Warped tour
Rey's POV
I text Charlie and say:
Me: are you coming to warped?
Charlie: yeah first stop. Why?
Me: want to hang out i can get you in everywhere
Charlie: awesome
Me: ill meet you at security in a few minutes
Charlie: ok
I grab my coffee and sip on it, appreciating that its iced. I pull on jean shorts, put on my pocket chains, a Pierce The Veil shirt with the sleeves and sides cut out, I put my hair into a top knot, and put my aviators and vans on. I say "Jaime, I'm going to go get Charlie." Jaime says "k. Security's everywhere this morning so you shouldn't have to worry too much." I say "perfect" drinking my coffee. I go outside and a security officer standing outside our bus saying "looking amazing, Miss. Fuentes as always." I say "thank you sir" and I see Andy standing outside. I say "sup." He says "sup Rey." I say "wanna venture the fans with me? I need to find someone." He says "sorry can't those people will eat me alive." I say "understandable I'll be back in a few." I go over to the fans and a security guy says "looking badass this morning, Miss. Fuentes." I say "thank you, sir." I look around the crowd of many and I get an idea. I stand on the fence and say "Hello, how are you today?" All of them cheer and I find Charlie coming forward. I say "I didn't come to taunt you. I came to find someone and I found him. I'll see you guys later! Watch Pierce The Veil perform they're awesome! No I'm not paid to say that but I am related to 3 of them!" I tap the security guys arm saying "that guys with me." The guy says "I cant let him in." I say "Jaime said I could let him in." The security guy says "sorry." I say "thank you!" As Charlie jumps the gate. The security guy says "have fun at your first warped Miss. Fuentes." I say "thank you, sir." Charlie says "you got famous quickly. Did you know you have a Wikipedia page?" I say "I do?!" He nods and I say "that's crazy." An officer walks by saying "looking good this morning Miss. Fuentes." I say "thank you." Charlie says "what's with security complimenting you?" I say "its their thing. Plus I'm just that fabulous." Charlie says "there's so many people in here and no outsiders are allowed in yet." I say "bands, roadies, tech people, and me I fit into all those categories." Charlie says "have you met everyone on the line up yet?" I say "not yet but I will at some point this week." Charlie says "there are so many buses." I say "mhm. Time to find some people to introduce you and myself to." Charlie says "like who?" I feel someone poke my shoulder and say "Jesus Christ!" swinging my fist at them and someone catches it saying "easy sweetheart its just me." I turn around saying "you can't just do that, dad! You scared me." Mike says "who's this dude?" I say "oh I forgot I haven't introduced you yet this is Charlie, my biological brother." Dad says "nice. You should scare Jack. He's over there." I say "nice idea." Charlie says "is this what you guys do on a daily?" I say "yup pretty much." I go up behind jack, Charlie following me. I say "Jack!" Grabbing his hips. He physically jumps, making me laugh and say "sorry Jack." He says "I dont know why I'm still scared. Who's this guy?" I say "this is Charlie, my bio brother." Jack waves aggressively. I say "easy cowboy." Jack says "howdy y'all." I shake my head and Jack says "were on main stage when the gates open if you wanna hang but I gotta go find Alex first." I say "I wish you luck then, Jack." Jack says "me too." I laugh and walk around some more and I physically run into someone. I say "why do I always do that?" I look up see Andy and he says "sorry kids you cant be here. You should be over yonder" pointing at the crowd, in a southern accent. I say "you're a dork this is Charlie." Andy says "thank you I am dork." I say "great grammar." Charlie and I go to the Pierce bus and Jaime says "you took foreverrrr" flopping on the floor. I say "oh get over yourself, Jaime." Charlie chuckles and says "hello, Jaime." Jaime waves saying "I'm third wheeling here. Vic left me to suffer." I laugh and say "it cant be the absolute worse." Mike says "we make it worse just for Jaime." Charlie and I laugh and I say "poor Hime. When is your show and where is uncle Vic?" Tony says "like 2 or something and Vic is hanging out with Kellin" and shivers. I say "you aren't any better, dad." Tony says "babe, she is right." I say "Jaime I'm leaving you to suffer. Oh do you have a lineup schedule?" Tony says "yeah one second" going to his bunk. Dad hands me a couple things I say "what's the pass for?" Dad says "its my pass incase they don't let you go anywhere." I say "thank you." Jaime says "gates open in like 5 minutes." I say "fun. I think I'm ready" reapplying my chapstick. Charlie says "lets go find some people." I say "fun." I look at the schedule and say "didn't Jack say they were first on the main stage?" Charlie says "think so." We go to the All Time Low bus and I knock on the door. I hear a "Rian get the door I don't want to move!" Its Alex and I burst out laughing. Rian opens the door saying "aaaa stranger!" Fake slamming the door in my face. Rian opens the door saying "sup. Hey its new guy." Alex slides to the door saying "new guy?!" I say "guys this is Charlie." I hear Zack say "Jack, you cant just ask me for a blowjob! Ask Alex or something." Rian mutters "poor Zack." I chuckle and say "tell him I wish him luck." Alex says "oh we will." We walk away and Charlie says "is this normal?" I say "mhm."

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