Rey's POV
We get to the house and I grab my bag and my board. I put my stuff in my room and I grab my cat, running down the stairs. I hug Mike and he chuckles saying "hi sweetheart" playing with the ends of my hair. I hear someone snap a picture and its Tony with a devious grin on his face. He says "what? You guys are cute" kissing Mike. I say "thank you I don't try."  Tony says "you guys don't have try." Mike says "I have to shave." Tony says "maybe a little." Mike chuckles saying "mhm I know." I say "I'm going to go play video games with Jaime" as I walk out of the room. I go to the game room and sit next to Jaime saying "whatcha playing?" He says "Mario kart." I say "may I join?" He says "sure" handing me the controller. I say "so hedgehog, hows it going?" After we finish the round I grab a monster from the mini fridge. He says "I'm alright. Kind of bored." I say "mmm when's the tour I forgot." He says "a couple weeks from now." I say "ok." Jaime says "you left them alone didn't you?" I say "mhm. Bad decision right?" Jaime says "mhm. Hoping they have a little decency cause they have a daughter now." I say "you never know" sipping my monster. Jaime says "thats why we hope." I laugh and say "mhm. You wanna go to a skate park?" Jaime says "sure." We grab our boards and I finish my monster. We skate down the sidewalk and we get to the skate park and Jaime says "I haven't been here in years god I'm old." I laugh and say "maybe" as I skate around. Jaime says "were doing an interview tomorrow btw." I say "when? Am I in it?" He says "yes you are and its after school." I check my phone and i see a text from Lisa:
Lisa: you're in high demand over here like right now
Me: i can be over in a second is my spare guitar over there?
Lisa: no be here in 15
I say "coffee shop at night you wanna go?" Jaime says "may I ask why, young one?" I say "I'm in high demand apparently." We skate back to the house and I grab my acoustic and I see Kellin and Vic hanging out in the kitchen. I say "o my gosh huge fan hi I'm Rey." Kellin says "hey." I say "I'm in high demand at the coffee shop wanna come with?" Vic and Kellin share a look and Vic says "sure." We walk to the coffee shop and a few people cheer when I walk in. I say "Lisa I was at the skate park you owe me a coffee after this." She says "you got it sis." I say "awesome" as I walk to the stage. I say "hello everyone" as I tune my guitar. I get a few hi's and hello's. I say "how is everyone?" Most nod and make a few hand gestures. I say "what are we feeling tonight?" A guy in the front says "today I saw the whole world." I look at Vic and he shrugs, giving me a thumbs up. I say "welp if I screw up don't tell Vic Fuentes the short Mexican might attack me." The guy in the front laughs and Vic says "I'm not that short. Thats very offensive. I'm taller than you!" I say "yeah yeah whatever" then I start the song. I say "anything else?" When I finish the song. A girl near the left wall says "hey Jude by the Beatles?" I say "sure" and I play the song. After a few songs I say "its almost time for me to go home but I might go to the skate park if anyone wants to hang out like right now?" A few people nod as if they were going to go. I say "I'll be there in 20 minutes. I'll see you guys." We go back to the house and I grab my board and Jaime and I go to the skate park cause Vic and Kellin probably wanted to be alone for a while. Jaime says "I hope there aren't too many fans of mine here cause I don't want to deal with those right now." I say "I'm your biggest fan and they will chill out when they see you most likely anyways." Jaime says "well that's reassuring" as I sip my coffee Lisa gave me. Jaime says "sis you'll be up all night on that shit" as we skate into the skate park. There are like 5 people from the coffee house here and I say "hey guys." They all say "hi." I hear a "is that Jaime from Pierce The Veil?!" I say "yes but no crazy fangirling. I kidnapped him." Jaime says "you sleep at my house you did not kidnap me." I say "our house I live there too." Jaime says "whatever" as everyone laughs and we all skate around. I feel my phone vibrate and I pick it up answering with a "hello?" It's Tony and he says "where are you?" Slightly out of breath. I say "skate park with hedgehog and some friends." Everyone says "hi" including Jaime. Tony says "k hun I'll see you when you get home unless I fall asleep" sighing tiredly, still out of breath. I say "k bye, dad." I hang up and chuckle and I mumble "Tony is gonna be complaining about his ass in the morning" to Jaime.

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