This is what Rey looks like^^^^^^^^^
Rey's POV
This foster home is literally bullshit. My foster mom is in it for my foster dads money. My foster dad is in it for the sex. It's stupid, I swear my foster mom is on drugs. The only things that are some what stable in this house is me and my emotional support cat. Yes, I said cat and I named her Lamb. How punk rock of me right? Yes very right, Rey very right. I pull my baby out of its case aka my electric guitar and my cat lays behind me on my bed as I strum the opening chords to Kick Me by Sleeping With Sirens. Felling edgy today. Someone knocks on the door yelling "TURN IT DOWN, FUCKER!" I yell back "NO!" Turning my amp up. Turns out its my step mom and she's says "you're meeting potential adopters at the coffee house in half an hour! Now get ready!" I say "ok!" Maybe I'll get the fuck outta this joint this time. I pull on high waisted, black, ripped skinny jeans, a couple pocket chains, a cropped Pierce The Veil shirt, a flannel, and my gray converse. Lastly I put on my nerd glasses aka my make my eyes work things and a beanie. I grab my acoustic guitar and I grab my skateboard and I go to the coffee house and say " Lisa, get me some of the strong shit." She says "you got it sis. Interview?" I say "mhm. Hoping it'll go nicely." Lisa says "you never know. The stage is yours well you wait." I say "thanks. Trying to make bank or I won't be able to buy coffee anymore." She laughs and hands me my coffee. I take a long drink as I get everything hooked up on stage. Which isn't much, I sit on a stool thats front and center stage and I say "how is everyone one" check my phone "this fine morning?" I get a few thumbs up and I say "what are we feeling this morning?" A teen in the front that seem to be from out of town says "I like your shirt, coming clean?" I say "thank you. Its been awhile since I've sang that one bare with me." The teen says "oh its ok I always get the words wrong." I laugh and start the intro. I believe in myself slightly. A group of people walk in but I don't take notice of them until the end of the song one of the guys say "i like your shirt!" I say "thank you. I'm Rey if you want my info ask that chic over there shell know what to give you. I answer most hours" pointing at Lisa. I walk off the stage and some dude walks up to me saying "so you're Rey?" I say "thats me. Holy shit you're Mike Fuentes. Hi." Mike says "are you waiting for something?" I say "yes why do you ask?" He says "ok this is getting weird. Your name is Rey Madison right? Waiting for a meeting with potential adopters?" I say "that sounds about right" pulling my glasses up the bridge of my nose. I say "this is oddly suspicious. I'm highly confused." Mike says "well what if i told you I'm the potential adopter?" Raising an eyebrow. I say "well shit. Really?" He says "noooo" sarcastically then he says "yes of course." We walk to the big booth in the back corner and i say "this feels oddly professional. What's up." Tony waves at me and I smile and wave back. Vic says "sup" and jaime says "heyyyy" in a valley girl accent. I say "heyyyy gurl" in the same accent. Mike says "did that just happen?" I say "think so." Mike says "so is Rey short for anything?" I say "Reymond. With an e not an a ." He nods and says "hmm what am I supposed to say like I'm not going to convince you of anything cause you're a teenager and have the freedom of doing whatever unless it's illegal. How old are you?" I say "14." Mike says "hmm." Vic says "Mike, you're treating this like a drug deal. What's your favorite color?" I say "hmm I like all of them except the pastels." Tony mumbles "eww pastels neon is better." I say "agree." Tony mumbles "turtles or giraffes?" With an evil smile on his face. I say "are you trying to make me pick band members without picking band members?" Mike says "Tony, you're evil sometimes." Tony smiles shyly saying "I know." I say "yo hedgehog, how you doing?" Jaime says "I'm alright, glasses." I say "hmm" sipping my coffee. I tap my fingers on the table and Mike says "Tony, can we keep her please?!" I laugh and say "Tony, please?!" Why are we asking Tony? Wait. I squint and raise an eyebrow. Mike mumbles "surprise?" I say "I owe my cat money but its ok." Tony gasps saying "you have a cat!" I say "yeah!" Tony quietly says "yes we can keep her. And no not just because you have a cat even though thats a part of the reason." I laugh and say "thats good with me." Mike says "so what do we do now?" Vic says "sign the papers, dork and get her stuff from her house." I say "I don't have much I can go to my house and come back." Mike says "do you know how to ride a skateboard?" I say "yes." Mike says "then I'm going with." I say "yeah one second." I go to the stage quickly and put my acoustic back in its case and grab my board. I say "bye Lisa I'll see you around." She says "good luck, dude." I say "definitely. Hold down the fort." She says "I always do." I say "do it well." She says "you know it" as I walk out of the shop. I say "so what's going on in the life of Mike Fuentes" as we skate down the sidewalk. He says "nothing much really. You?" I say "nothing much yelling foster mom, guitar, and skateboarding. Mike says "that would be a song title." I say "by Fall Out Boy." We laugh so hard we almost fall off our boards. When we get to the house I say "wait here I'll be back." Mike says "you sure?" I say "mhm wait you have to sign the papers. Ugh come in. I warn you my step moms gonna flirt with you." Mike says "thats just swell" sarcastically.

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