Dear Diary Part 3

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Dear Diary,

It's been a while since I spoke to you, as you can imagine lots of things have happened; Miles and I begin our new relationship as a couple, my mother's big event celebrating 25 years of her fashion brand, and taking Mariah down not once but twice. Since my mother's event; I've been really busy prepping my trip to Italy for work as the photo shoot is happening there for the empowered women special article I'm collaborating with the editor of Vanity Fair. I cannot wait for how the photos are going to look that my friends agreed to be in the shoot and get interviewed, I went to the private event for Gucci, Versace and Dior for the new season collection and I'm collaborating with all of them on having each creative director customized my own ready-to-wear piece that will be on sale for each of the brands.. I'm very excited for what each of them will come up with that speaks to me. 

I finally hired a second assistant! Her name is Eliza and she is remarkable, she also helps Sandra with some of her duties which pleases me and she gets my coffee before I even arrive to the office instead of Sandra. Work has been going off extremely well, been really busy for Italy and trying to fit personal time there with Miles, he actually switched his career from writing to fashion just recently as he feels more comfortable with fashion since he knows literally everything about it since we started dating. He is taking online program at Parson's in Fashion Marketing and Communications so he can work for Social Media Marketing for Vogue which will be very cute getting to see him at work every day and he gets to be in the meetings with me and the other head managers. 

There has been constant emails and conference calls at work regarding opening up a new head manager role that I suggested so Miles can start at work at a slow easy pace until he's ready to work at a regular work pace. It may sound like I'm trying to open the doors easily for him to start working with me but he visits my office all the time, he's going to meet all of the exquisite designers and all of my colleagues, my sister is doing okay. She finished NYU and my mom gave her a co CEO position of her brand and company, my dad is still keeping busy at the hospital, never hardly see him anymore due to his excessive long hours but I'm going to talk to him that he needs to spend some more time with me, my sister and my mother. The last time I saw him was at my mother's event and we hardly spoke because like I said, we aren't that close.. I want to be but I just devoted myself working tirelessly at Vogue that I only have time for myself and Miles. 

Miles and I are good, more than good actually. He's always there to get me back on my feet whenever I had a bad day at work and making me feel great about myself, it's just crazy that I was hoping he'd admit his feelings for me a few years ago and now we are a happy couple and bought an apartment in Toronto Ontario and a vacation home in The Hamptons for him, and my family and I instead of constantly going to his family's place when were there. Having his support through my complicated life at work and family including the Mariah situation, it's something about him the way he looks at me, I like it because it makes me wanna believe in myself more. A lot of my friends think that we were rushing by buying properties and such but I don't really care, it's not like walking into Tiffany & Co looking at diamond engagement rings for myself.. but, I mainly only care about what he thinks. We're actually looking into at apartments in New York for him and I just to see what the real estate market is like, if it's a good time to make another investment in property for us right now or just wait it out. 

As for Mariah, when her mom took her back into the car on the night of my mother's event, she's in a Christian bootcamp at the moment to help cure her destroying my life traits. It feels amazing without her barging into my life trying to take a toll on my relationship and career, my anxiety has been feeling back to normal levels and my blood pressure is better than before since Mariah isn't around me or the people I care about. Well, I need to start packing for Italy with Miles.. it's going to be an amazing time there especially with the love of my life, we've been dating for a few months now and it's still amazing to me how I have a wonderful man in my life. 

Talk to you soon Diary,


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