A Date in the Casino

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Devil's POV

Tonight I asked Dice to join me for dinner at the casino. Why? Because I can finally propose to him once again. To be honest I'm surprised he kept his wedding ring on even after we divorced. As I got ready for my King I sat down in one of the tables waiting for him. As I looked through the menu I then saw my menu being pulled down. "Don't tell me you ordered for us already?" Dice said as he took a seat. "Wow. You look amazing. Purple and white looks very nice on you." I said as Dice blushed. "Sorry if I was late. Had to take care of some business and going back home to get ready while Bendy was having a sleep over with the cup brothers." He said. "Well at least it's the cup brothers and no one else." "I rather let Wheezy babysit but he has to work tonight." He said as he looked at the menu. As the waitress came up we ordered our food. "It's nice seeing you two together again." Valina said as she wrote down our orders. "Together again." Dice said as he smiled softly. "Don't worry about paying for dinner Boss. I'll pay for you both."

As we talked about our lives and happy to be together again our food came. As we ate, I ordered a beer. "Never knew you had a thing for beer?" "Always did doll face~" I said as I winked at him and he giggled. "Would like something to drink?" "I'll go with a White Russian." I then stop drinking my beer and called Penny. "Yes Boss?" "I'll have two White Russians please." I said. Penny then wrote our orders and walked off to the bar. When she came back with our drinks I took a sip. "How is it?" "It's delicious!"

After that amazing dinner we made our way to the dance floor. A slow song played and we danced like we was in a Disney movie. We then danced to a waltz song and I was able to waltz Dice to the balcony for some privacy. We then looked at the city from afar and then at the stars. "It's beautiful out here isn't it." "Yes it is. But what makes this night even more beautiful is you." Dice then blushed as I wrapped my arms around him. "Devil you don't mind if we talk?" "Sure. What seems to be the problem." "I'm not upset or anything it's just that I've been thinking a lot about us and I was thinking maybe we should live together again. You know me, you and Bendy. As a family." He said. He then had a soft innocent smile that I never seen before. "Of course but what about Queen? Where would she live?" "She can share the dog house with Pui'Tootie." He said with a sassy tone. Oh how I love it when he has a sassy fit. Makes him more adorable yet sexy all in one.

"Dice there is something I wanted to tell you." "Sure what is it?" He asked me. I couldn't keep my eyes off his beautiful lime green eyes. Plus I can't even bring the nerve to propose. "**No Devil don't say that. You can do this. Just ask him again. Just remember how you propose last time.* Dice I want to ask you something."

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