Chapter 23

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*is officially done with school*
*writes 750 words of chapter*
*realizes that it was crap, and starts over*
*starts mensuration*

Hey guys, goin through a lot😂😂 lmao. Here's a chapter😂


Thursday(right after Shin-ae left for school)

POV: Kousuke

  I was about to hop in the shower, when my phone vibrated.
'I'll just answer to it later..'
After my shower, I got dressed and grabbed my things to go. I left the apartment, and headed over to Wilson's house.
Once I was there, I knocked, and out came Wilson.
"Well, Kousuke Hirahara himself!" He chuckled, hugging me.
"You haven't changed much since college." I said, rolling my eyes.

   We entered his home, and he lead me into the kitchen.
"My wife's at work. Too bad, she would've loved to see you." He chuckled.
"How's Mira doing?"I asked. 
"She's great! Even with a 7 month pregnant belly, she still wants to work until she can't no more." Wilson poured me some wine, and handed it to me, "how about you? How's life been?"
"I will be starting a new job soon. A top leader of one of my father's company's here in Tokyo." I said, taking a sip of the wine.
I felt my phone vibrate, but ignored it.
"That's what you've wanted since, forever! I'm glad for you buddy!" He chuckled, " said that you wanted a therapy session...what do you need to talk about? Are you nervous about the job?"
"What? No, that'd be preposterous." I sighed, "it's about a different matter."

   Wilson turned his head in confusion, looking off to the ceiling in thought. Once he had an idea, he looked back down at me; bewilderment and excitement on his mind.
"I-I haven't even told you what it is yet!" I yelled.
"Hehehe, but I already know..." he smirked.

Time skip

I leaned back against the couch, pouting.
"But how could you be so sure.." I stammered.
"I'm a therapist! I see people in your position  every day!" Wilson laughed, "besides, it's not your fault that you like her."
"B-But I don't even know if I 'like' her!" I stuttered.
"Dude, stop getting so worked up!" He chuckled, pressing a half-empty bottle of wine against my forehead, "your entire face is as hot as the oven over this girl, and you still can't see that you like her?"

   I sighed and snatched the bottle from my forehead.
"Tch, why'd I come here.." I mumbled.
"Because you know that you're bad with your feelings! You've always been the pretty boy with the strict ways, and now your 'strict ways' are toppling down on you!" He held his glass for me and I poured more wine into it, as I did the same with mine.
We both downed our wines.
"How much wine have we had?" I asked, light headed.
   He pointed over to two empty wine bottles.
"That many." He chuckled
I felt my phone vibrate again, and tried to take it out from my pocket.
"Got some pizza if you want some..."Shin-ae sent, followed by the two other messages that I had received from her earlier.

"Damn, she got pizza?! I like her already!" Wilson chuckled, eavesdropping.
But I barely heard him as my eyes grew heavy and I passed out.

By the time I woke up, a few hours had passed. I was definitely less drunk-like than I was before, but still got startled when I noticed that I wasn't at home.
"Ah, you're awake?" Wilson asked from the kitchen.
"What time is it?" I asked, standing up.
"Around 9:00pm?" He said, looking back at the oven clock.
"I should probably head home now.." I sighed, rubbing my head.
"Well, you can't drive home like that...Mira will be home in 2 minutes, and I bet she'd be happy to drive you home." He chuckled, eating an apple.

   I waited a few minutes, sitting at the counter and talking with Wilson. Mira came home, and gasped.
"Is that Kousuke?!" She asked.
"Yup! Old KouKou is back!" Wilson grinned.
"Stop calling me that..." I facepalmed.

   They both laughed and smiled.
"Mira, honey, would you be willing to drive Kousuke home? We had a bit too much wine.." Wilson chuckled, holding up the bottles.
"Alright, let's move this party to the car. Come on lads!" She chuckled, waving us over.
   I grabbed my belongings, and the three of us hopped in her car. I gave her the location, and we got there pretty quickly.
"Go tell your girl that I said hi." Wilson winked.
"She's not 'my girl'." I grumbled.
"Wilson, stop teasing the man. Kousuke, man up." Mira scolded, "Have a good night Kousuke. I hope we see you again soon!"
"Well, my car is at your place. I'll pick it up tomorrow." I said, opening the car door, "Thanks for the ride. And..thanks for the talk..." I said quietly.
"Any time kiddo, Have a goodnight!" Wilson waved, "a prince returning to his worried pizza princess." He chuckled.


I heard Mira punch his arm in disapproval, and decided to ignore his remark.
I got to the elevator, and got on.
'Tch, he didn't really help me...did he? I feel like I'm still confused..'
The elevator stopped, and I walked into the apartment. As I closed the door, I heard a voice.
"Oh, you're back." Shin-ae yawned from the living room, standing up. She then looked over at me dumbfoundedly after looking at her phone.
"Yes, I lost track of time." I said, clearing his throat.
"Well, where were you?" She asked.
"That's none of your concern." I mumbled.
She raised her brow, "it is of my concern, seeing as we live and work together..."
"I met up with a friend, Alright?" I said, semi annoyed. I took a deep breath, "I'm sorry, I had a glass of wine with him, and just want to lie down."

    Shin-ae went over to the cabinet and grabbed some Tupperware, placing some pizza in it and putting it in the fridge. I thought back to what Wilson has said.
'Worried? Why would she be worried? I told her that I was going out today-crap I never told her I was going out today...'
She looked back up at me.
"Aren't you gonna lay down?" She asked, pouring some water in a glass. She walked up and handed it to me.
"Yes, Sorry.." I stuttered, Walking off to my room with the glass.

   Once the door was closed, I slapped my dumb face.
"She's messaged me three times today.." I pulled out my phone and looked at the messages, placing my water on the side table.

"Hey, watcha doin?"
"You there?"
"Got some pizza if you want some..."

'Did she already know that I was going out today? But I never told her... perhaps she was just bored and decided to message me...ugh, I'll just ask her in the morning.'

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