Rey's POV
I get to Brendon's house and knock on the door, sipping my coffee then I hear dogs barking. I jump, forgetting he has dogs then I laugh at myself. Sarah opens the door saying "oh hey! You're Rey right?" I say "yes I am" shaking her hand. She says "I somehow haven't met you before cause the idiot can't do anything" letting me in. I laugh and say "I mean who knows" as I sit at the kitchen bar and she stands across from me in the kitchen. She says "so what do you like to do?" I say "I like to skateboard, annoy my family, sleep, play guitar, and play with my cat. Other than that I don't do much." She chuckles saying "your busy compared to me." I hear a voice say "you got coffee and you didn't get me any?" I say "no, I'm not gonna make Jaime buy you shit he buys me shit. There's a difference." Sarah says "if you drank coffee now you would be up until tomorrow night then you would pass out on the floor." I laugh and Brendon says "ok fine that might be true. Do we wanna go live in Urielectric?" I say "sure" standing up. Sarah says "I'll see you guys." I say "we should hang out sometime. I like you" following Brendon out to the studio. We go in and I say "this place is fucking awesome." He says "mhmm." I chuckle and say "mhmm" and I sit on a big couch and say "dude, if I don't wanna go home I'm gonna pick your lock and sleep on this couch." He looks around for a tripod I think. I say "what the fuck are we doing?" I laugh and he says "drugs." I say "I'm down." We both chuckle and he puts his phone in the small tripod and presses go live on periscope. Brendon says "hello." I turn to him saying "hello." We laugh and a bunch of people in the chat is asking if were high. I laugh and say "he might be but I'm sober unless you count coffee." Brendon says "dude its like 9 o' clock at night. Why coffee?" I laugh and say "because anytime is coffee time." Someone in the chat says nose piercing? I say "ohhhh whoops yeah I got my nose pierced kinda late at night, drinking coffee, and Jaime agreed because he was my supervisor." Brendon says "did you even ask your parents?" I say "no" laughing. Brendon says "Jesus Christ. Why wouldn't you?" I say "my parents are literally made up of piercings and tattoos. Mike questioned me when and where and Tony walked into the kitchen saying nice piercing, Rey. My best friend also said I look like an even smaller Vic" still laughing. Brendon says "I mean I see it" both of us laughing. I eye a guitar on his wall saying "can I play that?" He says "sure" taking it off the wall and handing it to me. He says "so what's life like right now?" I strum a couple chords saying "it's crazy, dude but strangely calm." He says "totally getting that. Sometimes you just gotta sit here and be like oh shit I have to do shit tomorrow." I laugh and say "I've been thinking about putting random quotes all over my walls in my room and I definitely want that on my wall" typing that into my notes on my phone. Brendon says "thats an amazing idea. Will Mike and Tony let you put that on your wall?" I laugh and say "yeah Mike would want to put fuck in big letters on my wall and say its his quote." Brendon laughs and say "what do you think the guys would put on your wall?" I say "oo I got this. Vic would put something about me being short, Tony would definitely put a turtle somewhere like behind a dresser so I find it when I rearrange my room, Mike would do the same thing but with swear words instead, and Jaime would write random shit on my walls. Maybe something to do with coffee." Brendon says "so how are the All Time Low guys? You keep me in the loop I don't fucking know anything anymore." I say "I barely stay in the loop myself but they're good as far as I know. I hosted a couple rounds of are you smarter than Jack live in my tent with fans as contestants." Brendon says "dude full frontal is my favorite thing ever." Everyone starts writing about full frontal in the comments and I say "how many of you guys were at warped?" Then the chat goes insane. I say "that was helpful" laughing. I say "Brendon, were you at warped cause I don't remember seeing you?" He says "I went to one of the dates for like half a day. Word must of not gotten around." I say "word thats useful doesn't get out easily at warped but the useless stuff gets out at warped" drinking my coffee. Brendon says "very true like that one time there was a rumor of like My Chem showing up and they didn't." I laugh and say "they were there this year though." Brendon says "I hung out with them this year actually they're chill. Speaking of My Chem I heard Mikey adopted a kid." I say "yeah I hung out with Jeffrey and Mikey yesterday." Brendon says "wait you know the kids name? No one knows his name though." I say "was I not supposed to name drop him? Sorry Jeffrey." Brendon says "have you met before?" I say "yeah. We were foster siblings for like 7 years of our lives, then I get cut off somehow, then he came and stole me from school a couple days ago. Thanks Jefferson. I can hear him saying off right now" And we laugh our asses off at random shit till the end of the periscope.

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