Chapter 1

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POV: Shin-ae

"I'" I groan, plopping down on the couch. I had just finished final shift at Wacdonalds, but it was still a wild one. My last customer demanded a refund on her chicken nuggies because she 'had more of the circular ones than the oval ones'. I sighed and opened up a bag of potato chips. I kinda liked that job, but I realized that I should just stick with the job that gives me more. It would be less stressful that way.

I still couldn't believe that last week I had graduated from high school. I had already put in several applications for colleges, but so far, none of them had gotten back to me. Heck, how could I even afford for college? I definitely don't have enough, and I definitely don't want my father to have to struggle to keep me in...

"Ugh, why can't life be simple." I take a big bite of potato chip, but nearly choked as the front door slammed open.
"A LETTER-" my dad started, but tripped over my shoes and fell flat on his face.
"Sorry, I should've moved those to the side..." I giggled nervously, standing up to help him. As he got up, he handed me a big envelope.
"A letter! From 'The University of Tokyo'!!!" He said excitedly.
"Yeah, how happy I am to see that they don't want me." I mutter, tearing the envelope to open it. I felt my heart beating profusely as I scanned over the piece of paper.
"Well?" dad asked.

I handed him the envelope and looked down.
He scanned it over and looked up, even more excitement in his eyes.
"YOU GOT ACCEPTED!!!"He screamed, pulling me into a hug, "IM SO HAPPY!!"
"But, how will I pay?" I asked.
He pulled back and pointed on the paper.
"It says that because of your financial issues, you have most of your tuition cut off!"
I looked at the area on the paper.
"And it also says that I am not approved for living on campus.." I sigh, "how will I live there?"

"Get a roommate! I bet that there are loads of people looking for the same thing!" He held my shoulders, "come on, this is a really good opportunity for you." He smiled.
"Fine.." I sighed.

'This will be interesting...'

Short first chapter😂 intriguing  so far? Make sure to leave comments and vote!
(This fanfic based off of the Webtoon comic 'I love Yoo' by Quimchee. Go read the comic if you haven't! It's soooo good😍)

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