Chapter 36

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Guys, I think I found Shin-ae's favorite holiday😂😂 ⬇️

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Guys, I think I found Shin-ae's favorite holiday😂😂 ⬇️

Guys, I think I found Shin-ae's favorite holiday😂😂 ⬇️

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Fried chicken on Christmas? Oh heck yeah😂

(Disclaimer: I don't have a religion. Though my family and I do celebrate through the Christmas times, I follow more of the 'spreading happiness' than the 'religious' side of Christmas😂 so, apparently Japan was a good place to pick🤣 also, I have no idea what Shin-ae or Kousuke's religion are; but they shall be enjoying in the holiday of frozen water, colorful/blinking lights, and apparently fried chicken😂👏🏻)

POV: Shin-ae

      A few months went by very quickly. Actually, quite a few months. September turned to April turned to December. As in, a year passed.
The whole year was quite boring and nothing much happened except for work and school. Maybe a few dates between me and Kousuke, and the announcement of my fathers new girlfriend. But other than that, nothing really talk worthy.

It was now cold outside, and it was snowing. We had a late night last night at a Christmas themed office party, so it made sense that Kousuke was still asleep at noon.
  I walked out from the bathroom after taking a nice warm shower, and headed to Kousuke's bedroom. He normally slept in my bedroom nowadays, but I made him sleep in his own because I wanted to wrap some presents.

"🎵Wakey wakey🎵." I sang, opening his door.
  Kousuke groaned and sat up from his bed. He moved his legs over and sat on the edge of the bed.
"You're gonna go hop in the shower now." I chuckled, grabbing his hands and pulling him onto his feet.
"Why?" He questioned.
"Because I said to." I gave him a quick peck on the cheek, and scooted him out of his room.

   Once I was in the room alone, I went over to his closet. I picked him out an outfit, and laid it out on his bed for him. I then headed out into the kitchen, and threw some stuff together.

About 20 minutes passed, and Kousuke exited the bathroom room, going into his bedroom to change. When he came out, we ate the breakfast that I made, and left. Our first stop of the day was to go to Mira and Wilson's house. I had some gifts for them, and a few toys for Henry. We got to their house and knocked on the door.

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