Chapter 13

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(Incase you were wondering what song Shin-ae is singing, I added the song above😂 it's Teenage Dreams Lol)

POV: Shin-ae

Next week(Monday)

  I had been alone in the apartment for about a week. Kousuke had to fly quickly back to see his father for an important meeting, and I hadn't seen him since. He had a few more things to wrap up before he could return, so I've been sitting here keeping the apartment clean. Sweeping, dusting, and cleaning up after myself. Though, there's barely anything that needs cleaning; since I've been sitting in my room playing Animal Walking and reading. Another thing I've been doing is listening to too much Spotify.

     Kousuke is coming back today, and I'm strangely too excited about his return.
"My heart stops when you look at me! Just one touch and baby I believe, this is real, so take a chance; don't ever look back, don't ever look back!" I sing along to my phone, as I wrap the towel around me.
  I walk out of the bathroom wrapped in my towel, and I bump into someone.
"O-oh, Sorry!" He said in a blush.
  I fastened the towel around me better as I look up at a man about 20.
"I was here to bring Mr.Hirahara his weekly groceries, and I had to go to the bathroom.." he stuttered nervously.
"Alright, head on in." I gestured to the bathroom and walked passed him, going into my room.
'And this is why I should always get dressed in the bathroom. Good thing my towel didn't fall' I chuckled nervously, throwing on some clothes.

    For some odd reason, Kousuke insisted that I met him out at a restaurant near here. Not that I minded, food is food, but does he want to talk with me about something?
Once I was dressed and ready to go, I headed out of my room. The grocery person was out from the bathroom, and putting away the groceries that were on the counter.
"Thank you, I'm going to head out. Have a nice day." I smile to him, leaving the apartment.
  I walked down the street, and got a message saying that he was at the restaurant. It took me five more minutes to get to him.
"Sorry, the traffic was terrible." I chuckled, squeezing over to him through multiple crowds of people.
"That's alright." He nodded, leading me inside.
   We sat down in a booth in the back, and surprisingly no one was around me. Yup, he's gonna kill me now.

    He pulled out something from his pocket, and handed it to me.
"Here." He said.
I took it. It was an envelope. I opened it cautiously, and inside was money.
"My father wanted me to hand deliver it to you. We had rushed out so quickly, that you had never received your last paycheck." He told me.
"But...this is more than what it should be.." I said, counting over the cash.
"Father wanted to make it easier for you to go to school as well." He shrugged.
   I took it out, and handed some to Kousuke.
"Well, then here's my past due rent." I chuckled.
"Miss Yoo, that's your money. And we've already came to terms that you wouldn't be paying rent." He said, pushing down my hand.
"Well then..use this for food? I dunno, but I don't want to just live with you and eat your food as well...I may not have a lot of money, but I'm not just going to take advantage of somebody; even if they have a lot more money than I'll ever have." I chuckled.
  He sighed, and took the money I had in his face.
"Fine, but the rest goes towards your studies.." he mumbled.
"Alright." I laughed.

    We got some food, and talked about things that happened. That time that I got into a semi fight with a lady at a store because she spoke in a foreign language, the dog that peed on me while I was at the park, the squirrel that climbed up my leg and nearly made me piss myself.
"And a little bit ago I took a shower, and when I came out, the grocery guy was there! I was standing in a towel, and was so confused to why a stranger was in front of me!" I laughed.
"Wait, the grocery person stood in front of you while you weren't dressed?" Kousuke asked, kind of irritated.
"Yeah, well I was in a towel so it's not like he saw anything-" he interrupted me.
"That's an invasion of privacy! He can get fired for that. I'm going to call them and give them a piece of my mind-" he said, picking up his phone.
"No!" I moved my hands to his, pushing them down onto the table. I realized the I was super close to him, and we both looked away with red faces.
"H-He didn't even know that I was in the bathroom... we've all made mistakes before, and I don't want to hold it against him.." I said, quickly moving my hands away.
He put his phone back down and sat back, crossing his arms.
"Fine.." he muttered, looking off grumpily.

'He looks like a cute little grump child wtf'
"Anywaysss," I cleared my throat, "how was your flight?" I asked him.
He shrugged, "it was alright."
I took another bite of my food, when I suddenly thought of something.
"OH YEAH!" I clapped.
"What?" Kousuke asked, confused.
"Tomorrow there will be a festival and fireworks!" I grinned, "I thought we could go!"
'Oh..I don't think he likes going to festivals...'
"Er...i-if you don't want to go, it's alright.." I chuckled nervously.
"No, if you'd like to go, then I'll accompany you." He said, taking the last bite of his food.
"Alright!" I chuckled.

When we were finished, we headed back to the apartment.

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