Rey's POV
Ughgghgh. I have school. I get out of bed and and put on my jeans from yesterday, my pocket chains, a Sleeping With Sirens crew neck thats oversized, my converse, and a Sleeping With Sirens beanie, and put my plugs in my ears. I say "edgy." I smudge on minimal eyeliner as I fix my lip ring. I put my glasses on and I go downstairs and Vic says "traitor!" I hear Tony say "morning." I say "good morning" fixing my glasses. I steal Vic's coffee and drink the rest of it. He says "hey!" I say "don't you guys have a tour coming up?" Mike says "mhm. We have to do the video for King For A Day though." Vic says "were doing a video for that?!" Mike says "yeah. Kellins in it too" raising his eyebrows suggestively. I say "ooo I wanna go!" Mike says "you're going to be late you can go." I say "what about tour?!" Tony says "slow down speed racers. Yeah you can go you have to do school work though." I say "ok." I go upstairs and grab my backpack and my phone. I say "bye guys" hugging everyone. I'll have to talk to Vic about Kellin later. I grab my skateboard from the entryway and skate down the street to hell. I see Jacob as I get to the school. I say "sup bro." He says "sup." We walk into the school and I pull my sleeves up. A teacher says "congrats on getting adopted Rey!" I say "thank you." Jacob says "you like your parents or your cat more?" I say "do you like Mike Fuentes and Tony Perry or your dog more?" He says "that's not fair!" I say "exactly! It's not fair!" Jacob says "you have hot parents at least." I say "ewww those are my parents!" As we sit down in class. Another teacher tells me "congrats on being adopted!" I say "thanks." I quickly text Mike:
Me: did you tell anyone i got adopted teachers keep asking?
Mike: i didnt say shit sorry honey
Me: its alright its probably put in thier system with the papers
Mike: probably ok i gotta go practice ill see ya later babygirl
Me: stop I'm blushing great I'm getting in trouble with a student be good thanks
One of the popular girls walk over to me saying "who you texting? Your boyfriend?" I say "no I was texting my dad." She says "why were you smiling then?" I say "wouldn't you like to know?" God she's such a poser. I change Mikes name in my phone to MIKEYBOYFUENTES. I laugh and show Jacob my phone. He bursts out laughing and I say "Mikey boy Fuentes. Mike's gonna be so pissed" laughing harder. Jacob says "nah you've got him wrapped around your finger." I say "true." Some dude says "did you say Mikey boy Fuentes?" I burst out laughing and nodding. They guy says "is he your boyfriend or something?" Both the girl and the guy are wearing Pierce The Veil shirts and I say "you have to be fucking kidding?" The guy says "the last name sounds kinda familiar." Jacob says "posers." I nod and say "you're telling me." The guy says "hey were not posers!" I say "really. Who's in the band on your shirt?" He says "I don't know I just like their song King For A Day." Fuck off. I roll my eyes and Jacob says "I heard rumors of a video for that song is coming out." I say "not telling." Jacob laughs and the girl says "their lead singer is so hot." Ew sorry Vic. I say "ew no." She says "he so hot!" I say "he's my uncle!" People gasp and a guy says "your uncle is Vic Fuentes!? Yeah and my dad is Andy Beirsack." I say "uh huh and Jaime is the quiet one." The dude says "whatever." At the end of the day I walk out and I hear Jaime yell "GET IN LOSER WERE GOING SHOPPING!" I fix my glasses and I look around the parking lot seeing them sitting around on the car. I say "you dorks look like you're about to have a photo shoot." Mike says "were just that stylish." A few girls whistle at the guy as they walk by. The girl from earlier says "omg you're Vic Fuentes!" I mumble "she's a poser" to Tony. Tony rolls his eyes and takes his board out of the car. We skate around the parking lot boredly and a guy says "she finally gets a boyfriend." I say "easy punk. I'm single." He says "doesn't look it." I say "but I am." We skate to the car and the girl is still here flirting with Vic. I say "alright hands off the merchandise." She rolls her eyes and stomps off. Vic says "thanks I don't like her." I say "I don't either." Tony says "whoever that kid was over there I don't like him." I say "ew me either." I shiver and Tony says "ew." Tony leans on Mike and I lean on Tony. Mike says "King For a Day shoot is this weekend Kellin flys in tonight." I nod and Tony kisses my forehead, wrapping his arm around me. I say "I'm tired and I want to play with my cat." Tony says "I want to play with cat too. I could totally sleep too." Mike says "Tony you can sleep later" winking at him. I say "TMI dad!" Vic's phone starts ringing and he puts it in between his shoulder and his ear saying "hey babes" as he drives. He says "yeah I can pick you up later. Yes babe its fine the guys won't care and my niece is practically your walking advertisement today." Mike mumbles "Kellin really needs to get his band to move out here." As he says that i feel the car slam on the breaks. Vic says "wait really!? Thats great!" As he carries on driving to the house.

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