Rey's POV
Dad says "being distant." I hug him and whisper "daughter to dad. He loves you so damn much he might be planning something we don't know ok?" Dad says "it gives me anxiety thats all" hugging me tighter. I mutter "dad, its gonna be ok. I promise." Dad says "ok, I love you, babygirl." I say "I love you too." A guy says "yo you guys datin or something?" I say "no" as I go back to my seat. Mike walks in as the bell rings and I say "I need to talk to you." He raises and eyebrow saying "ok." I go outside and he follows me and I quietly say "dad says you're being distant what's going on?" Dad says "fuck. Is it that noticeable? Fuck fuck fuck." I say "dad, calm down. Why?" Dad pulls a box out of his jacket pocket, showing me a ring. I smile saying "dad you just have to ask him. He loves you so damn much take him out tonight, propose anywhere you want, I'll ask Jacob if I can go to his house, and just tell the guys your plan it'll go well I promise."  Dad says "what if he says no?" I smack his cheek saying "he's not going to say no because he loves you!" Dad says "ok you didn't need to hit me though." I say "I think it was necessary." Dad says "fine. Thank you." I say "you're welcome. Now go say hi to him if he confronts you about it ask him if he wants to go on a date. Lock the door. Love you!" I walk over to Jacob and he says "they look distraught." I say "just a little. Now I would really like it if I could spend the night at your house tonight?" Jacob says "may I ask why?" I say "promise you won't fanboy?" Jacob says "no promises." I mutter "dads proposing tonight." Jacob screeches and I slap my hand over his mouth as people stare at us. He says "sorry. It just makes me happy. They're so in love and it makes me fuzzy inside." I say "to be completely honest they're really cute but they are the horniest people I know. Definitely in love though. I wonder where Jaime's going? He literally has no one to my knowledge." Jacob says "he probably has someone I mean he probably leaves when the fuck." I say "last time we went skateboarding." Jacob says "I'm surprised you aren't scarred after living with them." I say "me too. Dads flirt openly in front of me, after the interview they made out next to me in the car, its wild at my house. Oh when I threatened all their pizza was going to be gone by the time they got downstairs Mike came in wearing only basketball shorts and Tony was only wearing sweatpants. It's interesting." Jacob says "they're young and in love give them some credit." I say "true."
The end of school
As soon as last bell rings I go and find Tony saying "you guys going home first?" Tony says "yeah. Why?" I say "can you take my guitars home?" Dad says "I can yeah." I say "thanks dad, I'm going to Jacobs house for the night. Have fun tonight." He says "thank you" kissing my forehead. I say "bye love you, dad." Dad says "bye love you too, babygirl." I smile grabbing my backpack and my skateboard, skating down the hall. I don't care anymore. Surprisingly, I didn't get in trouble. I go outside and skate towards Jacobs house, him skating after me. I open the door to his house and go up to his room. He follows me and we lay on his bed. I say "I'm bored." Jacob says "me too." I feel my phone vibrate and I pull it out. I answer the call saying "hello?" Lisa says "you wanna come in in. 15 minutes?" I say "sure." She says "k byeee." I say "byeee" and hang up. I say "do you have a guitar here cause I don't want to go to my house." Jacob says "no I have my ukulele though." I say "cool were going to the coffee house right now." I grab my board and the ukulele case, skating down the street, Jacob following behind me. We get to the coffee house and I say "wanna play and do back up vocals?" He says "uh sure why the hell not." I sit on the edge of the stage and he sits next to me. I put the mic stand in front of me on the floor. I say "hello everyone. How are you?" People wave and smile. I say "this is Jacob he's playing for me tonight because I don't want to." Jacob says "no its because you can't." I say "ouch I can play ukulele and several other instruments." Jacob says "whatever. What are we doing?" I say "song recommendations?" A small girl in the front says "house of gold? By Twenty One Pilots?" I say "can you do that?" Jacob says "mhm." He starts playing the song. When we finish the song I say "is anyone feeling up to the skate park tonight?" A few people cheer and I say "ok lets go then!" We pack up and I get a free coffee and skate down to the skate park, Jacob coming with me. We get to the skate park and a couple kids from the shop are skating around. I sit against the chained fence and check my phone quickly. One of the kids come over and I say "wait I know you." The kid says "I recommended a few songs a week ago." I say "oh yeah!" The kid says "how are your parents doing?" I say "oh my dads good. I don't know if you saw but I got adopted." The kid says "oh congratulations!" I say "thank you!" The kid says "through a screen Mike looks a lot happier with you around than before you came into his life." I smile and say "I'm a lot happier too. The whole band helps just by being present in my life and there for me."

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