We need a team

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Devil's POV

We made our way to the casino where we saw Penny and Valina flirting as the usual. "Hey you two. How are you?" Valina said. "Not good at all." "Oh. Poor Bendy. Penny was telling me a plan to find him." She said. I then sat on the stool and lit a cigar. "Devy you shouldn't be smoking like that." "Doll my nerves are so bad. Please let me smoke this cigar." I said as I blew some smoke out. Dice didn't mind it. He knew how bad my stress level is right now and this is the only way to calm me down. "So what was your plan again sweetie?" Valina said to Penny. "Alright so here is the plan...I heard that someone knows who stole Bendy and where they are hiding. He's a good friend of mine but he works for someone who we thought was dead." "Don't tell me. That fuckin Microphone." I said. Penny nodded her head slowly. "I thought he died when the casino exploded 7 years ago." Dice said. "We thought the same but he's much alive." She said. "From my perspective, I heard that his casino is still standing." Valina said. "Where dear?" "I think in Inkwell Isle 1. If I could remember clearly, it's in the darkest part of the woods. I was taking a walk there when I found a path way that leads towards it." Valina said. "Oh my gosh Valina your a genius!" Mugman said.

"But Penny as I was doing my daily walk I saw Mic with loads of men with guns and other explosive things. Be careful." She said. "Yeah that sounds like Mic. We need a team." She said. "Why not us? We all have the skills so why not work together." Cuphead said. "Good idea Cuphead. But we need some more people and I know the right ones to help us." She said as she told us to follow her to a secret room that I created in the new casino. As we walked in we saw Wheezy and some other guy with yellow eyes, brown hair with a gold highlight in the middle and he had one gold tooth." Alright Joseph call it a night. Come back so we can exam the evidence." Wheezy said as he had a walky talky in his hand. "Hey you two. Having fun without us?" Penny said as the two turned around.

Wheezy saw us and hugged us both. "Oh boy it's so good to see you two again. Sorry of what happened to Bendy. Poor kid, who knows what that bastared might do to him." He said. I then looked at the other man. "Oi! You must be the Devil. I'm Mark. Mark Ha-" "No way! Your Mark Haxalot!!" The boys shouted with joy. "Mark who?" "Mark Haxalot. The ultimate hacker in all of Inkwell Isle. He saved a country from a nuclear bomb by hacking into the files and saving those innocent people. He's a hero!!" They both said at the same time. "Well I wouldn't have saved them from it, if it wasn't for Wheezy and Valina." He said. "But anyways let's get back to the mission. Penny we found Bendy and where Mic hid him." Mark said as he pulled up Bendy's location. "Oh thank goodness your a life saver." I said. "But there is a problem." He said as he looked at the map. "What is it Mark?" "He has a flight with his crew to meet someone to sell Bendy." He said. I was about to cry again. Lawd these people are messing with my emotions right now. "Shit. Where would he be?" Penny asked. "He's going to be at the airport in Isle 2 at 11pm sharp." He said as he found the exact time. "We would need some kind of disguise to make him not know that it's us." Valina said. She then looked at Dice and Penny. "Penny, Dice how you two like to be some flight attendants." "Oh no! I'm not about to have my husband go on some dangerous mission." Dice looked at me. I saw determination in those lime green eyes. "Devy please. For our son." He said. "Alright. But I'm going as gunsmith. I wanna shoot his crew up." I said and our mission has begun.

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