Rey's POV
A half hour into the live stream I hear a knock on the door. I say "one second" as I get up to get the door. I open the door and it's Jaime with my coffee at 8:30 at night. He says "coffee at this time of night is strange but hey" handing me my coffee. I smile and say "thank you Jaime. Yes it is strange but what's wrong with strange? Right?" He says "everyone needs some strange." I say "what have you and Vic been doing?" He says "kinda hanging around." I say "nice. Well i got to go back before the livestream thinks I'm dead." Jaime says "ok." I say "thank you" hugging him. He says "youre welcome" kissing my forehead. I go and sit next to Awsten saying "I got my coffee. I swear I'm addicted." Awsten says "eh it could be worst." I say "true." We livestream for a couple more hours and i say "ok I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow." I hug Awsten and go to the Pierce bus. I knock on the door and Vic lets me in. I walk into the lounge and my parents are just sitting there shirtless drinking beer with Jaime and Vic. I go to Snapchat and pan my camera around the room then typing this is what my bus looks like tonight when I got back to the bus at 10pm. Mike says "want one?" And tony smacks his chest saying "she's not even 18, Mike." I chuckle and say "nah ill pass" sitting on the floor. Dave starts to the next warped location around 12 and the guys are still sitting around talking. I sit on the couch next to Tony and he puts his arm around me, pulling me closer. He kisses my cheek saying "hey babygirl, how are you?" I say "good" closing my eyes. I love with parents how I don't have to keep talking after they ask me how I am. I smile and he leans his head on mine.
Next morning
I get off the bus at 11, an hour before they let anyone in, and sit against the wheel of the bus. I sip my coffee trying not to sweat. Its hot here were in like Georgia or something and its fucking hot. I say "shit" because I just remembered that I forgot to put on one of the most important things when you're in hot weather, deodorant. I go back in the bus and put on deodorant and Jaime asks me "what are you doing?" I say "shielding people from something called BO." Jaime says "ok?" I chuckle and say "hygiene is important Hime. Even if you live with a bunch of dudes." He says "thats sexist." I say "even when you live with anyone its important. It kind of was supposed to be sexist as a joke." Jaime says "I know I was going along with it." I chuckle and go outside after I grab a bottle of water. I sip my water and boredly sit outside. I stand up saying "I'm bored" and I walk around looking at all the tents before people get here. I see one tent and it has my name across the top of it. I say "uhh why is my name across the top of this tent?" A girl helping set up says "the boss thought you should have a tent since you have your own kind of fan base and everyone loves you." I say "oh thank you." They finish setting up the tent and I think of a very bad idea. Yes you know what it is its sitting on the folding table then I decide against it. I lay on the ground for a little while then I decide to sit in the seat behind my table and tap my pen lazily. I hear someone beside me set down a case of water saying "stay hydrated." I look up and see Mike. I say "thank you. You better be sharing these with me, dad." He says "duh its as hot as a fucking desert" sitting in the seat next to me. I say "I'm going to do something else with my tent. I'm going to host a show cause that'll be fun." Dad says "what do you mean by a show?" I say "like a talk show like play games and ask questions. What do you think?" Dad says "that sounds fun. I feel like fans would like that." I smile and say "me too." When security starts letting everyone in people immediately start coming over and I say "I need to make a poster" grabbing a piece of poster board I found laying around. Who knows why honestly. I write Miss. Fuentes' talk show in big bubble letters and lean it against the front of the table. I move my chair to the front saying "dad I'm gonna need your chair" as the fans watch me strangely. I steal dads chair and he pouts. I say "oh you'll get over it. Hello everyone! How are ya?" A crowd gathers around shortly. I say "welcome to my talk show! Yes I will sign stuff if you find me around I'll be around all day and I'll sign or take pictures. Anyways this is my talk show who's my first victim?" Some raise their hands and I point at a random person with their hand up saying "you! Nice shirt by the way." Dad says "I gotta go make sure the fans don't eat me." I laugh and say "my father strictly told me not to let you guys eat him so don't do that." The guy I pointed at earlier sits next to me about 6 feet away. I say "what should we play?" A girl says "play are you smarter than Jack!" I say "but I don't have Jack."

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