Chapter 27: Getting back on track

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Fomalhaut: Sissssssss, sisssssssss, ey sis

Vega: What's the matter Fomalhaut?

Fomalhaut: Hi~

Vega looked back at her sister, a look of disappointment yet intrigue displayed on her green big eyes, her sister noticed this but kept her smile as she waited for the hi she should receive back.

Vega: Why are you greeting me? Did your neural links get damaged? We just talked seconds ago

Fomalhaut friendly face dissipated quickly as her hands resting behind her back just went limp from disappointment, her blank eyes also displaying that disappointment her hands expressed with their action.

Fomalhaut: Tch... No, I'm perfectly fine dumbass

She said turning her body around and stopping to walk beside her sister, just getting a bit further than her so they didn't walk beside each other.

Vega: Huh?

Fomalhaut: Where are the others?

Said Fomalhaut ignoring her sister shenanigans now and just giving her a side look as she awaited an answer to her question, Vega shrugged off the strange interaction from earlier and just answered.

Vega: They for what I know should have been locked just like myself in their respective perimeters Fomalhaut

Fomalhaut: What a pain in the ass

Said Fomalhaut as her HUD displayed to her the only active section of the base, that one being Vega's she didn't even want to imagine how long it's gonna take her and the small squad she recovered to rewire back and kick start the other 11 reactors left.

Fomalhaut: Pop, pop, pop, pop... *Sigh*

Vega: What are you doing?

Fomalhaut: Are you blind? Making sounds to calm my stress

Vega: Why "pop"

Fomalhaut: I don't know, why you gotta be so stiff also ey?... *Sigh* You can be as stiff as you want as soon as we start our operations but right now? You bore me to death

She said with a cold voice that pierced right through Vega, this tone and glare would have made any soul stumble however Vega didn't even flinch just raised her eyebrow as she looked at Fomalhaut. Interested in more than anything in how her sister could have developed such a thing as an emotion of boredom.

Vega: Bore you to death?

Fomalhaut: You know, never mind, just let's get all this done and give me my original vessel back I don't want to spend these long weeks trying to explain to you how uninteresting you are from what I remembered

Vega: Ok then, the nearest reactor to ours now should be Sirius's

Said Vega as she kept walking through the hall with Fomalhaut who rolled her eyes before sending a signal to her mechanoids to go and clear debris while they go and reactive another reactor and release another bane.


Nikolay: This has been a long week... *inhale*

It's been about a week since he woke up, and as he expected this week has been hell so far, from, explaining to G&K what happened and using trap cards to set a safe perimeter for himself and Julian to cover up this Polaris matter from prying eyes, to, dealing with his whole base going into a cold war between his well being, something he somewhat expected yet not to this degree, moreover...

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