Unwanted Visit

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I came to work early because I had many meetings regarding the party, my phone has been going off the charts from articles that my party was a success! Everyone loved the party and was happy for my accomplishment; so after the meetings about the party, Miles texted me that he will pick me up from work early and he is taking me shopping for the party that our parents hosting at my family's cottage in Muskoka outside of Toronto, Canada. Throughout the day, there was conference calls with the editor of Vanity Fair; discussing about further plans for a photoshoot regarding empowering women. 

As my head begins to ache in pain and frustration because nobody in the office weren't doing their job, and Sandra my assistant was just an embarrassment! She was just being honestly annoying, she was late to pick up my coffee, plan my schedule when I'm back from Muskoka, and it was very frustrating. So, I decided that I need a second assistant, the first assistant (Sandra) will book me for events, meetings and overall important things for me.. while the second assistant can pickup my coffee and other things that I do not have time to pick up as this photoshoot is a ticking time bomb for my frustration; I just hope the second assistant knows fashion or it will be very hard to please me as well. People may think that they've seen the wrath of my attitude from making sure my first issue for Vogue as editor was to be more than perfection, this photoshoot is about the same amount of stress as I need to pick the models, pick out clothes from designers, have people have an exclusive interview with each of them on how they've become who they are, and just many more things that I really do not need any drama in my personal life with Miles, his irrelevant selfish ex-girlfriend, and other things. 

After working for 7 and a half hours, making my brain all crammed with stress and making my anxiety worse.. Miles came into my office, god he's so handsome in that Dolce and Gabbana black suit with a pair of black Christian Louboutin dress shoes. "And how is the Mr Editor-in-Chief doing today?" he hugs me amorously and kisses my right cheek, I gazed into his eyes and smiled; "Let me just say that I am so relieved that we are going to visit Muskoka for the party, the last thing I need is to run into god damn Mariah and allow her to ruin the party as she attempted to ruin us." I replied back to him taking a deep breath and shut my eyes for 5 minutes after I ranted to him about Sandra, this photoshoot that I'm doing, and everyone else in the office is just complete dull! 

Miles starts to laugh and grabs my hands; "Mason, I get this is your job and you want to make it magnificently brilliant, but you are going to be fine okay? Just remember that you are going to be with me away from work, I just want you to take a breath and relax. I know it's easier said than done as you are editor and everything relies on you but you can look into hiring the second assistant when we are at the lake okay?" I grabbed my coat and purse and went straight to my town car with Miles and we went to the private plane that Miles just bought for himself because his parents and siblings took the family jet to the lake. Our luggage is in the jet he bought, so it was the time to have the talk with him finally about the whole Mariah situation at my party. 

I expressed to him about my concerns and he held onto my hands, caressed my cheek and said; "Mason Hastings, there is no other person that I rather be with than you. What happened with Mariah that night, she was trying to start a scene because she saw on social media that you and I in Paris... in fact, there is something I would like to ask. Would you Mason Hastings, take me Miles Hollingsworth to actually once and for all be my boyfriend?" My jaw dropped, I'm in cloud nine in my head as I have been waiting for this for years, I start crying and cleaned up my tears and said; "I'm glad that I'm more important in your life than a shallow immature bitch. Yes of course I would love to actually be your boyfriend, but if Mariah starts to make anymore attempts with you or try to communicate with you or even starts breathing in front of your face or down your spine, I will take off my Tiffany's and I will destroy her life." I replied back to him.

We arrived at the cottage, Miles and I were the only people there as my parents are on his parent's yacht with them and his younger siblings. I finally finish unpacking my things with him, and opened the door to let my makeup artist do my makeup, it was expensive flying her (Justine) on first class to come here but it's nothing. As I'm picking my outfit for the party, someone was knocking on my door, and it was Miles of course; he looked so handsome in his all white suit from Versace that Donatella made for him to wear to an exclusive private event at Versace that's happening in a few weeks. I decided to wear a white dress shirt from Christian Dior and pastel baby blue blazer and suit pants with thin white stripes with a pair of golden brown dress shoes from Christian Louboutin, and a Himalayan Crocodile Kelly handbag in the size 35cm from Hermés. 

It was a packed house! My family friends were here, Miles's Aunt Jane and Uncle Grayson and all of his cousins were at the party as well, Miles and I announced our relationship to everyone and they were all thrilled, so we chatted to his aunt and uncle. After chatting with his aunt and uncle, we decided to head out to the deck to look at the water, suddenly I turned around and of course it was her. Mariah was and is not welcome at my cottage, let alone was invited.. so of course she crashed. My stomach begins to ache, my head starts to spin, Miles starts to worry. "Babe, are you okay? Breathe, okay? I will not allow her to embarrass yourself towards our family and friends because she's a thirsty bitch." says Miles, he shows an annoyed facial expression. Mariah begins to walk towards him and I, my god does she look ever hideous in that stained bubblegum pink vintage Bottega Veneta jumpsuit, does she ever know that anything vintage bubblegum pink is a sign of aging?

I stepped in front of Miles and started asking her what the hell she is doing here? "Mariah, love that jumpsuit (fake laugh), I'm assuming you knew that you knew that you were not invited to this private gathering?" I say to Mariah, "Aw Mason, you knew that my grandmother gave this to me and I just came to talk to Miles, where is he?" says Mariah, "Look, you have no right to barge into my family's cottage, and expect to talk to my boyfriend okay? So I expect that you should get the hell out or else I will have you escorted out from security." I replied back to her, trying not to lose my temper. "Mason, how sweet that you and Miles are now dating, so he's actually out now? Good job, you did it" says Mariah, trying to walk closer to me and start a scene. "Mariah, last time I checked you are a nobody since you dropped out of school okay? Thanks for coming to my party for my celebration for Vogue, pretty great how yet nobody knew you since you actually don't have a job as a stylist, and yet you're just working at Panera Bread because you got kicked out from your parent's house for being an embarrassment and being a two-faced bitch. So excuse me if I'm going to be talking to people who I actually like! The only thing you're good at is trying to find suitable men to help you be properly dressed, so you sad embarrassing selfish and irrelevant bitch.. turn around in your fake Chanel pumps that I knew you got in Chinatown because you can't afford anything anymore, stay out of mine and Miles's life and grow the fuck up!" I replied back to Mariah, showing a bit of aggression and trying to hold my anger in before I throw a glass of wine at her hideous face. 

Suddenly, Miles's comes up to us and looks at me; "Babe, calm down. You are okay, just breathe. Mariah, you heard him, get the fuck out of this party!" says Miles, she finally got the message and walked away. My anxiety is over the roof, I'm just less than 20 minutes about having a mental breakdown because drama just wants to ruin my life. The party was over, I took a nice bath and just listened to Miles ask me if I'm okay and if I need anything. I told him to grab my phone and text Sandra to call Human Resources to make a job hiring tab as my second assistant, the last thing I need is Sandra doing poorly at her only job which is; send me a list of messages that I received from designers, and editors. Make meetings for discussion about the photoshoot, look into models for the shoot and the interview, and to keep me informed if anything urgent happens at the office that she needs my assistance to pick up her mess. Tomorrow, I'm going on a date with Miles to Toronto, and going shopping to look at more fall outfits for me to wear for work and just for myself, maybe I can convince him to buy me a purse. Hopefully Mariah doesn't come back and attempt to embarrass herself again and I don't have a mental breakdown about work.

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