Chapter 18

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Lol, if you find a spot where it says:
Or anything else with 'Shin-' in front, it is because my phone hates her name😂 followed by whoever else's name it screws up lmao. I spell it correctly, and then my phones like "bish, this isn't a word" smh 🤦🏽‍♀️. How dare😂 also, Srry if some things don't make sense😂 I need to stop writing till 2am lol

POV: Shin-ae

"Well then, that was a strange dream.." I chuckled, though, I don't remember much of last night...
My head started to bulge as I thought, and I held my head.
"Ugh...a headache..." I sigh and stand up. I put my hair in a rubber band, and walked into the kitchen to see Kousuke making breakfast, and Hansuke sitting at the counter.
"Good morning." I yawned.
"'Mornin!" Hansuke chuckled.
"Hello..." Kousuke said, focusing on preparing the food. I walk up to one of the cabinets and looked inside.
"Hey Kousuke, do we have any pain meds? For some reason I have a really bad headache.." I sighed.
"That's a hangover." Hansuke chuckled.
I turned back, confused, "huh?" I questioned.
"The bartender gave you an alcoholic drink called 'Sex on the Beach', and you got wasted off of it!" Hansuke began to laugh.
'Wait what?!? Then...does that mean...'
"Here." Kousuke said, handing me a pill bottle for headache relief.
I cautiously took it, my mind running wild.
'No...I didn't!! Hehe, I probably just came home, fell asleep, and dreamt up most of that!'

"-and then Kousuke had to carry you home! Here, I'll send you the picture." Hansuke chuckled, intensely typing on his phone. I opened my phone and gazed the photo. Kousuke carried me.
'Holy sh**'
"A-and what happened after that?" I asked softly.
"I put you in your bed.." Kousuke shrugged, but I could see his face a bit red.
'Yup, I'm dead.'
"Hehe, yup. Absolutely nothing else happened..." Hansuke chuckled, receiving a glare from Kousuke. I took out two pills and swallowed them with some water.
'Well, crap...'

10 minutes prior

POV: Kousuke

"Yup.." I sighed, running my fingers through my hair.
"No way!! Seriously?!?" Hansuke laughed.
"Shh! Don't wake her up.." I said quietly.
"Oh what, you don't want to wake your girlfriend?" Hansuke smirked.
"She's not my girlfriend.." I sighed.
"But you want her to be." He winked.
"Tch, you don't know what I want.." I muttered.
"Well, I may not know a majority of what you want, but I do know that you want her." he chuckled.
I rolled my eyes, "and? It's not like she wants that."
"Bruh, She fricken kissed you last night!"He laughed.
"It was on the cheek, and she was obviously unaware of her actions." I sighed and rubbed my temple.
"Hmh, alright, then I have another story!!" Hansuke chuckled, folding his arms onto the counter, " a few weeks back, Shin-ae and one of her friends went to a pizza place, right? Well, her friend wasn't too thrilled who her roommate would be, and do you know what she did? She spoke so highly of you, that I could feel light beaming from her!"
"R-really?" I stuttered, "Well...even so, that doesn't mean that she shares my feelings.."
"I'm sorry, would you like me to record her saying 'I love Kousuke Hirahara'?" He chuckled.
"...can we please stop this conversation?"
"Alright lover-boy."he sighed grinning to himself


  I finished preparing breakfast, and served the two their portions. I then sat down besides Shin-ae with my food.
"I-I'm sorry about last night.." Shin-ae chuckled nervously.
"About me carrying you?" I asked.
She blushed and looked down, "N-no, the other part.."
I felt my own cheeks turn red, "it's alright, Shin-ae.."
'She remembers?'
She looked back up at me, "also, sorry about that name stuff...I got a bit emotional last can call me by my last name, I don't mind.." she chuckled.
"No, you were correct. I should call you by your first name."

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