Chapter 21

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POV: Shin-ae

   'No alarms, no loud intrusions; ahh, I love no school days.'
I got up, the time being around 12pm. I felt well rested and energized.
   I walked out from my room, and went into the living room.
"Good morning Watermelon!" I coed, giving him some food which he happily ate.
Kousuke hadn't left his room yet, so I prepared breakfast and some coffee. Once I was done, I walked over to Kousuke's door. I paused before I knocked, hearing him talking on the phone.

"How are you so sure?
No sir, I didn't mean it like that...
But, you're positive that-
Yes, I'm free on Thursday from 8am to 2pm.
Okay, bye Doctor Wilson."

   I heard him sigh as he hung up the phone.
'What was that about?'
I knocked lightly, and heard complete silence. Then Kousuke came out from his room.
"Good morning Shin-ae." He greeted, closing the door behind him.
"Good morning...I made some breakfast." I said, gesturing to the counter.
"Thank you." He gave a light smile and walked passed me.
'I want to ask him...but I don't think he wanted me to hear that conversation...'
  I shrugged it off. Maybe it was just a doctors appointment or something that he forgot to schedule.

    We ate our breakfast, and I was feeling energetic; like I wanted to go for a walk.
"Hey, wanna take a walk around the block?" I asked.
"Sure." He shrugged.
  We cleaned up and got ready before we left. It was still wet outside, but it wasn't raining anymore. Once we walked to a certain area, I noticed a woman sitting outside of a shop with a little French Bulldog. She looked up at me, and grinned.
"Miss, I remember you!" She said, standing up and walking up to me and Kousuke, "you're the one who chased after Ash for me! I'm so glad you did, cause it would've taken me awhile to get anywhere with this bad hip!"
"I'm just glade that there weren't much cars in the road." I chuckled.
"You ran off so fast, that you never got my thanks! Here-" she reached into her pocketbook and pulled out two pieces of folded paper.
"What's this?" I asked confused.
"They're tickets! I won them on a radio show, but I'm not really into these kind of things. I'm glade that I got to see you again before they expire!" She said, handing me the papers.
  I looked down at them. 'Tokyo Skytree Admission & Sumida Aquarium Admission Ticket'
"I-I can't take these! Really, I was happy to get your dog back-"
"I insist!" The lady chuckled, "You were almost late to your college class because of me, right? Well, I remember being so stressed in college and barely having time for fun! Now, you and your boyfriend take these tickets, and go have some fun!" She smiled.
"He's not my boyfriend.." I chuckled nervously, "but if you really insist, then I guess we could use these tickets.." I said, looking down at the paper.
"Excellent! I won't keep you any longer then, dear! Enjoy your walk, the weather's beautiful!" And with that, she walked back to her seat.

Kousuke and I began to walk again.
"Wow, that was really nice." I chuckled.
"So, you saved her dog?" Kousuke asked.
I nodded, "Yeah, kind of. The dog ran to the park across the road, so I went and brought him back."
We walked for a while, and I looked over the paper.
"Ooh, it even says that we get a free train ticket." I chuckled, playfully hitting Kousuke on the shoulder.
"You do realize that I could just buy these things, right? And, I also have a car.." He said confused.
"Well..Yeah..." I mumbled, "but not everyone is a millionaire like you are." I laughed.

I folded the papers up and put them in my pocket. We headed back to the apartment, and grabbed my bag. The train was only a 5 minute walk. We got on, and within no time, we made it to our destination.
"Where do you want to go first?" Kousuke asked, looking at two signs.
"Hm..lets head to the aquarium first!" I chuckled, walking towards the aquarium.
'I can't remember when the last time I've been to an aquarium was..'

  We walked around the aquarium, looking at all of the cool looking fish and mollusks. Then we got to the penguins.
"THEY'RE SO CUTE!" I said in aw.
There was some sort of show that they were doing.

Time skip

"That was amazing! I fricken love penguins!" I said, raising my fists in the air in excitement.
"There definitely were adorable." Kousuke chuckled, catching up to me.
  We got into an elevator, which blasted us up to the top level. We got out and walked out, bringing us to a slightly crowded area we stepped out, but people kept walking in front of us and around us.
'Why are people pushing past us...I'm getting claustrophobic..'

   I tried to push through the people, but they kept being selfish and resuming on what they wanted to do. Someone even pushed me and didn't even care! And with everybody keep walking around me, I felt myself fall.
'Welp, this couldn't get any better..'.
"Hey!" I heard someone call, "all of you bastards keep fricken selfishly shuffling by as you knock down others, so back the frick off!"
The crowd nervously looked down at me and spread apart, Kousuke shoving passed them to help me up.

   He must've scared some people off, because the crowd grew thinner as more people went back down the elevator.
"Hehe, thanks." I chuckled, dragging him by the hand over to the railing.
  I looked out, and the sun was setting over the city. It was a beautiful time (which was probably why so many people were crowded up here).
"Look how pretty it is!" I gasped.
   I took out my phone and took a picture, looking down at it with a smile.
I turned around and made Kousuke face the same way, turning my camera to selfie mode.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"Selfie!" I chuckled, lifting my phone up more to make sure I had us both.
   I grinned, and snapped the photo; but he wasn't smiling.
"Do I have to tickle a smile out from you?" I asked, squinting at him.
  He sighed and put on a fake smile that utterly made him look ridiculous.
"Oh come on, that's not a smile." I rolled my eyes, squishing his cheek.
   He chuckled and softened his expression, just in time for me to take the pic.
"See? It's not that hard." I chuckled, lightly punching him on the arm.

    I put my phone back in my bag, and crossed my arms over the railing. The sky was filled with such rich colors of red, orange, and yellow; and the colors bounced off of many buildings below. A speaker began to go off.
"Attention: the SkyTree will be closing in 20 minutes."
"I guess that's our cue to leave." I chuckled, heading back to the elevator. We got on, and I was pushed towards the back corner as many other people also got on the elevator.
"W-well, this is comfortable..." I stuttered, feeling Kousuke's breath on the top of my head.
"It's not my fault that humans herd like cattle." Kousuke said, putting both of his arms against the walls for better support; and to not smush me against the wall.

   We finally got down some, and decided to go to the gift shop for our remaining minutes.
"Hey Shin-ae, What about this?" Kousuke asked, pointing up at a painting on a wall. It was a beautiful Japanese dragon painting.
"It's so cool!" I chuckled, looking back down at a weird little bubble machine. I put it down, and walked a bit further in.

A long time passed, and we were finally walking out from Skytree.
"Why did you get yourself all this?" I asked, helping him carry some bags as we walked out from the building.
"Because they had some interesting things in there." He shrugged.
We got to the train, and I put the bags besides me.
"Ugh, my legs hurt." I sighed.
Kousuke put one of the bags on my lap. I looked at him confused.
"This is the stuff I got for you." He said, sitting back in his chair.
I looked the bag, and saw a bunch of candy, a hoodie, and a box with no picture.
"That's So sweet of you." I chuckled, scooping up things of candy and letting them fall through my fingers, "But what's in the box?" I asked curiously.
"You can open up the box when we get back to the apartment." He said.
After a long while, the train finally got back to our stop. We walked back to
The apartment, and got inside.

"Home sweet home." I chuckled, "and now I have homework to do for tomorrow.." I sighed.
"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow then." Kousuke said, placing his bags down on the counter.
"Goodnight." I smiled, heading off into my room with the bag.
I took out the box and opened it. It was a...lamp? A small lamp that looked like the Skytree. I put it on my dresser and plugged it in. It lit up, and shifted from color to color.
'It's so pretty..'
I rubbed my head.
'He's not making it easy for me...I know he's just doing it to be friendly...not for any other reason...'
I sat on my bed with my laptop, beginning to do my homework.
'I wonder what his doctor wants...'

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