Rey's POV
The last bell rings and I grab my board and my backpack from my locker. I change into my doc martens that were in my locker, stuffing my converse into my backpack. I know I'm not supposed to but I skate down the hallway and a teacher says "Miss. Fuentes! No skateboarding in the halls! You have detention today!" I say "but I have an interview!" She says "for?" I say "my dad and uncles band." She says "nope you have detention." I say "cmon its important!" She says "too bad. God you're just like your father when he was a teen" muttering the last part. The guys walk down the hall and Vic says "mini Mike we gotta go." I say "this teacher is telling me I have detention cause I was skating down the hall." Mike says "oh whatever I'd do that all the time and I never got detention from the exact same teacher!" The teacher says "fine you can go." I say "thank you." We all get in the car and Tony says "why were you skating in the halls?" I say "cause I felt like it." Tony says "eh reasonable." Mike says "don't skate down the stairs though it doesn't feel nice." I say "well no shit obviously don't skate down any stairs." Tony says "its funny to watch." I say "it is. I made Jacob do it once." Tony laughs. When we get to the interview everyone gets out of the car except Tony and I and he grabs my arm. Tony says "our relationship isn't existing when we get out of this car." I say "assumed." Tony says "you're Mike's daughter not ours once we get out of this car." I say "also assumed." Tony whispers "I'm sorry, babygirl" hugging me. I say "I completely understand I promise ok? Don't worry about it cause I'm not worried about it." He says "ok" kissing my forehead. We pull away and get out of opposite sides of the car. We all sit on one couch some how. It's a giant couch but i just lay across everyones laps, Mike playing with my hair and Tony poking my feet. I say "stopppp" as I roll off the couch onto the floor as the interviewer walks in. Jaime says "what are you doing?" I laugh and say "I don't know" and stand up, sitting on the arm of the couch next to Mike. The interviewer says "hey! Ive met you guys before! How are you?" Vic says "pretty alright, Sam." She says "who's she?" In a nice way definitely not snobby. I say "I'm Rey, Mikes daughter." The interviewer says "Sam. Nice to meet you." Sam sits across from us saying "rolling in 3, 2, 1. Hello guys! How are you?" The guys say a mixture of hellos and doing wells. I say "I'm tired." Sam says "why?" I say "I had school, almost got detention, ya know the usual." Sam chuckles saying "ok this is Pierce The Veil plus a small child. What's your name?" I say "uh I'm Rey. Hi and no I'm not dating any of your celebrity boyfriends." Sam chuckles and says "so Mike what's it like being a father?" Mike says "it is certainly interesting. She stole my clothes this morning while I was sleeping, she stole Vic's coffee yesterday, Vic talked a teacher, we used to have actually, out of giving her detention. God that teacher hated me." Sam laughs and says "well aren't you trouble?" I say "dads worse!" Mike says "no!" Vic smacks his forehead. Sam chuckles and says "so there's a rumor about King For a Day getting a musical video. Is this true or is there something else going on?" Vic says "well there's a couple things going on but that video is being shot this weekend actually and the tour for the album starts week after next." I fist bump the air and Sam says "you excited?" I say "yes of course I am. I'm gonna bribe uncle Vic into letting me into the video." Vic says "I don't care you might have to bribe Mike." Sam says "since Kellin Quinn of Sleeping With Sirens is featured in the song is he going to be in the video? Or do you not know yet?" Jaime says "yes but its just a one second frame so you have to try and find him in the video. Just kidding he's going to be in the video." Sam says "so you all live together right?" We all nod and Sam says "what is it like living with these men?" I say "well its interesting its great cause I said Jaime you're coming with me when I went to school this morning and he actually did. On the other hand, they get aggressive, especially Tony" saying the last part sarcastically. Mike says "you're the aggressive one. Listen to your parents kid they're normally right." I say "I was kidding!" Sam laughs saying "Rey, have you met Kellin Quinn yet?" I say "yes I met him yesterday actually he probably thinks I'm weird but I think he's really cool." Vic says "he posted about you on insta actually he thinks you're cool too." I say "k fangirl moment." Sam chuckles and says "tell us who are you touring with when tour starts up?" Mike says "well Sleeping With Sirens obviously, All Time Low, and uhh I can't think of anyone else." Vic says "were touring with Cher too." I say "All Time Low?! And you didn't tell me!?" Dad says "whoops sorry. Seriously Cher?" Vic says "no I mean unless Cher wants to." I laugh and say "I'm down." Tony just shakes his head saying "lets not drag Cher into whatever drama someone will start about us." I say "feisty turtle." Tony says "no scared turtle the Cher fandoms gonna come get us guys." Jaime says "our fandom is smaller but will probably kick the shit outta the Cher fandom." I say "lets not challenge the Cher fandom, hedgehog." Jaime says "fine." Sam says "so what's the gossip in the Pierce The Veil household?" I say "Tony likes my cat more than he likes me." Tony says "ok that is not true but your cat does like me." Mike says "your cat scared Vic earlier it was really funny." I say "damn I missed it." Jaime says "I made a singular taco today." I say "why a singular taco?" laughing. Jaime says "we didn't have enough stuff." We all laugh as the interviewer signs off on the interview.

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