Chapter 31

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POV: Shin-ae

    I didn't recall going into my bed, but somehow I woke up surrounded by my blankets. The last thing I remembered was cleaning up after last night.  
"Did the wine really get me that drunk?" I groaned.

   It was Sunday, so I didn't have to worry about  school or work for another day; But it was still dark out. I looked down at my phone, and realized that it was only 3am.

'I guess I could go back to sleep...'

I yawned and snuggled up against my blankets, drifting back into sleep.


   I helped clean up the mess, and went into my bedroom. My head was a bit fuzzy, but it didn't bother me as I laid my head against my cool pillow.

    My body felt exhausted, but my mind kept thinking back to the movie. To Kousuke.
'Why can't I be Elizabeth? She gets the guy in the end...but what will I get? I'm not that confident...'
   I bit the inside of my lip until I could feel a slight sting and a metallic taste.
'I should just tell him..but when? When should I tell him? Now?-'
    I stopped as I felt my feet pulling me towards the door. I chuckled softly to myself.
'Crap, I guess there's no going back now.'

   I walked out of my room and up to Kousuke's room. My heart beated quickly, but my head pounded harder.
'Here goes nothing...'
I raised my hand to knock on the door. As I brought my hand forward, I paused.
'Maybe I should do this another time..'

   The door opened, and caught me off guard.
'Crap, I wasn't expecting this..'
"O-oh, hi Kousuke..." I chuckled nervously.
"Is something the matter?" He asked, confused.
"Oh, N-no! N-nothing at all!" I laughed
"Ugh, I can't do this..." I mumbled softly, rubbing my forehead.
"You can't do what?" He asked.

End of dream (11am)

    I sat up, taking a deep breath.
'Ah frick....ah frick no no no..'
I stood up and sat at the edge of my bed.
'What the heck happened last night?'

I left my room, and went into the bathroom. I wasn't sure how to feel about last night, let alone know what had happened. I finished washing up, and left the bathroom. Kousuke was no where to be found, which made my anxiety sky rocket.

"Ugh I did something, didn't I? And now he's so startled, that he needed to leave." I groaned, falling face first onto the couch.
I moved my head to the side, and saw Watermelons shadow on the wall, swimming excitedly.
"Alright Watermelon, I'll feed you now." I sighed, rolling over and falling onto the floor.

I fed him some bloodworms, and reached down to my phone.
"Hey, where r u?" I nervously messaged to Kousuke.
He didn't answer for a few minutes, but then I saw the three dots pop up.
"Coming up the elevator." He responded.

I went over and sat down by the counter. The elevator beeped, and I anxiously looked down at my hands.

'Ugh, What did I tell him...I really need to stop consuming alcohol, why the heck do I keep drinking it-'

"Hey." Kousuke said, placing a small box in front of me. It was a white box, with a small opening that revealed a slice of fruit roll cake.
"I-Is this for me?" I stuttered.
He nodded and sat besides me, a smile being present on his face as he placed a slice of fruit roll cake in front of himself as well.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" I asked.
He didn't say anything, but proceeded to open up the box and get the cake out.
I looked at him questionably, but shrugged and took out my cake as well. As I dug into my cake, my eyes glanced towards him. His face turned back to normal, the smile subsiding.
'Alright, something it definitely up...but I don't know what....damn, why can't I remember?'

"Nothing happened." Kousuke chuckled.
"Huh?" I asked.
"Last night; nothing happened. I'm sure that's what you're panicked about, correct?" He asked, taking a bite of some cake.
"O-oh." I chuckled, a bit relieved.

'So, I didn't do anything too startling...but something's definitely up. I'm 99.8% sure that whatever had happened, happened when I was drunk. Did I..confess? Crap, I didn't want to do that while drunk...'

"I told you...didn't I?.." I mumbled, pushing my face into my hands.
"Told me what?" He asked.
"I'm not dumb...I remember going up to your door last night. Though I don't remember much afterwards, I can still see that you're acting.. strange!" I sighed, "you don't have to lie...if I made you uncomfortable, then I understand..." I said softly, pushing my forehead against the edge of the counter.

There was a bit of silence, and I felt a hand go on my back.
"You don't make me uncomfortable, Shin-ae." He said lightly.
I turned my head on the counter, and looked up at him.
"I don't?" I asked.
He shook his head, " make me feel strange, but not uncomfortably. It's difficult to explain..." he embarrassedly moved his hands to rub his forehead.

   I sat back up, and looked towards him for further insight.
"Ugh, Wilson made this sound a lot more simpler than it actually is.." he muttered.
"I guess we both went to Wilson for guidance, huh?" I chuckled.
Kousuke chuckled too and lowered his hand, "I guess so."

   We both looked down, unsure on how to continue the conversation.
"Well, did I sound dumb last night, or did I sound good?" I laughed.
"You told yourself out loud that you couldn't tell me your feelings, and then you ran back to your bedroom." He smirked.
"Of course I did." I facepalmed, "how 'graceful'."

    I paused and looked down at the cake. a
"So...why the cake? You normally get pastry's when you're anxious..." My cheeks felt hot.
"You're correct, I am a bit anxious..." he said softly, "but mainly because I've never done this kind of thing before."
"You've never done what?" I asked.
"I've never shared these kinds of feelings with someone before. Not like 'this'.." He said, taking another bite of cake like it was a shot.

     My insides fluttered like I had eaten a bowl of butterflies.
"Wait..what do you mean?" I asked.
He put his fork down, and turned to me, "Last night, I almost did the same thing. I believe that we had the same intention...but since you were drunk, I decided not to."
"Damn, too bad I was drunk." I chuckled, "I figured that I'd have to be the one to bring up 'that' conversation."
"What gave you that idea?" He asked, genuinely confused.

I raised my eye brow at him.
"You're not necessarily the easiest person to read, especially about this kind of thing..." I said nervously.
"I can understand that.." he said softly.

I took another bite of my cake and sighed, resting my head in my hand.
"So, What now? Our feelings are out in the open, but my only knowledge about this stuff is from movies." I muttered, turning my head towards him, "do you have a horse that we can ride into the sunset?" I joked, chuckling softly.
"I'm allergic to horses, so no." He laughed, making me laugh as well.

It felt oddly nice to know about each other's feelings, and still be able to laugh with each other.

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