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Previously from Praise take 2

That day I drunk all those potions. I drunk the ones that I wasn't supposed to drink but I did anyway. Now I see souls. Souls everywhere. My vision is green. And everytime when someone says something about me, the casino, or my past my vision changes from a different sight of green. I can't feel the other potions just that nasty green one and the sweet yellow mushy one. The yellow one gave me the ability to bring my cards to life. It's weird but helpful. But that's not all it gave me. It gave me the ability to see memories. My memories. The good and bad ones. As for the green one. My eyes changed color from time to time. I started to use this power at the casino. I used it during my shift at the grand reopening and the casino ball. That night I kept track on souls. I aimed for the bad and defended the good. But I still feel like there is something missing. Penny and Valina started dating and Bendy was now 15. He became our little super star as he went to start on show business. As for me and Devil we been in a grey area. Devil been avoiding me and seeing other people behind my back. We then got into a divorce which led to Bendy being depressed. I took Bendy and raised him on my own without Devil. But I still feel as if things aren't going anywhere. I fear things gotten worse and even more.

Bendy's POV

My mom and dad has been arguing for five years. It's like their love for each other has suddenly vanished. Dad was being a complete jerk to mom bringing in another man while my mom is at work trying to get as much souls as he can. When my mom saw my dad with that man that night they fought each other. "I HATE YOU! ALL THESE YEARS OF LIES!! YOU PUT ME THROUGH HELL!! YOU CAN'T EVEN HELP ME RAISE OUR CHILD!!" My mom yelled. "SORRY MR. IM TOO STRESSED OUT TO GIVE MY HUSBAND SOME ATTENTION!!" My dad screamed. As I sat in the living watching them argue tears fell. The sound of shattered picture frames and plates being thrown to the wall was all you could hear. I saw my dad destroy my mom's trophy as a gift for mother's day. My mom broke my dad's favorite mug. As my mom ran up stairs to pack all his things he told me to pack up my stuff too. "What are you doing Dice?" "I'm leaving and I'm taking Bendy with me. Don't even think about asking me to come back. Besides, you got that shithead in your bedroom to keep you company. You don't need me. You don't need us." He said coldly. As I walked downstairs with my stuff, I quickly walked to the car. I sat in the front seat watching them argue again. I watched as my mom slapped my dad leaving a hand mark on his face. Walking to the car he got in. Before my dad could even say something he drove off. As we drove to our new home, it was elegant to say the least. "Mom did you buy a new house?" "Yeah. Sorry that it's fancy and elegant but it's just something that reminds mom a place he used to live." ( Valina's Mansion) He said as he parked the car. I got out and walked inside. It was so big, I felt like I was at Disney land's castle. Mom soon walked in and I followed him to his bedroom. "Your room is right across from mine. And it's got a bathroom. So now you have your own bathroom." He said as walked across the hallway to my room. After dinner and a good bath with mom he tucked me into bed. "
Mom can you sleep with me." "Aren't you a little too old for me to sleep with you?" "I know but after everything that's happening I could use a mom cuddle right now." I said as he climbed into bed and cuddled up with me.

Dice's POV

As Bendy was fast asleep I quietly climbed out of bed and made way to the kitchen. I found myself a yogurt cup and ate in silence. As my mind began to think, I thought about...him. Of all people why I gotta think about him again. He ruined me. He brought me through hell when I felt like it was me doing all the hard work while he was talking it easy. This was all his fault and now look where we stand. All those dates and lovey dovey sex was just lies. Not only he just ruined me yet he destroyed me. He destroyed my happiness, at least not all of it. I then heard the door opened and a woman walked in. "Hey Dicey. How was work." She said. Queen was her name. Queen Chandler. Her brown hair and red lipstick matched perfectly with her red dress. "Oh. It was...good. *even though I just got into a divorce with my husband for cheating on me. But two can play at that game Devil.*" "Are you okay? You look pale. More like you was crying?" She said. I shook my head no and yawned. "It's getting late. I should be headed to bed now. Goodnight baby." I said as I kissed her cheek. That night I couldn't sleep. "*What's keeping me up all of a sudden?*"

It's back once more. The final book of this lovely Praise. Your only gonna read the first chapter till I grant you another one. In other words stay safe and enjoy indoors

Praise #3 ( Fate Till the End)Where stories live. Discover now