Gio sounded scared out of his pants after Pietro snapped at him.

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"Ha! Explain? Wait... oh he doesn't know who I am," I giggle lightly making Pietro smirk again.

Gio seemed to want to make another remark but went with the smart decision of keeping it to himself.

"The names Victoria Alda Schwarz, the woman y'all seem to be discussing," I give Gio and Marco an innocent smile while fluttering my lashes.

"Don, why's she here?" Gio asks an obvious question.

"Cause il mio tesoro decided to stay over for a night or two," Pietro patted my left shoulder. (My darling)

"Really? What about Donella? She's gonna be pissed!" Gio snickers at the mention of Donella.

I've put a name and voice to a face, but still don't know her role. So hopefully curiosity won't kill this cat though! "Who's Donella?"

Marco speaks up with a dull laugh, "The main sl*t round here. She also has a major thing for the Don and thinks she can get away with anything."

"Oh..." I turn my head away from them all and look at the fire still crackling in the furnace. The words Marco said hitting me something hard, but why?

Pietro holds me chin with one of his gruff hands, forcing me to look at him. "But I've never slept with that b*tch, ever!" He whispers lightly before I feel is silky lips pecking my forehead.

"Someone jealous?" Gio breaks the ice and pops back in a teasing manner.

"I'm the boss of a German Mafia, why would I be jealous of a good-for-nothing sl*t?" Am I jealous? Yes. Am I trying to cover it up? Most definitely.

"She's totally jealous!" Marco chuckles making Gio cackle and then Pietro of all people... he pulls me tighter and begins shaking in a hearty laugh. A hearty and arousing laugh.

"Are not! Ich bin nicht eifersüchtig! Vielleicht ein wenig," I pout, mumbling the last bit in German. (I am not jealous! Maybe a little)

"Tesoro, forgetting I speak German are we?" Pietro breathes against my ear, engulfing me with a whiskey-cigar-HELLA HOT COLOGNE scent.

"Humph," Arms crossed and lips pouted and eyebrows in a frown. Can I get anymore childish?

"Priceless! I like her!" Gio tips his head back, cackling like a psycho.

"Gio..." Pietro doesn't have to finish that thought cause that single word came out as a growl with so much implied meaning.

"Not in that way! Yeesh! I'm not ready to settle down!" Gio throws his hands up in surrender.

"Back to the original topic," Marco rolls his eyes obviously bothered by Gio's quirkiness.

Pietro sighed, loud and long. "Victoria's here-"

Was I gonna let him tell them MY story? Hell nah fam!

"I'm here because I know it's safest," their confused stares force me to continue. "Y'all have sent MULTIPLE men to kidnap me, and yet they've all got in even with my security. Adding to that, my top female guards lost their lives to the freaking Americans who crave my death!"

Did that last part bring back the nights events? Yes. Did it piss me off? Yes. Did I want to curl up into a ball and cry? Yes.

"But you're American," Marco states my birth place.

"A-und? I was raised by Germans! In a Ger-German home! I never went to an American Highschool! Ne-never exper-experienced the A-American dream!" I stuttered out, a mournful lump clogging my throat.

"Shhhh il mio tesoro! Calmati il mio tesoro!" Pietro pulled my face into the crease of his neck and rocked my quivering figure.(my darling! Calm down my darling)

"So she's here because she feels safest with you? But I've never heard of you two interacting," Gio seems confused by the situation again.

"Shall I have to relive the night that made me and her both the bosses? Or do you understand that one night could make the biggest bond?"

"No need to explain, Don Pietro! I believe the room is ready and Gio still needs to tend to Donella. So we will be going," Marco spoke up as I heard his chair slightly squeak from the lifted weight.

"Ciao Don!" Gio huffed as he followed Marco out the room, both opening and closing the door. Until it was silent.

The events from that night six years ago flooded back. The events from tonight flowing behind. Both bringing tears.

Am I a strong woman? Yes! Do I miss my parents? Even more! Did the loss of Lizzy and Tilly remind me of the cruel world I live in? Every moment since. But have I lived in the twisted world of the Mafia since a babe? Ja!

Pietro rotated my body so that I clung to him like a bear. He still held me. He's always held me.

Even when we never saw each other, he was one phone call away. Always.

"Let's get you to bed," Pietro stood with me in his arms and walked to a second door that I hadn't noticed until now.

A black door similar to the one leading to the hallway was placed in the far left corner, near his desk. Once he opened it there was a short hallway with a staircase and a door that said 'bathroom'. Private restroom, fancy.

"You're heavy!" Pietro chuckled lightly as he reached halfway up the stairwell.

"Hey! I can walk ya know! Also, where does this lead?" I asked him noticing how it seemed like one flight of stairs.

"To my private floor," he said as if it were just a normal subject to discuss like weather!

"Private floor?! Verwohnte Italiener!"(Spoiled Italians)

"It's called being Don."

"But a whole floor?"

"Si mio Tesoro! A whole floor to myself," Pietro flicked on a light switch which illuminated the third and finale floor... his private floor.

And if his office was him... then this was 1000times more so!

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Sooo who else has a crush on Pietro?
I know I do!

Opinions on Gio and Marco? Donella?

Love y'all! Enjoy!

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