chapter 5

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POV: Shin-ae

    I woke up bright and early to discuss my living arrangements with Kousuke. He told me that he'd pick me up, and we'd go to the tea and pastry place in the mall. I was excited to go back there because I was really craving the mango tart with cream cheese. I through my hair into a partial pony tail, with some strands of hair being loose. I wasn't sure what to wear, so I just through on a frilly yellow shirt and black spandex. On my head, I wore a blue baseball cap. I heard my phone ring.
"Here" the message read.
  I quickly shoved my feet into my shoes, and ran out the door.
"See you later dad." I said, closing the door behind me.

   I saw Kousuke sitting in his car. He seemed to be on a call. I hopped in, and sat in silence for a minute until he hung up.
"Sorry, that was my cousin Hansuke." He sighed, combing his fingers through his hair, "he wanted to see how 'my' world was coming along, and wanted to see it."
"Alright, I can hang out with your cousin later." I chuckled.

   Kousuke put the car into drive, and we headed towards the mall. Once we were in the tea place and ordered our tea/pastry, we had a long talk about the apartment. He insisted that he bought all of the furniture, and said that he'd get my furnishings except for the personal things. Things such as bed sheets, hygiene needs, various little trinkets, and so on.

   We agreed on a day that we'd head over to Japan, which was a month  away. By then I must get everything together, and then I'll get a plane ticket. I also need to give my notice to my work. But other than that, I finally don't feel too stressed about college!
We got out tea's and pastries, and I immediately began to savor my mango tart.
It was delicious, just like last time I was here. It was so rich with flavors, that it was difficult to even express how much I loved eating it.
"I see that you're enjoying yourself?" Kousuke asked, taking a bite of his white chocolate raspberry cheesecake.
I nodded, "Yeah, the mango tart is my favorite."
We quietly ate for a bit, and I looked out the glass window that looked over the other shops. Across the way were clothing shops, and a restaurant. The mall wasn't crowded today, which confused me. Normally lots of people were at the mall on Saturdays. I was facing the door of the tea shop, and could see a group of people enter. I took another bite of my tart, and nearly choked on it as I processed what I saw.
"What's wrong-" Kousuke started, but I quickly leaned forward.

   I adjusted the mask over his nose and mouth, and put my hat on his head. He looked extremely confused, but then noticed the reason of my actions as a girl and her group of friends were seated across from us. Meg.
"Should we skedaddle now?" I whispered. He nodded, and we collected out things. We stood up, unnoticed. We had already paid, so we walked towards the door-
"Shin-ae?" I heard behind me.

'Ah fuk no..' I internally groaned. Meg walked up besides me.

"It is you!" She hugged me.
I froze in fear, unsure what to do. I thought that she hated don't normally hug people that you hate...unless you have mental health issues.
"U-uh, oh, hi Meg." I said back, seeing Kousuke just as shocked as me. I quickly tried to wave him to leave, but Meg pulled away from me.
"I'm sorry that we weren't on very good terms.. I understand now that you don't even have feelings towards my darling Kousuke, right? That means I have nothing to worry about from you!" She smiled, "Hey, do you want to hang out sometime? Here, give me your number!"
    She unlocked her phone and went under her contacts. Once she had it set up, she gave me her phone. I quickly typed in my phone number and gave her back her phone.
"Hey, I gotta get going now-" I started.
"Oh yeah, sorry! I forgot that you're on a date..carry on!" She gave one last smile before walking passed me to go back to her friends.

'Wait...she thinks I'm on a date'

I was standing still with shock, until Kousuke grabbed my hand and lead me out of the establishment, my cheeks flushed.
"I told you, she's everywhere.." he breathed.
"Y-Yeah.." I chuckled nervously.
We got back to his car, and drove back to my house. We pulled up to the curve.
"Alright, I'll see you on Monday, Miss Yoo." Kousuke said as I opened the door.
"Yeah, see you then." I gave a small smile before getting up and closing the door behind me.

    As soon as I got in my room, I fell onto my bed.
"Uggg...why am I letting Meg get to my head.."I mumbled into my bed sheets. I sat up and plucked my Bintendo Switch from its charging port, immediately going onto Animal Walking. After a few minutes of playing, I got a message from Hansuke.
"Kousuke! Come see my island!!!" He said.

  But I was unsure how to do that.

"Uhhh, how?" I replied back.
   Hansuke walked me through the process, and I was finally on an airplane going over his island.
His island name was 'Desserted Island' instead of 'Deserted Island'

(Desert is a dry, barren land; Dessert is 🍮 🍨 🧁)

    He met me in the airport, and waved at me. He excitedly brought me around his island, showing me his villagers, his house, and his museum.
"Do you like it?" He messaged.
"Yes, it's interesting." I replied back, trying to sound as close to Kousuke as possible."                        "Alright, I have to go now. I'll see you later😁." He said, and then logged off.

     I decided to play a bit more Animal Walking, and before long, it was 8 pm.                                           "How the hell is it so late? I swear, it feels like I've only been playing an hour..."I sighed.    I went and got a snack, before retreating back to my room. I ate my snack and laid my head against my pillow.

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