Chapter 24

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"Tantchen!" The little girl wiggled her way out of the man's arms, firmly planting her feet on the ground.(Auntie)

"Alda!" I darted from behind Pietro and scooped the girl up, nearly squeezing the life outta her as I hugged her tightly.

Wilhem intertwined his fingers with the man who held the girl, "Vicky! For heavens sake don't suffocate my daughter!"

After setting Alda down, I turned back to my brother and hugged him. Standing on my tippy toes I pulled the other man into a hug, "I couldn't help it! Herald, es ist schon zu lange her!"(Herald, it's been too long)

"Uncle Pietro?" Alda gazed up at Pietro with a puppy dog face, her hands folded behind her back. It was cute to watch. Her sparkly purple leggings and her purple shirt that had a white cat on it was almost contrasting Pietro's dark pants and dress shirt that he had rolled to his elbows.

He squatted down to her level and opened his arms in a hug. Alda almost knocked him over as she collided into him, her straight blonde waist length hair swinging in every direction.

Pietro rose from the ground, Alda still in his arms, "Do we plan on sleeping here or shall we get in the car and go home?"

"Who's house?" I really hoped he knew which one, I honestly didn't know. I wasn't told who had which house set for three extra people.

"Why yours, amore mio!" Pietro held Alda on his hip and wrapped an arm around my waist as he ushered us all towards the Urus.(my love)

"Lovely," I slid into the middle with Alda.

"Herald, sit up front. Wilhem get in the other side of the girls," Pietro rounded the car and sat between me and the door. Wilhem sat on the other side of Alda, making me and her share a seat.

Leaning towards Pietro so that my breath fanned his ear, I whispered a sentence I knew he would get aroused by. "E ' bello sapere che pensi che il mio culo sia piccolo. Immagino che tu non lo voglia piu'."(It's nice to know you think my ass is small. I guess you don't want it anymore)

He growled. Literally. It was like a angry groan that was really throaty and deep. "Don't test me, amore mio. There's a kid and your brother in this car," his voice relayed his message. It was husky and spoken so low only I could hear it even if he didn't say it in my neck.(my love)

"Tantchen, why's Uncle Pie-tro talking so woh?"

Oh right. Alda. "He's just telling me a secret, sweetie."

"Vati swes sewets awre bad. Daddy disagwees and swes some sewets awre otay but na wif dey wan hur wou or someone welse," Alda's lil mispronunciations and syllable skips were almost too cute. I also had to give Herald and Wilhem credit, they've raised her well.

"Ja, both are right. Uncle Pietro was telling me an okay secret. Don't worry, sweetie, nobody will get hurt with this secret," I gave her an honest smile. It felt good. And I was being honest, I won't get hurt just pleasured.

Soon enough we arrived at the Schwarz Manor. My home. My parents home. The home I grew up in.

"Run along, sweetie. Herald, go with her. Wilhem, Pietro, my office," As I led the way into the house and towards my office, you could hear the distant joyous exclamations as Oma welcomes her great-granddaughter.  "Sit, both of y'all."

Pietro and Wilhem planted themselves in the leather seats that were in front of my desk. I rounded the corner and sat in my own leather bound chair.

"William, Pietro bat mich, ihn zu heiraten," I let the smile take control of my face. Brightening it. (Pietro asked me to marry him)

My brother's face twisted into an expression of shock, then to anger, and then his eyes lit up and his lips turned upright. His steepled fingers formed fists as he punched the air in a celebratory manner, "Meine Schwester is getting married! Meine Schwester is to be a bride, be a bride!" He stopped mid jump, his countenance changing to one of curiosity and seriousness. "Does Oma know?"(my sister, my sister, grandma)

"Uhh no. He asked me this morning," heat crept up my cheeks as I acknowledged I had not yet informed my dear Oma.

"Boy are you stupid. She's going to be ecstatic when she hears, then pissed you didn't tell her first thing, then she'll be off to plan it!" Wilhem pointed his obnoxious fingers at my face, his brows raised and mouth grinning.

"She is ain't she? Shall we go tell her?" I rose from my seat, smiling ever bigger.

"Ja! Ja, we shall!" Wilhem linked our arms and pulled me out of my office, leaving Pietro in the dust, silent.(yes! Yes)

"Oma!" I called out as we descended the stairs, me and Wilhem were still arm in arm as we made our way to the sitting room.

"Worüber schreit das alles? Meine Urenkelin und Ihre Väter sind endlich zu Besuch, und jetzt höre ich Wilhem aus Victorias Büro Schreien, dass Sie heiratet?"  Oma perks a brow as she places her hands on her hips. She might be five foot four and have white hair that reaches her chin, but she can intimidate anyone. Especially her grandchildren. (What is all this screaming about? My great-granddaughter and her fathers are finally visiting, and now I hear Wilhem screaming from Victoria's office that she is getting married)

"Victoria and I are to be wedded soon, Oma."

All heads turn to the deep, heavenly voice and even more heavenly body that was now leaning casually against the doorway, arms crossed over chest and right foot propped on the left.

"Pietro Elia Giuliani! Spaventerai la gente se continui a farlo!" Bending one knee so I was slightly bouncing, I shot him the most ticked-off glare you could give the one you love.(You'll scare people if you keep doing this)

"Ah-ah-a. But you love me for it," Pietro took two strides to reach me, and when he did, his right arm tangled itself around my waist, pulling me flush agains him. "Now, I believe there are some things we must discuss before it's old news, sì?" He tipped my head up with the pointer and thumb of his free hand. (Yes)

"Ja, we do. Oma, Herald, Wilhem, Alda, I shall see y'all at dinner," At that remark, Pietro led me out of the room and back up to my office.(yes)

And yet I couldn't relax. Yes, I was in his arms. Yes, my family was here. But Pietro's train of thought seemed to have taken him elsewhere. His forehead was wrinkled and his lips drawn tight. He wasn't mentally with me, but where was he then? Some other girl he wished to have  by his side? A business agreement that needs more attention? Has his famiglia rejected the idea of a German-Italian marriage? What is going on in his handsome head?

😌Here's another chapter, dearies! Enjoy!
Victoria's having some questions brew.
Pietro is thinking about something.
Oma and the rest of the family are ecstatic about the wedding.
What could go wrong?

Peace~ Gen

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