Rey's POV
We get to the venue and I change into jeans and a Pierce The Veil shirt. I grab my guitars and I go inside. I grabbed my guitars because I didn't want the crew putting it with Pierce's stuff. I give Tony my guitars telling him to take them backstage with him for me. I then go to the front door and security says "name? Ticket?" I say "Rey Fuentes." He says "Miss. Fuentes you look well today." I say "thank you" going in the front door to hang out with fans before they get let in to the main part of the venue. A few people turn and look at me when I walk in and a small girl comes up to me saying "can I have your autograph and a picture?" She has to be at least 8. I smile and say "sure! Who are you here with?" I take a picture and sign her tee shirt. She says "my mom and my sister." I say "thats amazing!" I walk around taking more pictures and signing stuff for people. A girl my age maybe older comes up to me. Wow she's pretty. Holy hell. She shyly says "this is weird cause we are like the same age but can I take a picture with you?" I take a picture with her and I take a sharpie from my pocket and say "let me see your arm, beautiful." She blushes saying "ok" a little skeptical. I write my number on her arm and say "what's your name? I need a name for when I talk about you." She says "Aria" still blushing. I say "text me later." She nods and I walk up to security holding people back from going into the main venue. One of the officers say "you're not allowed past." I say "you sure?" The guy says "yes." I say "I'm Rey Fuentes. Now can you let me past please?" He says "oh right god I'm stupid. You look amazing today, Miss. Fuentes." I say "thank you" as I walk past. I mumble "still got it. Good going Rey. You know how to smooth talk just like your father. Good job." I walk into the empty venue and yell "I STILL GOT IT, HELL YEAH!" Kellin says "what do you still got exactly?" I say "I still got game. Watch out I will steal yo girl or your man depending on the day" winking at him. Jaime says "huh they rest of the dorks are backstage." I say "thanks Hime." I jump on the stage and go backstage and see Alex and Jack doing body shots and Rian and Zack watching them disapprovingly. I say "is this what you do in your free time?" Jack says "more alcohol cures a hangover." I say "uh huh and I'm an adult man. Don't get drunk you have a show later." Alex says "mhm." I go to Pierce's green room. I say "sup?" Flopping on the floor. Vic says "hows my hair?" I say "thats the gayest sentence I've ever heard from you. It looks good." He rolls his eyes saying "gee thanks. Don't go stereotyping." I say "I'm not! Or I'd be a hypocrite in some way." Vic says "was that you coming out to us?" I say "sure. I never saw why it would matter so I didn't mention it." Mike says "it doesn't but why now?" I say "cause I still got game, father." He says "good lord what did you do?" I say "don't doubt me I smooth talked my way into me giving her my number in 5 minutes. She didn't refuse anything I'm just that smooth." Tony says "don't over smooth talk when you're drunk it doesn't work well" eyeing Mike. I laugh and say "dad, you should take the advice." He says "mhm." A guy knocks on the door saying "2 minutes." I go up to the mirror and take the braid out and mess with my hair. I smudge my eyeliner a little more and roll my tee shirt sleeves. I put chapstick on and say "I'm ready I think." Vic says "I think everyone wants you on with them at some point so don't change unless you want to then we come off cause you'll just be going back on." I say "ok." We walk to the stage and Vic says "I'll give you an entrance." I say "ok" smiling. They all go on stage and Tony pats my head. I toss my guitar around my body to my back. I mess with my hair and Vic screams "WHAT THE FUCK IS UP LA!?" Everyone in the crowd screams and Vic smiles at everyone and says "I feel like there's someone missing? What is everyone thinking?" I smile and mumble "what a dork." He looks at me and I guess its time to make an appearance. I go on stage and stand on the giant speaker that Tony normally stands on and flip my guitar to the front of me and shred for a few seconds. I go over to Vic's mic and say "hello everyone. You all look extremely sexy tonight. How are you?" The crowd screams and I say "good. Now why am I here?" Vic says "well you tell me." I say "I don't know. I'm hanging out I guess." I go to the mic and say "what am I supposed to do?" I hear a guy yell "STRIP!" I laugh and say "not in front of my dads or my uncle thats an after show experience that you pay extra for. I'm kidding." Mike grabs a mic from his set saying "I can hear you ya know." I say "yes I know, dad." Mike says "well keep it a little PG." I say "did you not hear uncle Vic say fuck? Hypocrites." The crowd chuckles and Jaime says "I don't know Mike this is funny." I laugh and say "thanks Hime. Well I I might make an appearance later. See ya guys." People scream and I walk to the All Time Low green room. I say "sup dudes." Rian says "hey." I say "sup. I totally did not just call my dad a hypocrite." Alex laughs and says "seriously?" I say "yeah he told me to keep it PG." They all laugh and I say "mhm."

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