Chapter 9

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POV: Shin-ae

" day left." I groaned, placing more things into boxes. I didn't have too many things, but I had enough that I was sick of packing.
A suitcase, and four boxes. That was enough to pack away my room. I finally finished and left the luggage by my door.
"Sweetie, are you done packing?" Dad asked, opening my door.
"Yeah, I believe so." I sighed.
"Well, I got us some Spicy rice cakes!" He grinned, holding out a bowl for me.
"Ah! I haven't had these in forever!" I grabbed my bowl, and took a bite.
   'Actually, the last time I hade these was with Kousuke, outside from the arcade...'
"Are those too spicy for you? Your face is flushed." Dad chuckled, taking a bite from his own food.
"H-huh? No!" I said, scarfing down some more.
"Boy, that hit the spot." I said, rubbing my belly.
   Dad and I watched a movie until 3 in the morning, and I finally went to bed. When I woke up, it was 1pm.
"18 more hours, and I'll be heading to the airport.."

   Nothing's more boring than waiting for something to happen. Time just moves more slowly, you get anxious about everything that you do, and you find yourself eating chips and watching 'Nailed it'.
"Hehe, that cake just fell over." I chuckled, plopping a chip in my mouth.

   I heard a knock at the door, and stood up.
"Dad, did you forget your keys again?" I asked, munching on a chip as I opened the door.
I saw Kousuke, and immediately choked on my chip.
"K-Kousuke? What are you doing here?" I asked confused.
"Well, I tried to call you, but you didn't answer your phone.
"Sorry.." I chuckled, "I've been watching 'Nailed it' on Getflix.."
"You like 'Nailed it'?" He asked.
"Yeah.. I find it funny when bad stuff happens...does that make me a bad person?" I laughed.
"No. I enjoy that show as well." He said, clearing his throat, "I came by to pick up your things. I'm sending out my remaining belongings, and figured I could send yours as well."
"Oh, alright." I shrugged.

   We brought all of my boxes out to his car, and all I had left was my purse, my carryon, and my Bintendo Switch.
"Alrighty, thanks." I chuckled.
"Of course. This way, none of your things can get damaged." He said, closing his trunk.
   I heard a meow, and turned around to see Lil buddy.
"Hi Lil buddy!" I said, petting him.
"Is that your cat?" Kousuke asked.
"No, he's the local cat. Though, my landlord decided to adopt him recently, so now I don't have to worry about him starving." I scratched him under the chin, and he purred. When I stopped, he ran back forward the building.
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then." I said, turning back to the building.
"Wait, Miss Yoo..." Kousuke paused.
I turned around.
"My father is holding an office party for me tonight. Would you like to join me?" He asked.
"Oh, sure...but I packed away all of my formal wear.." I said hesitantly.
I went over to his trunk, and opened it. I scavenged through, trying to find an outfit.
"Ugh..where did I put them..." I muttered.

"Miss Yoo, it's alright. It's not a formal gathering, so you can just wear what you're wearing." He said, helping me put my things back into my suitcase.

    I went inside, and many hours passed. The party wasn't until 8pm, and it just turned 7:30pm. I heard dad open the door.
"Shin-ae? Why's there a bag on the door?" He asked, handing me the bag.
"I'm not sure.." I said, just as confused.

"Wear this" a note said.
I opened the bag, and saw a little black dress, and black heels. I pulled the dress out, and it went to my knee caps. It exposed some of my back, but it didn't make me as self conscious as the last dress I got-
'This has Mrs. Hirahara all over it...' I gave a disgusted look, and went back to the note. I flipped it around.

"Dear Shin-ae,
This is my moving present to you! Please don't hesitate on wearing it.
~Mrs. Hirahara."

I scoffed, and squeezed the note in my hand. Well..I guess it's not as bad as the last dress...
I put it on, and actually felt comfortable. The fabric was soft and felt like I was wrapped by a blanket, the dress was short, but not too short, and the heels were not as tall as my work shoes. I shrugged and did my hair. Just as I finished, I got a message on my phone.
"Outside." Kousuke messaged.
I left my room and said goodbye to my dad as I left.
  I got into the car with Kousuke and his driver. Kousuke was dressed in a black suit. He looked back at me, his brows lowered in confusion.
"I thought you said it wasn't formal." I chuckled.
"I said that because I know you don't like formal attire..yet where did you get that from?" He asked.
"Ah, don't worry about it..." I said, nervously raising up my sleeve. The sleeves were supposed to be partially down on both sides, but I didn't like the feeling of them falling down.

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