Chapter 2🦋

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La'Nysha POV
I felt a dip in the bed and the door close. I slowly opened my eyes grabbing my phone checking the time. It was 9:00 to early to be waking up. I looked over to see Dre sleep with his arm over his head. He had his mouth open just a little bit showing a bracket of his braces.

I got up and went I into mommy's closet and got a bra and panties and some shorts from my little section. I had clothes in everybody except Mr.Nas's room. I got a robe and went into the bathroom.

I turned the shower on letting the shower get hot. I wash before and after i get out of bed. I stripped then got into the shower after using the bathroom.

I washed for about 30 minutes then got out and lotioned my body. I put my underwear on then my shorts and my robe. I put on a charcoal face mask and brushed my teeth. I combed threw my wet hair putting my curling custard in it and brushing it threw.

I went out of mommy's bathroom and to the side Dre was on. He was now on the edge of the big bed with a pillow under one arm and the other arm hanging off the bed. "Wake up Stanka" I said tapping Dre's butt.

"Stop playing tot" he said sleepy sitting up. He reached his arms out for a hug, I came closer and he enveloped me in a hug. "You did the mask without me I'm low key hurt" i chuckled as he made a sad face. We went back into the bathroom, he did his routine and hopped in the shower while I picked out some basketball shorts and underwear for him along with his robe.

I got our claw bedroom shoes from last time we slept in here and put them on the floor in front of the counter. I went back in the room and sat on the bed. I wasn't aloud to have a phone until I turn 16. All I did was played on my Xbox watched Tv and worked out.

I turned on some music and started cleaning up the room. I made the bed, straightened the shoes, and swept the floor. By the time I was done Dre was calling me into the bathroom. So I could do his mask.

I sat on the counter so I could reach his face. I started putting it on him with the silicon brush. "Why you look so concentrated mamas" I shrugged my shoulders. See I'm not like other kids with a famous mom. I don't really know any famous people personally but my mom did. She kept me inside and in the books and I'm gonna continue to do that.

I hate to ask for giveouts so I hustle and study so I don't have to. I take classes on my computer so I don't have friends like that. All I have is Dre, we are our only classmates basically. He has other people he hangs out with sometimes.

"Do you hear me lil thickish" I looked at him like he had to heads. "Nah what you say" he lifted me off the counter and on the floor. "Im hungry let's go eat". I gave him his slippers and we slipped them big things on.

We made our way to the kitchen and saw maw maw and aunt sky. "Hey auntie sky what you doing here" she looked at me and smiled. "I'm moving in until I find my place" I smiled from ear to ear because I loved my auntie to death. She was crazy just like me. I fixed me and Dre's plate along with Cj and his girls.

We sat down at the table and ate the sausage, potato's, grits, eggs, and fruit on the side. I finished up a little bit earlier than everybody else. I didn't really eat a lot during rough times. I was very antisocial at times and wouldn't really talk.

"May I be excused grandma" she nodded her head yes and I got up slowly walking into the theater to put on a movie for me and whoever wanted to come up here.

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