Rey's POV
I say "well I gotta make Jaime take take me shopping." Brendon says "is he like your platonic sugar daddy or something? Like no sex just money?" I burst out laughing saying "you could say that." The teacher says "Miss. Fuentes get off your phone!" I say "I'm talking to Brendon Urie. I gotta go I'll see you this weekend." He says "see ya kiddo" hanging up. A girl squeals saying "Brendon Urie?!" I say "mhmm" sliding my phone into my pocket. The teacher starts talking then we here the intercom say "we are going into a lockdown procedure. This is not a drill." I look at Jacob and we both say "fuck." We go into lockdown and feel my front pocket saying "how the fuck did this get here?" Its a pocket knife. I don't pull it out but I know its there. I lean against Jacob saying "do we even know what's going on?" The teacher says "no." I raise an eyebrow saying "really?" The teacher says "yup." We here a knock on the door half an hour later and the teacher gets up to open it and I say "don't open that fucking door! The police will have a key." She moves towards the door and I stand up grabbing her arm and pulling my knife out saying "sit the fuck down unless you want to be fucking shot and everyone else in this damn room." She looks scared and sits down. I flip the knife closed and sit back next to Jacob. He says "should I be scared?" I say "no she was about to get us all killed." A few hours later we here a key in the lock and the intercom says "all clear." A police man walks in saying "everyone ok?" Everyone nods and I stand up and say "wait I know you." He says "you look familiar. Wait Rey. Charlies sister. Yes I know you we didn't technically meet." I say "wait warped first stop. You went to that right? Wait yeah! Got it!" The guy winks at me saying "my names Max. See ya around Miss. Fuentes." I nod and say "totally dude" as he walks out of the room. Jacob says "Miss. Fuentes?" I say "everyone calls me that at this point. I'm surprised my dads haven't started that yet." Jacob says "I feel like that would be weird." I say "true. Very true." The intercom goes off saying "were letting you out early due to the lockdown. Parents and guardians have been called." I say "were hanging at the mall after school still right?" Jacob says "yup." We all walk out of the school and I find my parents. Tony picks me up saying "are you ok?!" I say "yeah I'm ok! I'm fine!" He says "good." I walk over to Mike and he says "you good, sweetheart?" I nod and I say "my teacher almost got us killed but other than that I'm fine." Mike says "what did you do?" I mumble "told her to sit the fuck down and took out my pocket knife." Mike says "she'll survive." Tony says "probably thinks were in a gang." I say "everyone thinks were in a gang" laughing. I say "I was told Fall Out Boy is having a release party for their new album." Mike says "yeah thats Sunday and you're hanging out with Brendon Saturday?" I say "ok yeah. I'm stealing Jaime and I'm gonna find Jacob and were going to the mall." Tony chuckles and says "you should take Vic too." I roll my eyes saying "I'll ask." Those horny bastards. I say "I'm gonna go find Jacob and ill tell Vic and Jaime to meet us at the mall." I skate through the parking lot and find Jacob and say "I'm making Vic and Jaime go with us but lets go." Jacob says "ok. Are you sure we wont be trampled by fans?" I say "nah we'll be fine." I call Jaime and he answers saying "sup?" I say "sup. You and Vic meet me at the mall now bring your money I'm buying shit for this release party that I just heard about today!" Jaime chuckles saying "I'm leaving now not waiting till Mike and Tony get home cause its gonna get hot really fast." I laugh and say "TMI. Now move. Love you the mosttt" hanging up. Jacob says "what are you buying?" I say "shoes and a dress probably and more shit if needed." Jacob says "I've never seen you wear a dress." I say "no one posted pictures from the King For A Day release party?" Jacob says "no I don't think so." I say "then you haven't." We meet the guys at the mall and I say "here we go." Vic chuckles saying "dude what happened at the school today?" I say "we don't know the teacher didn't say shit." About an hour later Jacob says "dude my mom wants me home cause she likes to ruin my life." I say "bye." He leaves and I say "welp time to do some shopping." We walk through the mall and Vic says "Kellin wants to hang out in a little bit so I gotta go, I'll walk. No I'm not taking your car Hime" walking out. Jaime says "time to buy stuff. What are we thinking?" I say "I don't know." Jaime says "red?" I say "yes! Jaime! Great idea!" We make it to the store we hated going into a few months back. I say "we can always have a hot topic break if needed." Jaime says "it might be needed."

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