Spending the Week with You

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Devil's POV

It was my day off of work and Ash was nowhere to be seen. "Good he's not here. Damn I wonder where he is? He's probably at the night club as usual. I should check on Dice." I said as I searched for my phone. As I found it and I called Dice. "Hello?" He said from the other line. "Hey Dice. It's me Devil." I said nervously. "Hey there, I was wondering why you haven't respond to my messages." He said as I heard a little chuckle coming from him. I miss his little giggles and smiles. "I was busy with cleaning beer bottles and trash everywhere." "Spring cleaning then." "Yeah. Hey uh Dice." I said as I cleared my throat. "Yeah?" "You don't mind if I spend the night at your house do you?" I asked. "Yeah I don't mind. Your more than welcome." He said. We then told our goodbyes and I hung up the phone. I walked upstairs and packed up some night clothes and clothes for work. "Need a break from Ash. I can't tell Dice the things he dose to me just yet. Not to mention that he almost killed me." I sighed and walked out from the back door. I then snuck into my car and drove off.

As I made it to Dice's house I was surprised on how big it was. I then parked my car and grabbed my things. Locking it I heard a voice call. "Hey you made it." I then saw Dice running up to me. "Fancy mansion. I like it." "You know me and fancy things get along." "As always." We both laughed and Dice held my hand. "We should head in. It's about to storm later on and I don't want you to catch a cold." He said and we went inside.

It was like what Bendy said on the phone. It was like I was in a palace or a fairy tale. "So where is Bendy?" "Oh he's with Wheezy and Sally. Besides they are way in Isle 1. They are in Dollywood right now." He said as he got text from Bendy. I then smiled as I saw our son having so fun. "What about your girlfriend is she here?" I asked. He looked away with a sigh. "She's with her friends. But things haven't been good between us." He said. I then saw the sadness, loneliness, and regret in his lime green eyes. As well made it to the private room, I took a seat on the couch. "So this is your secret bedroom? Nice." "Oh well I come here to clear my mind and for some peace when Queen and Bendy starts their arguments." He said as he gave me a cover. I then heard a buzzing noise coming from the other side. I then looked and saw that it was Dice's phone. I looked around for him but he was in shower. I then took risk and answered the phone. Changing my voice to sound like his I heard his girlfriend on the line. "Hey bae I won't be home for a week. I just wanted to say that I love you and that I will be texting you." She said. "O-Oh okay love. See you soon then. *She's drunk. But for a week? That's what Ash texted me.*" I said as I hung up the phone as she was about to say something. "*Maybe I should stay over for a week.*" I then changed into my bed clothes and saw Dice walking out of the bathroom. "I need that warm shower. It's been a good three weeks since I ever had a good shower." "Should've invited me~" I said and Dice's face went red. "So wanna watch a movie."

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