Chapter 12: Cry of the eyass

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Nikolay: ...

Nikolay kept on driving as his eyes were stuck on the road, hands on the steering wheel and feet on the pedals. But nonetheless, his mind was concentrated on something else than the road.

Nikolay: It's been hours already...

Meanwhile, centimeters apart from him, on the co-pilot seat, sat R1s, which with her safety belt buckled and herself quite comfortably adjusted to the leather of her seat, stared at Nikolay, and yes, she stared at him for hours on end since he started driving.

R1s: *Silence*

As for the back of the car, Nadya occupied a good part of the backseats and rested against the door, eyes closed and arms crossed her head swinging back and forth slightly as her mouth was semi-open, quite clearly asleep.

Nikolay: It's... So... Itching to look back... And so hard to ignore...

Nikolay gritted his teeth, hidden action underneath his mask as his brain kept on jumping from driving to try and not look back at R1s.

Nikolay: Just... 6 more hours... I can do this...

He thought to himself as he looked around the front, the headlights of the car illuminating the now thin snow that covered the road, the black of night engulfing their vehicle, and their only friends being the stars that shined upon them with the company of the weak blue moon ray's.

Nikolay: I sometimes wish to have an autopilot in this thing...


Anna: ...

Lyuda: I think it's quite clear who won the events huh?

Both sisters looked at the group of dolls who occupied the sofa, all of them exhausted and seemingly lacking life while on the table sat a third of the dolls, quite happy and full of energy as they chatted about something, that group being team 2, Sveta's team.

Alisa: We lost...

Raisa: I can't believe it...

R1: I wanna die...

R2: Same...

Lyuda sighed as she shook her head a bit and looked at them.

Lyuda: They are just beds, we can get you some better sleeping spot than the floor that's for sure

R2: But the beds...

R1: The fricking beds...

Anna: *Sigh* I will go and start cooking...

Lyuda: Oh yeah good idea... *Looking at the clock* Damn it's already ten p.m... Hey girls, how about y'all go and have a shower and prepare your beds while I and Anna cook dinner yeah?

Sveta: Eyy sounds like a plan~

Sveta got up and walked upstairs followed by R6 and R5, meanwhile, the others lazily stood up and stretched out starting to organize themselves.

Lyuda: *Sigh* Just like kids...

Lyuda walked back into the kitchen and approached Anna who was filling a pan with water as the stove heated itself.

Lyuda: Hmm maybe some rice and leftover meat?

Anna: You know me too well

Lyuda: Heh~ Let me reheat the meat then

Anna: Hmhm


Sveta: There we go~

Sveta finished setting her bed's sheets and immediately after letting her body collapse on it meanwhile R5 peacefully sat on the side of it.

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