Chapter 20

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POV: Shin-ae


I sat by the pool and stared up at the sky. The stars were gleaming ever so brightly, and acted as fireflies. The stars then turned into fireflies, and I was sitting in a field surrounded by thousands of the glowing bugs. A firefly flew onto my finger, and as I studied it closer, fireworks began to go off in the distance. It was so beautiful; colors of purple, red, orange, and yellow. Exploding, and then fading away. I blinked, and I was at the festival again, sitting next to Kousuke as we starred up at the fireworks. They exploded over our heads with loud bangs, which for some reason, sounded like light clapping. My mind was then brought to the night that I kissed Kousuke's cheek, except instead of recalling me kissing his cheek, I actually kissed his lips. I pulled him closer as he toppled over me, and connected our lips. Everywhere that I felt his touch, my skin ignited as if being pricked with a bunch of tiny needles. Then-
Huh? Hm...well, next-

End of dream.

   I woke up, extremely startled by the noise going on besides me. I turned off my alarm and sighed.
"Another day to go to school." I shrugged, standing up.
I hopped in the shower, and decided to wear my hair down. I put some product in my hair. Once I was all dressed and ready; I ate a breakfast bar, put my lunch in a bag, and headed out the door.

The walk was nice. Though clouds were thick in the sky, it wasn't raining for now.
"Oh no!" An older lady with a cane yelled, facing the direction of a dog running across the road and into a park.
'Should I help?'
"I'll try to catch him ma'am!" I said, looking both ways before running after him.
I went into the park and looked around. It was a little French bulldog; he had his leg lifted at a tree.
I ran up to him as he put his leg down, and I picked him up. He barely seemed fazed, and looked around as I carried him back to the lady.
"Thank you miss! Ash is a naughty boy for running off!" She said, taking the dog.
"It's fine." I said, looking down at my phone, "Ah! Class is in 6 minutes! I gotta go." I said, continuing briskly down the sidewalk. I finally got to the room, and went inside; exactly on time.

     Time went by quickly, and eventually lunch came. I went to a microwave, and heated up my food. When I walked into the cafeteria, I was waved over again by Akihiro.
"Hey Shin-ae!" Akihiro waved.
  I sat down besides him, and everyone looked down in front of me.
"Did you get that from here?" Akihiro asked, pointing at my food.
"No, my roommate made me it." I chuckled, happily eating some rice.

POV: Akihiro

The school day went by quickly, and I couldn't help but think of Shin-ae. She had very interesting red/hazel eyes, and beautiful brown hair. Though I've only known her for two days, I wonder what she thinks of me.

I walked out from my last of the day, and shoved my hand into my pockets. It was raining pretty harshly.
"You're what?" I heard, looking 10 feet besides me to see Shin-ae on her phone.
"O-oh, Alright!" She said, hanging up.
"What was that about?" I chuckled.
She sighed and shoved her phone in her pocket, "my roommate is apparently picking me up. He was just telling me that he was a minute away." She chuckled.
"Well that's cool, at least you don't have to walk in the rain." I said, looking over to the downpour, "I have to wait for Adrik. His Nana drives us to the train station."

   Suddenly, a really cool red sports car rolled up in front. It honked its horn.
"Ah! My ride's here. Have a nice day!" Shin-ae waved, running down the steps to the car.
'That's her roommates car?! Holy crap!'
"Wow, I wonder what her roommate does for a living. She's already a really good cook, so maybe she works as a chef? Hm.." I shrugged.

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