Rey's POV
I wake up the next morning with a sore nose. I say "was I punched or something? Ohhh yeah I got my nose pierced." I laugh at my stupidity and get out of bed to get dressed. I pull my dress out of the bag it was in and hang it on my closet door. Then I take the shoes out and put them next to the closet. I pull out a Pierce The Veil crew neck, jeans, and doc martens. I put on a SnapBack and I say "damnit I look like an even smaller uncle Vic." I roll my eyes and say "oh well" then I tuck the crew neck into my high waisted jeans and put my pocket chains on. I say "ok better." I pull the sleeves over my hands and say "good." I go downstairs, grabbing coffee from the counter. I here a voice say "how and when did that nose piercing get there?" Its Mike. I say "last night and a nice lady pierced it and Jaime paid for it." Dad says "ahh gotcha." I say "mhm." Tony comes into the kitchen saying "nice nose piercing, Rey" looking in the fridge. I say "thanks dad. I'm going to school now." I skate down the sidewalk to school. When I get there I pop my board up into my hand and walk to my class. I sit in my seat next to Jacob and he says "you look like a mini Vic." I laugh and say "this morning it was worst before I tucked my shirt and put on pocket chains." Jacob says "oh yeah definitely." I say "and surprisingly it didn't get addressed by anyone at my house." Jacob laughs and says "surprising." I laugh saying "it is! And no one said it but then again I didn't see Hime this morning." We both laugh and Jacob says "with your family there has to be a weird story." I say "Jaime and I were at Starbucks drinking coffee at 8 o' clock at night. Yes 8. Anyways, I said how I thought something was missing for my outfit then I got this bad idea. I asked Jaime if he would let me get my nose pierced and he said how we should ask my parents and I said seriously of all people. Then I got my nose pierced the end." Jacob says "well thats exciting" chuckling. I say "oh definitely." The teacher comes in saying "time to get to work." I mutter "woohoo" and Jacob says "mhmmm." The teacher starts talking about random shit and there's a knock on the door. I raise my eyebrow, adjusting my SnapBack. I say "this can't be good. For me anyways it won't affect anyone else." The teacher says "its for you" pointing at me. I say "are they allowed in?" The teacher says "come in, sir." I mutter "who could it be?" A guy comes in and I definitely recognize him. I say "oh my gosh its been years." He smirks saying "how are you, Rey?" I say "good really good, friend." He says "come here, I know you want to hug this fabulousness" striking a pose. I laugh and say "whatever" hugging him. I say "you still smell good." He laughs and says "I got adopted." I pull away saying "you did?! Thats amazing!" He says "you'll never guess who. Who's that kid?" I say "thats Jacob. He's my best and only friend thats not an adult. Who is it?" He says "I'm taking you from school." I say "did you ask my parents?" He says "not at all time to go." I say "you're a dork, Jeffrey." He smiles saying "I know. Who are those girls that are clearly into me?" I say "they want your body not you" dragging him out of the room grabbing my shit. Basically Jeffrey was my first foster sibling for the first 7 years of me as an orphan. I say "where are we going?" Jeffrey says "coffee?" I say "definitely." We go to Starbucks and I say "now you gotta tell me who adopted you?!" After we get our coffees. He says "you aren't going to believe me." I say "I live with Pierce The fucking Veil I'd believe anything at this point." He says "k fine" and I feel hands cover my eyes and the person behind me says "guess who?" I say "hmm can I look at your arms or is that cheating?" He says "definitely cheating, Rey." I say "ok I've met them before and I know that voice. Mikey Way?" Jeffrey says "how'd you know?" I say "cause I know him?" Jeffrey says "traitor" laughing. I say "I know." Mikey says "dude its been awhile." I say "yeah how was warped for you?" He says "fangirls were out to get me." I laugh and say "the security guys were after me." Mikey says "dude Frank was concerned for you. He kinda went into dad mode. It was funny not gonna lie." I laugh and say "whoops. You going to the release party Sunday?" Mikey says "on a Sunday? That means it was Peter. Last release party was on a Tuesday. He picks the weirdest days ever." I laugh and say "yeah. You going?" Looking at Jeffrey. He says "I have to go against my will" sarcastically. Mikey says "no you aren't" rolling his eyes. I get a phone call and I say "fuck its Tony" answering with "hey dad." He says "where are you? I was told some random teenager came and stole you from the school." I laugh and say "an old friend came in and stole me now I'm drinking coffee with him and Mikey Way." Dad laughs saying "just make up the work I'll see you later." I laugh and say "I love you dad." He chuckles saying "I love you too." I hang up and say "my dad was worried about me then told me to make up my school work." They laugh and we talk for hours until almost dinner time.

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