Chapter 7

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POV: Shin-ae

  We finished eating our pizza, we got back to Mrs.Parks car and got in. As we did, Min-Hyuk gasped.
"WE'RE GONNA GO GET YOU A HOUSEWARMING GIFT!!" He said, starting the car, "since I'm going to be going back to college in a week or so, I won't be able to give you a housewarming present in person! So, we're gonna do it now!!"
"But you really don't have to-, besides, it's going to be Kousuke's house, I'm just going to be staying in it.." I chuckled nervously.
"I'll get him one too! Since he'll be my future brother-in-law, I gotta make a good impression!" He ginned mischievously and moved his eyebrows up and down.
"S-shut up!" I yelled, annoyed.
The whole ride to the mall, he sang love songs.

"Yellow diamonds in the light, And we're standing side by side!
As your shadow crosses mineee,
What it takes to come aliveeee!!!
It's the way I'm feeling, I just can't denyyyyyy!
But I've gotta let it goooooo!!!!!!!!
We found love in a hopeless placeee-"

"ALRIGHT WE'RE HERE, SHUT UP!" I quickly got out of the car and slammed the door, hearing Min-Hyuk laughing hysterically as he got out.
"Finneee" he chuckled, chasing after me.
We roamed a few stores, walking up and down the isles, and he found nothing that he wanted to gift me. Though he was asking for my thoughts, he declined each of them.
"I'm not buying you a $3 shirt! Go pick something more expensive!" He'd say, forcing me to roam even more for an object that I wasn't sure of. At one point, he walked up to me with cute little baby pajamas that were soft, and looked like a dog.
"For my future nieces and nephews!!" He said in aw.

Of course, I took it and threw it away from him, continuing to browse the store. As I looked around, he came up to me with a small bag.
"Alright, I picked out what I'm getting for Kousuke! Did you find what you want?"He asked.
"No, cause YOU KEEP DECLINING WHAT I SHOW YOU!" I puffed out my lips, annoyed.
"Yeah, cause I want you to find something that you really really want! That is more than $10." He chuckled and rolled his eyes.
I walked around some more, and still couldn't find anything. Hm...

"How about these?" I asked, holding up a small box.
"What are those?" He asked, looking closer. He took the box and examined it.
"They're little fairy lights that you hang on your wall, and they have little clips that you can stick pictures to." I shrugged, "and that way, I could hang up pictures of everyone."

He nodded with approval, "Alright, I like it! Let's go pay and head out!"
After a few minutes, we left the mall and he dropped me off at home. He told me that he was going to ship Kousuke's present to him, so I gave him the address of the new apartment.

"Bye dummy!" He said to me.
"Bye Idiot!" I said to him.
After I grabbed the bag, I gave him a hug and ran inside. It was about 4pm, so I went into my room and played some Animal Walking. A few hours into playing I got a message from Kousuke's cousin, Hansuke.

"Hey, hows it going?" He asked.
"I'm fine, how are you?" I replied.
"I'm good. Hey what kind of pizza did you get today? I heard the pizza guy talking about you and your friends exotic pizza toppings.😂"


"Uh....what?" I asked.
"Shin-ae, I know it's you.😂 my cousin has never played a video game in his life, and you're the only other person that he hangs out with that isn't me😂" he responded.

   This left me shocked. 'Noooo, he knows! Crap! Kousuke's gonna take my game awayyy!!!'

"You saw me in the pizza place?" I asked.
"Yes, and I heard what you said about my cousin😊😏" he replied.
"What did I say😅?" I asked nervously, not remembering everything that I had said. Just that Kousuke's a good person and stuff...
"It's not too important😂 but don't worry, I won't tell him that I know😂👌🏻"

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