Chapter 18

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To make up for the week or so of not updating, I coming bearing gifts of Chapter 17 and a wonderful Chapter 18. Enjoy!

"You're right," my body swung away from hers and faced the other wall. I held my head in my hands but sat with a straight back. "We weren't there because we were busy fucking in this very room! We left the damn Gala early! Our parents even shoved us out! And I didn't get to say goodbye! All because I was fucking the future Chef of the Schwarz mob!"

"Y-you got their names and death tattooed to your back?" Her usually sweet, cheery tone was now clogged. She probably didn't hear her own fearful voice, but I did. She was scared of me. Scared I'd lash out. Scared I'd hurt her.

Which I would, because I have.

I knew what she was staring at though. My parents names had been tattooed onto my back right after I had them cremated. Turning to face her, I shielded my emotions by pushing forward all the anger and hate as a cover of my sadness and regret. "Yes, I had my parents fucking names and death engraved on my damn back! And in their shitty ashes too."

She flinched at my words, but tried to calm herself. "Pietro breathe."

I didn't breathe. I shook with rage and anger. Hate and regret. My eyes fumed while I watched Victoria. She began to think this over, I saw her wheels shift.

"Pietro you're scaring me. Ple-"

Coarse fingers wrapped around a slender neck.

Her neck and my fingers.

She sounded like a guilty dog whimpering out of the kitchen after it ate food from the counter. But it's not the fact she felt guilty, non, it's the fact hearing her guilt made me feel all the more like a monster who killed his parents for a good fuck. The best fuck.

"Pi-Pietro.." She wheezed due to the lack of oxygen, her face slowly draining of the once vibrant color and radiating emotion.

"YOUR PARENTS ARE AT FAULT! If they hadn't talked mine into arranging our marriage then they wouldn't be dead. And for that I regret not fulfilling their request and making your life a living hell. For not fucking you till your sick and breaking that ugly heart of yours into a million shitty little pieces," my words oozed out, almost seethed in my emotions.

She submitted. Fully. She didn't struggle. Didn't cry out and scream. She just submitted her life to me, allowing me the chance to kill her. To kill il mio Tesoro, amore mio.

Water. Salty water. Bodily flued leaked from a duct in the eye. One lone tear slithered down her cheek, smearing it's path across the freckles and pooling in a tiny blob of darkened hue on the sheets. This creation of God, broke me. That oh-so-small, oh-so-unnoticeable thing. It broke me. It freaked me the hell out. I nearly killed, if not already, killed the love of my life.

Yanking my hand away, I rolled off the bed and onto the floor. Shaking. Jolting around and yet not moving. I'm such a fucking bastard!

"P-Pietro?" That sweet voice that calmed me through a phone came out hoarse and strained. Damn it. Damn me.

The words left my mouth, an unforgivable apology asking for forgiveness. "I'm so fucking sorry. I'm such a dickhead! Leave, please! I hurt you! I hurt you after I told you I wouldn't! I let my anger control me. Marco will take you home. You're not safe here," I rambled off in Italian as I pushed myself off the floor, keeping my countenance stoic.


Is she fucking psychotic? Has she lost her marbles?

"No? I nearly killed you! I can't love and I can't care! You of all people know that!" I narrowed my eyes, gaze cold, and loomed above her.

"I don't care about your faults, but I do care for you. Ironic, but at this point you need to know what I know!" She leaned back, letting the pillows engulf her. A tired sigh escaped her, "The people after me now, they were the ones who killed my parents. Our parents. Your parents. They were slaughtered defending one another. It's all on video thank the Lord, though!"

My eyebrows furrowed a frown on my forehead as I allowed my ears to process her words. "Victoria.." I stopped to gather my words together in one sentence. "Please, just go home or sleep. It's been a long night. You're probably just coming up with something so I don't hate myself so hard, but we both know it's not true."

She has to be kidding, no one saw. Everyone told me my parents had died at her parents hands'. Unless my American sources are wrong, and they just wanted me and Victoria to separate...

Well shit maybe they did. After all it'd be an alliance of two of the strongest mafias, and who would want that?

"What do you want? Because even if I say I have proof. Rock hard evidence. You won't believe me. You never will, Tzchen," She moved her sad eyes to focus her gaze on the window that showed the starry sky.

I understood her thoughts. Out there, people weren't dying for power or marrying for alliances. Out there, men my age sought out women like a bookworm sought out the library. Out there, people didn't care how people looked at them because of their name.

I believed her. Sure it took some persuasion on my own side in my own mind, but I dared myself to believe. So I told her what I wanted. I voiced my thoughts. "I will try for you," I kicked off my shoes and slipped out of the annoying clothes that was becoming slightly restricting. I then slid under the covers beside her and pulled her to my chest. She looked at peace, even more than her usual self. Her face relaxed as she rubbed her cheek against my chest, squishing her nose and fanning her hair out along the covers. So beautiful.

Once her breaths evened out, I whispered the four letter word and three word phrase I once found pointless.

"I love you."

I regret not staying with my parents, but... But if I hadn't left, I wouldn't have gotten to know Victoria. To hold her. To learn her darkest secrets. I wouldn't have made my mafia what it is today, powerful and dominating. I probably wouldn't be tightening my grip on her under my satin sheets.

Under my sheets where we both lay. Both partly naked forms, entangled limbs, and a curly head buried into an inked chest.

Her strawberry blonde curls bounced along with her as she skipped along the beach. Just us. A family. A boy about the age of five darted past me and jumped at the woman before me. He looked just like her, strawberry blond curls that reached his shoulder except he had chestnut eyes. I heard a baby laugh as I looked down at the chocolate haired, brown eyed pale skinned kid I held in my arms. The kid had a pink onesie that said "Lil Princess". The woman spun the boy around but stopped when a little girl about the same age as the boy jumped at them. She had black hair and blue eyes but light skin like the woman and freckles, too. They looked at me. So-

"No!" Victoria shrieked and I felt coldness where she once lay curled against me.

I sat up instantaneously, no one hurts her. No one will. Finding my gun that I had placed in an accessible place, I pushed Victoria behind me and pointed the gun at the empty room. Empty...

*sighs* Guess I'll make a chapter 19... *immediately starts a new chapter*

Peace out~ Gen

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