Dear Diary Part 2

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Dear Diary,

After 6 days in Paris with Miles, it was a memorable trip! I spent tons of money at Chanel and Louis Vuitton, the Eiffel Tower was breathtakingly beautiful, and most importantly I was there with the guy I wanted for years and now it came true. I balanced work with spending time with him, it's now the launch party of the October Issue of Vogue which is a big deal for me because it is my first issue as editor in chief. I want tonight to be perfect, no drama and let alone no stupid people. 

It was obviously 6:00AM in New York so after I finished brushing my teeth and put makeup on; I decided to wear a neutral outfit. A pair heather grey with thin black pinstripe suit pants from TopMan, black cashmere turtleneck with the Chanel logo from Chanel, black double breasted blazer with silver buttons from Balmain, black Chanel belt with silver hardware, finally wearing a navy blue cashmere scarf from Louis Vuitton and black dress shoes from Saint Laurent and navy blue crocodile Kelly Handbag in the size 35cm from Hermes. It was a busy day at work, finishing up last minute decisions for the party, confirming who is all coming, making sure sound and lights are working. We are having lots of editors from other fashion magazines, as well as designers, models and other celebrities to celebrate this moment with me and the rest of the Vogue team. 

Miles surprised me in my office, I was really happy but obviously stressed due to my phone ringing off the charts because of this party. I did not want any drama from anyone trying to ruin this special night for me, and of course Miles's ex from Trinity (Mariah) decided to show up. I have no idea on how she was invited for the biggest night in my career, but apparently she works for Vanity Fair as a stylist, my anxiety was all over the place as I'm trying not to screw up on my special night and trying to be professional to all the guests. So, I talked to Mariah professionally and fake because nothing that she will do will try to impact on my life and let alone I do not really give a damn about her anyways. She always despised me when her and Miles hung out when they were dating, maybe it's because I'm gay? Or maybe she just does not like me at all. But the point is, I do not like her back then and still to this day. 

The issue was remarkable, I got plenty of compliments for doing an outstanding job on my first issue, and the night was a success after all! Mariah started to pull Miles aside, apparently wanting to "catch up" when she attempted to kiss him... I have no idea on why she has no remorse and trying to take my man. So after he denied the kiss, pushed her away, I came in and started to yell at her like crazy outside the apartment. A bunch of emotions started to spiral all over in my head which led to me have a panic attack, Miles rushed to pick me up and take me to the bedroom and calm me down, I was only having a panic attack because years after him and Mariah break up, she starts to come into my work party to try and disrupt my big night by lying that she's a photographer when really she's a university drop out because she dropped out of Harvard because of her parent issues during her first year. 

The night went by, Miles made me some coffee and snuggled me in bed. He explained himself mutiple times that he has no feelings for Mariah at all and he only wants me, my parents are having a party in Toronto at our cottage in Muskoka Lake so I'm hoping Mariah does not barge in trying to ruin my life again because her life is miserable. Sorry this seems short, my head is still spinning after witnessing that two-faced selfish girl trying to kiss my man and she's in New York again. I have to go pack my stuff to head to Muskoka with Miles, hopefully him and I can have a better conversation about what happened last night. 

Talk to you later Diary,


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