An Annoying Stupid Guy

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The day after my uneventful conversation with Miles, I took the private jet back to New York to not only stopping from any thoughts in my mind about him and to prepare my meeting with Olivier Rousteing (creative director of Balmain) to discuss what he can style the models for the photoshoot for my first issue as editor-in-chief so the October issue must be executed well with every ounce of my attention. I gave my parents a phone call as I landed in New York to let them know what happened on why I suddenly left without telling them. 

During my meeting with Olivier, my phone kept going off as in I'm getting messages.. I assumed it was Sandra (my assistant) but it was no other than the stupid idiot Miles. He kept calling me all yesterday which led me to turning off my phone for a few hours, then I barely got any sleep due to it so I went straight back to my work life. Honestly, he should just leave me the hell alone. I have no idea on what he wants and quite frankly I could care less on what he wants to say to me next. I apologized to Olivier and as we finished the meeting on a positive note; when I went back to my office, my secretary Kate phoned me saying there's someone to see you.. I assumed it was another meeting I've had with the famous photographer Mario Testino to discuss the locations of where he photoshoot is happening, but as soon as I told Kate to let the person in.. it was MILES!!! 

"Um hi Mason.. I didn't mean to bother you at work, your office is nice by the way.. can I ask why you haven't had the chance to call me back yesterday? Let alone answer my messages I left you earlier today?" Miles nervously asks while he's holding a box of macaroons as I expected he bought those as a pathetic apology.. I crossed my arms and gave him the dirtiest look which I've never done to him but he was dead to me, "Miles what in the hell do you want? Did you fly all the way to New York just to present to me a pathetic apology and trying to get back into my graces again? I ignored your phone calls yesterday because you really hurt me, so instead of staying in Toronto with my family I immediately went back to work because the thought of seeing you in public again after that disappointing conversation we had at the coffee shop was just... absolutely horrendous! As for the messages today, I was in a meeting with the creative director of Balmain.. I had to apologize to him as you were trying to get me to answer for the past day and I wanted to focus on my work and my job, instead of trying to focus on an idiotic and an irrelevant stupid guy." I replied back to him, now suffering a headache because I'm talking to him again and I have no time for his poor judgement. 

"Look Mason; I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry for dating Mariah, I'm sorry for hurting you, I'm sorry for choosing her over my best friend, I'm sorry for the way I acted when I found out that you were leaving Trinity early okay? I want to make it up to you, please if you just give me a chance" says Miles, trying not to cry in front of me so I can just forgive and forget. Seeing him cry, kinda made me think of the way he made me feel when I watched him kissing Mariah in the halls, holding her hand almost everywhere in the school and most of all; the confusion I felt on if we were going to be something. "Miles.. don't act that you are the victim here okay? You chose to date Mariah even after you held my hand while driving us to school, you chose to be a different person and for what? Just to feel loved? To make yourself popular? Well, congratulations you did it.. you were using me like a roller coaster for years and yet you still chose to not be with me back then." I replied back to Miles, as I began to start crying to let him understand even more on how much pain I've felt when I saw him with someone who he wasn't meant to be with. 

"Okay I get it, I messed up okay? And I'm sorry for everything that I've done to you for the past few years, and I want to make it up to you. I want to be with you Mason, maybe I just didn't realize that until I saw you again back in Toronto.. I felt the chemistry we had before and we still do I just believe it! Every time we kissed, it was a truly life-changing experience positively for me because it made me feel that you loved me, just let me prove it" says Miles, as he's trying to wipe the tears out of his eyes and he kissed me on my right cheek. From my gut, I was about to smack him because he shouldn't have done that.. but in my heart; it felt soothing. It felt soothing and relieving to me that he finally admitted his feelings, but work comes first. Sure, the fact that he flew to see me was "romantic" and also sweet, but I'm not going back into his game of confusion and uncertainty because the last thing I need on my mind is if he's for sure that he wants to be with me or is it an act just to let me talk to him again?

"Miles, I need to focus on my work right now.. the October issue is my first issue releasing to the magazine that I'm the new Editor-in-Chief. I'm honestly just paranoid if you are going to change your mind about us like what you've been doing before and you will leave me like dirt again. Here's something to think about, if you really want something then you won't stop for anyone or anything, until you get it. So, if you really want me back into your life and try to work this out, then prove it. If you screw up or have obstacles interfering with my deadline to publish the October issue.. you can kiss whatever this is goodbye and we can continue to not talk to each other like what was originally happening." I said back to Miles, showing a stern and serious look.. even though in my mind I'm scared and wondering what have I done. So he grabbed me and we hugged, he left my office after 3 hours of talking to me and procrastinating my work. 

So I grabbed my stuff and called it for a day, I went back to my penthouse apartment in Midtown East on 730 Fifth Avenue. I changed from my work clothes and laid in bed to look at the ceiling, my head is spinning and about to lose my mind because I think I gave Miles the easy way in on getting back into my life again but I'm not going to play that easy. I'm just hoping whatever him and I figuring this out slowly, it won't make me feel stupid. Although he was pretty stupid for what he said back in Toronto, if he truly wants to figure this out then he better prove it. Because, if I do all the work, that won't prove anything.. and if he screws up whether about his feelings or he's with someone else then I will be broken and humiliated. I hope this doesn't hurt me in the long run. Tomorrow will be the first day that Miles and I will start talking like how we were before, and seeing if he can convince me that he's all in to make us work to become a couple and hopefully will not let me down. 

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