My Boyfriend is an Asshole

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Devil's POV

The next day was pretty tiring. I was in my office signing more soul contracts and was trying my best not to fall asleep. I then heard the door open and saw Dice walking in. It was silent for awhile till I broke it. "Anymore contracts I need to sign?" "No that's about all of them today." He said. Dice then handed me a cigar and lit it up. As we sat in silence once again I broke the thin glass between us. "How is Bendy? Haven't seen him in a while." I said. "He's...depressed to say the least. He doesn't like my girlfriend and he wants us to get back together and re-marry." He said. "Wait he hates your girlfriend? Why?" "He says she's too old for me and that she is a M.I.L.F." Dice said. I then laughed. "I wonder where he got the word MILF from? hmm. " I said as I looked at Dice. "Okay so he got it from me. No big deal. Anyways, how you been doing with your relationship." Dice said. I looked away and spoke. "It's good. We argue from time to time but still good."

As we talked we heard the door slammed open and my boyfriend walked in angry. "I've been waiting for you to come home for two hours! The fuck is you doing still at work." He yelled at me. I couldn't get the words out and that's when Dice jumped in. "He needed my help with the soul contracts." "And who the fuck are you?" "I'm his right hand man that's who the fuck I am. It is my job to help him with his business. Business like this." Dice said coldy. I then pack up my stuff. "Well that should be all. Um bae you don't mind waiting in the car for me. We have to close up." I said. He then gave me a deadly look and stormed his way to the car. "Devil who is he?" "My boyfriend. Ash Firestone. Sorry he can be demanding at times." I said as we walked out of the office. "Well no shit he's demanding. Devil I don't think he's right for you." Dice said. "Dice I understand your trying to help but I found the person to spend my life with. As your boss I don't want to speak about my boyfriend." "Your boyfriend is a asshole Boss." Dice said and walked off. I caught up to him. "He isn't. I know he isn't." "Your blind Devil. When we was together I never treated you like that. Once your eyes open and see what I mean your gonna regret it. Your gonna regret a lot of stuff you shared with him." Dice said and walked off to his car. I then walked out of the casino and into my car where Ash was waiting for me. "That bitch of right hand man is a dick." I didn't say anything. I just started the car and drove off.

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