Reach for the Skies

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BTW Penny is the one on the right. Fun fact: When she was little her nickname was Chandler by her being all excited by going on epic missions. So far she doesn't use Penny as her name but use Chanda to make people not notice her.
PS. Y'all know his real name already. But Dice is on the left.

Penny's POV

As we made it to the airport we got dressed in our uniforms. "I have no clue what a flight attendant does so I'm just gonna follow you." Dice said as he pit on his name tag. "Well your in luck it has been some years since I retired from this job. Hopefully the people doesn't remember me." I said as I put on my name tag. "Chanda?" "Oh. Chandelier is my nickname when I was a kid. I use Chanda as to keep my real name a secret." "So your really a spy?!" "You can say that. Let's go before that jet takes off." We then made our way towards the jet. Running inside we acted casual so no one would be too suspicious about us. As I told Dice on what to say I snuck in the first class. There I saw Mic flirting with Queen. "Man this dude makes me sick." I whispered as I walked up to them. "Hello. How is everyone so far." I said trying not to choke this guy. "Well beautiful..we are doing amazing." He said. "Would you like to try our new red wine. I heard it's very good." I said. Mic then thought about. "I'll have that wine beautiful." He then winked at me and I felt my stomach turn.

I then saw Dice in the back. "So did you find him?" "Yes but I couldn't find Bendy. He's got him hidden somewhere. Anyways go give them this wine." I gave him the wine and he went in.

Dice's POV

I'm nervous as fuck right now! Wrong move and I'm done for. No. Now it's not the time to be a coward Dice. You fought them once. Don't let them bring you down. I then walked in and saw what I never seen in my life. Valina wasn't joking when she said there were men with loaded guns and other dangerous shit that can kill me in a instant. "Here is your bottle of wine sir." I said as I handed it to him. "Thank you uh...Rex." He said as he read my name tag. Thank goodness I didn't put Dice. Before I could left Queen started to look suspicious. "Hmm. I feel like I seen you before?" She said. Before she got close to me I threw the tray at her. I then ran out as Penny was calling for back up. I then made it to the door seeing that jet was almost off the ground. "We have to jump." "Oh no. I'm not jumping." I was then pushed off as I covered my face.

I then opened my eyes as I was in someone's arms. "I told Penny this was a bad idea." Devil said as he saw the jet took off. "Bendy is not on that jet but I was able to find out where their going." I said as Devil put me down. "Where?!" "I think it's his casino in a very rich Isle. I think it's Isle 4." "Shit! I hate that part of the other island. Too expensive." He said. We then saw Wheezy driving up. "So got any good news." He said. "Well Penny pushed me off the jet, Bendy is not inside that jet, and they are heading towards Isle 4." I said. Wheezy then sighed. "Well then. Let's go pay that dipshit a visit." "You know they can easily find out it's you Devil." Valina said. "Yeah but I can shape shift." "They still can tell. Magic or not." Wheezy said as he bandage Mark's hand. "Ouch!! Not to tight!" Mark yelled. "Would you like me to burn your hand than healing it." Wheezy said. Mark gulp and I turned to Valina. "Alright. Dice and Devil you two will have to take action in that casino." "Why can't Cuphead and Mugman do this. They have guns." "They know us far too well." Cuphead said. "Don't worry Mr. Devil we will be right behind you two." Mugman said. Devil sighed and we all looked at Valina. "Alright. Now who wants a drag makeover."

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