Chapter 33

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Here, my friends. Another one of my fan arts😂 hope you enjoyed it lol

 Another one of my fan arts😂  hope you enjoyed it lol

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POV: Kousuke
2 days later (Monday)

Mother pressed charges on the kid who beat up Nol, though Nol was reluctant about it. Soon after, Shin-ae and I headed back home. Shin-ae had a lot of homework, so I didn't get to see her a lot of Sunday.

I stood up from the chair I was sitting in during a meeting. It was around 8pm. I sighed as I walked out from the room. As I made my way towards my office, an office worker known as Mina waved towards me.

"Hello, Mr. Hirahara!" Mina smiled.
"Good afternoon" I nodded.
"During your break tomorrow, would you like to go get a coffee with me?" She asked.
"No, I can just get a coffee from the break room." I said, looking back in the direction of the break room.
She nodded, "alright, well I know this place that sells excellent ice cream Mochi!"
"I'm not a big fan of Mochi. I have to go do some paperwork now."

POV: Shin-ae

I was looking at my computer, until my eyes drifted up. Since my office was made of glass, I could see through it. There were blinds in the windows, but they weren't closed all the way.
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Kousuke. Talking to that girl from last Thursday.
I could tell what she was trying to do, and it made me aggravated. Eventually, Kousuke walked away, and he headed towards my office.

"What did she want?" I asked, looking back towards my computer.
"I believe she was asking me out." Kousuke shrugged.
"And...what did you say?" I asked.
"What do you mean?" He asked, walking into his office but keeping the door open.
'Is he serious?'
I stood up and walked to his door.
"Like, what did you tell her?" I asked.
He turned to me and crossed his arms, "I told her that I had work to do."
"So, you don't like her?" I asked.

He gave me a perplexed look.
"No. What gave you that idea?" He asked
'Ugh he's right... that was a dumb question'
"I'm sorry. I just got...jealous.." I said softly, sliding against the door frame as I sat down.
   He walked up to me, leaning on the other side of the door frame.
"Jealous?" He asked, "that's preposterous."
"Yeah? Well, I can't control how I feel.." I sighed.

He didn't reply. Instead, he slid down the door frame and sat across from me.
"Should I have sprayed her with makeup remover?" He chuckled.
I laughed, "I mean, maybe." I joked.
I stood up and offered him my hand. I helped him up, and looked over at the wall clock.
"We only have 3 minutes left." I informed him.
Just as I finished those words, I felt my chin being pulled up. I couldn't get a word out before he pressed his lips against mine.

My eyes widened in shock as it first happened, but after realizing what he was doing, my body relaxed. My back pushed lightly against the door frame as he now stood in front of me. He slowly pulled apart, but barely moved. I could still feel a buzz on my lips.
"You have no reason to be jealous, right?" He said softly, still brushing against my lips.
I was too flustered to speak, so I nodded lightly.
That still seemed to please him, so he pulled further away and went back into his office.

I stepped back into my office, and starred wide eyed out the window.
'Holy heckin heck what in the heck just happened? My heart is pounding so fast, like I had just sprinted up three flights of stairs.'
I gulped nervously and touched my fingers against my lips.

"Are you ready to leave?" Kousuke said behind me.
"Ehh, o-one moment!" I stuttered, nearly jumping out of my skin.
I turned off my computer and packed up all of my things. We left the office and got downstairs, hopping into the car.

It was a silent car ride, until he cleared his throat.
"So, Nol has brought to my attention a misunderstanding between us..." he said, his eyes not leaving the road.
"What kind of misunderstanding?" I asked.
"...I told you not to tell anyone about our relationship yet, but that was unfair of me to say..." he said softly, "for the most part, I don't want my mother knowing. Not yet at least."
"Well, that's understandable." I chuckled.

We got back to the apartment, and got up to our floor. The whole way up, every time I looked towards Kousuke, I thought back to the kiss. And...I wanted it to happen again.

I stood in the bathroom after brushing my teeth, and looked into the mirror.
'I was definitely not prepared for having my first kiss today.'
I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed.
"But I want it to happen again..." I mumbled, turning to the bathroom door.
"-what's that?" Kousuke asked, leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed.

"W-why are you just standing there?!" I asked.
"This is the only bathroom. And the door was open." He shrugged.
"T-that still doesn't give you an open invitation." I mumbled, walking passed him to leave the bathroom.
He snagged ahold of my wrist, causing me to stop.
"" He seemed almost flustered, letting go of my hand and turning his head away, "never mind...Good night." He said, before walking into the bathroom.

'I wonder what he wanted to say..'

I went into my bedroom, and flopped onto my bed.

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