Chapter 29

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Hehe, I wasn't sure whether to make this two chapters, or one really long chapter😂 eh, one long chapter couldn't hurt too bad, right?😂👍🏻


POV: Shin-ae

I got up to the apartment, but didn't see Kousuke anywhere. I knocked on his bedroom door, and no one answered. And the bathroom light was out. I pulled out my phone.
"Hey, where you at?" I asked.
When it sent, I heard a buzz behind me. I went over to the counter and noticed his phone.

"He went somewhere without his phone...Maybe he's at the pool?" I put my phone down and headed out and to the elevator. Once I got up to the roof, I looked around. No one was in the pool, but as I looked more to my side, I saw a mysterious figure.
"Kousuke?" I asked.

His face was behind a book, and he was laying down on a reclined poolside chair. When I said his name, he nearly leapt out of his skin.
"A-Ah, I see you're home now." He mumbled, sitting up and closing the book.
"Watcha readin?" I asked.
"A book that Mira gave me. She said that I'm a lot like the male love interest." He shrugged, holding up the book.

'Pride and Prejudice?'

"Yeah, I can see that." I chuckled.
He raised his brows at me.
"How So?" He asked, genuinely confused.
"How far are you?" I asked, sitting besides him.
"Only like 3 chapters." He said, opening to his page.
"It's been a while since I read it...I found a copy of it on my way home from school a while back. Though some of the pages were stuck together, some were missing, and it looked like a child had used it as a coloring book. It was very interesting." I chuckled.

He closed the book again and looked towards me.
"But what makes me like Mr. Darcy? He seems partially rude, especially when he judged Elisabeth for her looks." He said bluntly.
I gave him an 'Are you serious' look.
"Dude, you've literally judged my appearance since I met you!" I said, throwing my arms up.
"I've only ever judged your clothes and your attitude. I've never once said that you weren't pretty." He paused, looking a bit flustered, "B-But Mr. Darcy refused to dance with Elizabeth because he says she isn't 'pretty' enough for him. I've never done that before."

I looked at him shocked, "I never read that must've been missing in my book...huh, that must've been what she was upset about." I chuckled softly, "Well, you seem like a later Mr. Darcy. He has a bit of character development through the book." I shrugged.
"Is that so..I'll have to read further to find out." He said, standing up.
   He offered his hand, and he helped me up.

"So, where were you in such a rush earlier?" He asked.
"Oh...I-I Uh, just had to do something." I chuckled nervously.
   He didn't seem pleased with my answer, but he didn't push it further. We went back down to the apartment, and I heard my phone going off. I picked it up and answered it.
"AHHHH!!!! WILSON TOLD ME!" Mira squealed.
"Ah! Don't shout into my ear!" I said nervously, looking back at Kousuke to make sure he didn't hear anything.

He seemed unfazed, so I quickly walked off to my room. Once I closed the door, I jumped onto my bed.
"How much did he tell you?" I asked.
"Well, he said that he didn't want to invade your privacy by telling me...but he did tell me about Kousuke." She laughed, "see, I told you that he likes you! He may be a butt sometimes, but that's a definite sign."
"Yeah, But now Wilson gave me a difficult mission..." I groaned.
"And that is..?" She said slowly.
".....well...he told me to drop hints to Kousuke that I like him...but how do I do that?! I don't know how to flirt, I have no idea what to get him for a present that would be meaningful, and I'm awkward at complementing people's appearances!" I scoffed.

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