Chapter 30

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POV: Shin-ae

   Saturday came quickly. I wasn't sure if it was the relaxing treatment or the strange beverage they gave me at the spa, but as soon as I got home, I passed out.

Once I woke up, I left my room and went to the bathroom. And after that, I went to the living room to feed Watermelon.
    Kousuke was already in the living room when I walked it. He was on the couch reading 'Pride and Prejudice'; and by the looks of it, it seemed like he only had a page left.

"Good morning." I chuckled, walking behind him.
I went over to watermelons tank, and gave him some food.
"Good morning." Kousuke closed his book, "I finished the book."
"Cool. It has a good ending, right? I forget what happens. It's been so long since I've read it." I laughed.
"I think the ending was pleasant." He placed the book down on the coffee table and stood up, "in a half hour, I have to head over to the office. There are some things that they want me to look over as soon as possible."

I put the fish food down and turned to him.
"Alright. What time will you be back?" I asked.
He shrugged, "anywhere from 3:30pm to 6:30pm." He paused and looked down at the book, "when I get back, I thought we could watch that movie."
"Sure." I smiled.
    He nodded and left the room.

   I heard my phone vibrate, so I picked it up.
"Hey, Kousuke gave me your phone number! Come play Animal Walking with mee!" An unknown number, also known as Hansuke, messaged.
"Kk.😂" I sent, heading to my bedroom.

   I pulled out my Bintendo Switch and got on Animal Walking. Hansuke traded me the villagers Beau and Lucky, and after a bit I left my room to get some sustenance.
After a while had passed by, I decided to get stuff ready for movie night.

"I wonder what he wants for dinner..." I said curiously.
'He's not very big into pizza...or WacDonalds...maybe Sushi?'
I pulled out my phone.
"Wait...Kousuke's probably busy.." I clicked my tongue and unlocked my phone.
"Hey, does Kousuke like Sushi?" I messaged Hansuke.
"Yeah, he likes it. But he doesn't like anything raw, so beware😂" Hansuke messaged back.

"Alright, I'll make some sushi then." I chuckled, placing my phone on the counter.
I took out the Japanese cook book, and located the section with sushi. I made a list of everything that I needed, and headed out to the store. It took a bit to find the equipment to make sushi with, but eventually I found it. Once I had all of the stuff I needed and a few other things, I headed back to the apartment.

  It took about 40 minutes to prepare the sushi, and then it had to go in the fridge for a bit. All of a sudden, I began to hear thunder crackling outside the windows.
"Can't have thunder without candles." I chuckled, going into my room.
   I pulled out my three candles and put two on the counter, and one on the coffee table. I also laid out some fluffy blankets on the couch. I wasn't sure what to do after that, since I still had an hour to kill. TikTak seemed like the best option, so I scrolled through that for about 30 minutes.

I pulled out the sushi, and cut it; trying my best to artistically place it on a large plate. I brought a small bowl of soy sauce and a small plate of wasabi over to the coffee table, and brought the sushi there too. I was hoping to have a Pride and Prejudice themed night. Not saying that there's sushi in Pride and Prejudice, but an orderly meal and snack combination.
And like in the book, maybe some wine; though I wasn't a great fan of it, it wasn't necessarily awful.

I poured the wine into two wine glasses, and placed them on the coffee table. Just as I did that Kousuke walked in.
"Good afternoon." I chuckled, looking towards him.
He looked confused at what I was doing.
"What's all this?" He asked, looking at the coffee table.
"Food?" I chuckled, walking into the kitchen. I put the wine bottle back in the fridge, and then picked up the soy sauce. And of course as I did that, some soy sauce spilt onto my shirt.
"Great..." I mumbled, walking over to the sink.
I got a wet cloth and tried to soak up some of the soy sauce. Behind me, I heard things being moved around in the cabinet, and then Kousuke popped up besides me.

I stared at him, confused to why he had white vinegar in his hand. He took the cloth that I had, and put some of the vinegar on the cloth.
"White Vinegar helps with that." He said, scrubbing a stain that was on my stomach.
I got flustered, and lightly pushed him away.
"I-it's okay, I can do it." I chuckled nervously, taking the cloth from him, " I was going to change into some pajamas anyways."

He nodded in understanding, and walked in the direction of his room.
"I shall do the same then." He said, before closing the door.
'....just his touch fricken gave me so many goosebumps...'
I went to my room and took off my shirt, scrubbing the stains with the cloth. Once they were vaguely visible, I went over to my dresser and picked out some pajamas. I only had one pair left, so I quickly put it on and left the room.

"Is this sushi?" Kousuke asked from the living room.
"Y-Yeah." I stuttered, entering the room, "I wasn't sure what you would want for dinner, so I thought maybe sushi?" I said nervously.
"I like sushi." He chuckled, sitting down on the couch.

    The only light resonated from the candles and the fish tank, but it was enough light to see. I sat down besides him and turned on the TV, switching over to the DVD player.
"Were the candles added because of the thunder?" He asked, picking up the sushi with some chopsticks.
"Indeed they were. Candles are a good mood setter during storms." I chuckled.

   The movie began to play, and we happily ate away at the sushi. I was pleased with how they came out, but I was unsure how Kousuke felt about them. He was very interested in the movie, so I decided to put off my questions until the end.
   It wasn't until 20 minutes into the movie that I began to remember what happens. It seemed all too similar to the book, with some details a bit different than others. I eventually finished off my cup of wine, and poured some more.

'Wow, Kousuke's a lot like Mr.Darcy'

POV: Kousuke

'Wow, Shin-ae's similar to Elizabeth..'

    I was comparing the characters, and feeling strange as I did. I did the same while I read to book, but sitting by candle light with Shin-ae made the experience feel different. I found myself questioning our relationship, and questioning what it could be. Towards the end of the movie, I even felt more enlightened. The fact that Mr.Darcy and Elizabeth entered into a romantic relationship made me feel like the same could happen to me and Shin-ae....

    The movie ended and I looked over towards Shin-ae, whom had finished her 3rd cup of wine.
"Though I find the book better, the movie was very good. Especially with candles and sushi." I chuckled.
"Does that mean you liked the sushi? I was nervous that you didn't like it..." she said nervously, rubbing her arm.
"Yes." I said, looking down at the plate, "The rice was done to perfection, and everything blended smoothly. Not to mention the presentation; not only of the food, but the scenery itself."
She nodded, pleased at what I had said,
"I'm glade that you enjoyed." She chuckled.

     We cleaned up and headed into our bedrooms. I laid down, sprawled across my bed.
'What do I do? I came here for my new job, but the only thing I can think of is her. It also doesn't help that we work and live together.'
The movie made my mind wander for about a half hour. Eventually, I couldn't take it.

    I stood up and walked over to the door, ready to confront her; and as I opened it, I was face to face with Shin-ae. Her hand was in a fist, moments away from knocking on the door.
"O-oh, hi Kousuke..." she chuckled nervously.
   She seemed a bit tipsy. The wine must've gotten to her.
"Is something the matter?" I asked her.
"Oh, N-no! N-nothing at all!" She laughed; her expression then changing to disappointment, "Ugh, I can't do this..." she mumbled to herself.

   I looked at her curiously as she rubbed her forehead.
"You can't do what?" I asked.
She sighed and crossed her arms, still speaking to herself, "I can't tell you how I feel! I'm dumb for even drinking 3 glasses of wine..."

' "I cant tell you how I feel" ?'

"What do you mean by that, what feelings?" I asked.
"Never mind, I'm tired." She yawned, walking sluggishly back to her room.
   I still stood in the doorway, even after I heard her door close.

'...She likes me'

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